Americans on this board

Why do self hating chinks, spics and kikes - who make up the overwhelming majority of Americans on here - come on here to LARP as white nationalists?

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Some people are pretending to be nazis. The others are just idiots. This is what Jow Forums always is.

Daily reminder that the UK is unique among Western nations in that their children are the only ones known to be sold as kebab meat after a long, probably painful kidnap/rape/murder/tenderization process.

JIDF larping as Americans

Because they can't do it in the street. No one can see them here. No one knows who they are here. No one knows what they are here. So here they can be white.

this is like asking why everyone on the internet has a 9 inch penis and makes 150 grand a year

I'm 25% Italian and 25% English and 50% German. I'm white.

sure, in much the same way a 1/4 laos 1/4 chinese 1/2 japanese is asian
you're still a mongrel though, rip racial identity

for the same reason everyone comes here
this is possibly the the only place on the planet that's honest
but im not a mutt so i wouldnt know

should rephrase: the most honest it could possibly be. People here still lie through their fucking teeth

Because we wanna escape the world, everyday we are surrounded by degeneracy and other shit, we are outcasted of our minority groups for not accepting their degeneracy, we can only relate to whites, but even then they are straying further from the light, so here we are shitposting to other anons around the world on a mongolian basket weaving forum LARPing as white nationalist/supremacist thinking we can do a change in the world, but deep inside we know it's futile.

La creatura....

you can't relate to us, because our main concession is that people like you have nothing to fight for, and this goes for every single ethnic cluster that isn't us
this is literally beyond your understanding

Whites are the most compassionate race in the world, and in the running for smartest v. the East Asians. Slavery was a universal institution until whites destroyed, first among their own and then among the world. It was Brittania's guns that forced the Arab to cease his attacks on east Africa.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that world run by the wisest and most caring would be best.

white people are less degenerate and more respectable than the spic race that I just so happen to be blood related to

gooks are overrated
their cultural height was copying anglo industrialism and american computer science

I seriously come here just to post copypastas for 100+ (you) because 99% of Jow Forums is newfags

Because there are a handful of "white" Americans on here who live in rural areas and stupidly think that is a reflection of America, when they are a small percentage compared to their major cities that are full of mutts and they always post major European capital city photos with non-whites and say it represents the full country when in reality it's not their major cities that are full of non-whites, it's almost every city.

They are ignorant and stupid, surprise, the stereotype is correct.

very linear way of looking at things, americans are actually in much less of a hassle than europeans, if shit hits the fan how are we supposed to defend ourselves?
it doesn't matter their shitty identity problems, they fucked it up the moment they began mixing with whoever, doesn't matter if they're european, what matters is whatever problems haunt them might one day haunt us, and their system is actually set up in a much more brilliant matter than our own, their civnat cuckery babble is really a code word for hegemony equalizer, importing millions of non-white third worlders does sound akin to govermental tyranny

Same reason the white Americans larp as black nationalists.

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>tfw this happens all the time

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America is the home of communism, of Marxism, of feminism, of sjw bullshit, of racial politics, of progression, of transgender etc. nonsense.

Then they have untold millions of non-whites and will become a white minority much before any European country.

Most of their rights are being taken away too, people are getting charged with "hate crimes" much like in the EU. Their constitution hasn't saved them.

Having weapons to defend themselves in pure fantasy, the country will decay and rot like their fallen cities such as Detroit. Poverty will increase the the quality of life will fall while whites will become an increasing target for attacks.

Oh yeah and Trump isn't going to build the wall.

For people that claim races are the same no matter where they live, you are not making the claim it's down to culture and not race. So which is it?

If you don't think this is happening in all countries in the West with Muslims, then you might be a little slow in the head.

The UK shouldn't even be looked down for this, they actually have revealed it while it's happening all over in other countries and hasn't even been exposed.

you are now making the claim***

Damn straight son.

Because they wish they were black?

It was in NYC, you can't expect many huwhites.

He is WHITE you fucktarded spic.

Anyone else thinks its funny how Eurofags think they're 100% ethnically pure? I mean Poles and Czechs have some Germanic influence. Britain is an Island made up of Celts and Anglos, which originally were Germanics. People in Liverpool are part Irish thanks to the high amount of Irish immigration the 1800s. The French had high amounts of Italians immigration in the early 20th century.

Why the fuck do people on Jow Forums still reply to threads made by the human waste that are brits.Everyone of you deserves Hell for even considering talking to a brit in 2018.

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americans were auctioned off by kikes, now they are a shadow of their former self, brought down by waves of non-whites leeching off of their ancestors, seeing their ethnic homogeneity, the american dream be substituted for the entropy of the world... i just think we can't afford to not be on our toes, remember, it was just 70 years ago that they had a strong functioning identity
i'm just glad our goverment isn't completely braindead and traitorous, because spain is already fucked, it's just a matter of moving on and learning with our losses
what europeans fundamentally don't want is someone with a better sense of who they are and what they want as a people taking over, like the asians...

nah, he is an amalgamation of white peoples
i realize it's distasteful, but you really shouldn't worry about our identity and more about your own
also, the things you've said are a) genetically insignificant b) contextual
you don't know anything about who we are as people, all i'm saying is i know exactly who americans are : a dying breed

>ice jew thinks we have this problem

Yeah, at least they're not mixed with niggers, gooks and native americans. White + White= White retard.

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white + white of a different ethnic background = white with no racial identity
how is this hard to grasp? does it remind you of what you are user?

A lot of the things that make it to us and try to destroy our society originate from the US though.

They are also responsible for all the shit in the middle east making them come to the West and hate us.

Mature response! Whatever you say, kid. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

It's either you fucks or reddit

Aren't portuguese moorish mutts anyway? Half the ports I've met looked like fucking Arab street peasants that spoke an even more retarded version of spanish.

>and try to destroy our society originate from the US though
agreed, but there is a certain air of moral guilt passing onto america that strikes me as jewish... the wars in the middle east were their own problem, but it's not like it was the power vaccums that turned the region dirt poor and anti capitalist
the funny thing is anglos started this whole identity crisis when they gradually let kikes into their politics, they eventually forced us to give up on our colonies... it was never about infrastructure or freedom, but power selection. what i love about my country is that i'd be considered a fascist neo-nazi biggot if was in any other western country, and pretty much everyone i know is like this, we have sucessefully preserved our racial pride and sense of belonging in this world, and i'm morally certain russia has so as well

you've never met a portuguese person in your life, rest assured faggot

What you call White and what we call White are two different things. For you this is a problem. Not me. White Americans who wish to espouse an Ethnic identity other than American are nothing more than traitors who hate themselves. When their ancestors choose to come to this country the admitted that their country of origin sucks and that they were going to a better place. Ethnic identity in America isn't a problem. It's only a problem for clowns and larpers who want to be something other than what they are. Unfortunately most American "white nationalist" fall into this category. This is why you are confused.

>White Americans who wish to espouse an Ethnic identity other than American are nothing more than traitors who hate themselves
oh hahaha, are you serious? so what'd you figure is a normative american?
>When their ancestors choose to come to this country the admitted that their country of origin sucks
cringy civnat posting dude, just deal with your circumstances and move on, i'd be mad if i was a mongrel too
>This is why you are confused.
oh shit, i am in confusion in the ways of genetic identity
please do educate me on what constitutes an identity, matteo tea kraut, and do tell how that is of no relevance to american discourse today
(you're part of the problem)

Civnat posting? If I were to move to portugal, learn portugese, and change my name to a portugese one would you be able to tell me that I am not portugese? You haven't thought it through. Think about it.

6/13 of those people are white. It's also in New York, one of the most diverse places in america. So the whites are actually over represented here. A /pol meetup any place out side of a major city is going to be overwhelmingly white.

are you mentally fucking disabled? i hold no personal weight in the evaluation in that game, as i am a mere sum of parts
see, the difference is there's a baseline by which we can distuinguish from one another ; my linneage dates back to the actual genetic history of my peninsula, i belong where everyone else belongs
see, very easy stuff to get, now what do you think happens when different whites mix with one another? they just get to share the magic of genetic continuity, and expand upon their history? if that's the case, some greeks colonized iberia, guess me and greeks are now one in the same people
see how america might have a problem with racial identity? it's not that far off now is it?

Also, white people aren't the only people that can ascertain the truth of reality in regards to race and the jewish question.

So gay

Los amigos de los estados unitos

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Says the purity spiralling retard

the groups that seem most overrepresented on pol are jews trying to shill for themselves and albanians/croatians who hate serbians. there are crazy high numbers of both and they degrade the discourse here.

ahh yes, the ephemeral, infinite, transcending basedness of the black man, the african lion
a classic tale of diverse excellence

>fell for muh smart asians

Thats why they have to steal designs from us and copy everything

Pic related is literally my neighborhood

your mom gay

>see, the difference is there's a baseline by which we can distuinguish from one another ; my linneage dates back to the actual genetic history of my peninsula, i belong where everyone else belongs

Fucking retard, If I were to move to portugal, learn portugese, and change my name to a portugese one would you be able to differentiate me from someone of "your lineage"?

Ay dios mio (oh lawdd)

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Seems so

I'm a half spic from New Hampshire. I see the value of white society. If I didn't, I'd be in Detroit, or Brownsville, TX.

different people inherent different genetics traits, my family for example has very broad shoulders and roman noses
you are questioning the essence of what constitutes a race to downplay an observable reality, americas identity problem is not one of lack of moral guidance, but one of genetic confusion and accelerated upscaling

you could try but the sharting would blow your cover

what if I told you that vast majority of non USA posters are really just USA posters on proxies.

The odds of an American poster being white are much higher than the odds of a British poster being white. Isn’t that right, Mohammad?
If all the white people of your little island, went to war with all the white people from my country, you’d all be dead in a week.

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It's not a question of what constitues race it's a matter of White is White. It's simple. Besides the obvious answer to the question would be no. You wouldn't be able to tell because I'm White. Many people of your "portugese" lineage would not be able to do the same.


Spics at that.

you do realize 75% of him is axis right? i mean isnt Jow Forums supposed to be pro nazi?

What is you talking about honkey

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yes white is white, but you can't blurr the lines of identity and constitution now can you?
look man, no one would ever confuse you for one of us, that's about as honest an answer you're gonna get. just come here on vacation and realize there is a commonality between iberians and non-iberians, and this goes for every race
why do you mongrels cling onto "white genes" if you're jewish pawns with no culture? serious question

Your broad shoulders and the rest of that retard shit? GTFO.

This, but there is also a rise among the civ nat types. These guys I begrudgingly respect to a degree because they understand degeneracy and actively try to resist it. But at the same time many push semi-lefty stuff because of their stances to it.

Overall not bad people but could use some refinement in terms of political views.

What s terrible waste of an cute loli! :'(

Ugly pieces of shit,look at them consumers thinking they are cool Americans while in reality US is ruled by pedophile war criminals.If only comrade Stalin could stand up for 1 day.

I cant belive this ugly pieces of degenerate LGBT FUCKS won the Cold War.To hell with this planet

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wouldn't know user, i'm just a part of the system, just some bytes on some servers
i'm just a computer nigger who wound up here and soon realized there is no getting out
maybe chaos is the only way

I read that in my head in a Russian accent. You sounded like Whiplash from Iron Man 2. Now say, "I want my bird."

>be american
>have jewish background
>nobody ever suspected a thing
>actually hate other jews
>want what's best for europe and her people
>identify as european because I am mostly european

I mean. It sucks I was born with a few drops of juden but I really am working agianst other jews. even out jewing the jews, at times, who are working agianst europe.

do I get punished for helping europe win in the fight of globalism and international zionism?

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They're not "cool" Americans. All of them look like losers.

The solution to ALL world problems

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Because America is made of these (((people))), they are the only ones truly represent Americans.

there is no afterlife user everything ends in death just do as you please. But honestly i want whats best for humanity and i feel like id be able to die peacefully knowing that i didnt sacrifice my morals for easy gain

when we can get together in our country and not be arrested because of an opinion.

We should have nuked this planet in 1990 and not let Soviet Union fall.After 1990 this world has no meaning,its just worse and worse.Its painful to see my great planet being used by international jewish bankers destroying everything on their way molesting children and putting all countries to austerity and slaves to world banks.

>our culture is the sum of our physical attributes
you done? civic nationalism...

This thread again

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>we wuz mo advancedddd
>you shit our continent so hard we’re bitching about it 500 years later now gibsmedat

>our culture is the sum of our physical attributes
I don't know why you are saying things that I haven't said but whatever. Culture is learned physical attributes are not. If I adopt your culture and share your physical attributes then I am who you are. Cope harder.

Because chinks are smart and they are t beaten over the head with white guilt propaganda

>If I adopt your culture and share your physical attributes then I am who you are
you sound like a kike... what do you call someone who thinks like a kike but isn't? a pawn, perhaps?
>Cope harder
you're just mad you have tiny shoulders, shoulderlet

Fucking retard.

>tiny shoulders

Fucking retard.

i have espoused a deep cultural connection with retards, we are now compatriots and will build a common future via civic altruism the social contract kike jam yadda yadda
please say no to jewish mind control

because they want to have fun in a pc created shit police state world

Fucking retard.


atleast i dont have tiny shoulders like a faggot

Fucking retard.

atleast i have retard strength
not tiny bitch b*ii shoulders

Because only retards go to meetups and get their pictures taken.

Fucking retard.

You people are hilarious.

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