>le Brexit is just like Slytherin haha
>dude le Orange Man is a deatheater bro!
>le Brexit is just like Slytherin haha
>dude le Orange Man is a deatheater bro!
Voting leave is just like using a forbidden curse.
It's about someone deemed ordinary turning out to be special. Every liberal thinks they're special.
>be left wing
>graduate valedictorian, graduate from Oxford, own a house at 22, pay it off by 26
>be Jow Forums right winger
>drop out of HS, don't graduate from any uni, live with mummy at 30, NEET
Really makes you think...
Because in order to believe in communism you have to believe in magic.
"left wing"
you mean the centre-right neoliberal consensus with soft social justice issues sprinkled on top
oxfords a shithole
>admits Hillary is a sleeper-Nazi.
>you mean the centre-right neoliberal consensus with soft social justice issues sprinkled on top
t. drumpfnigger, brexnigger or camnigger
based hilldawg
>everything I don't like is left wing and if you disagree you're reddit
epic win, gamers rise up
Because they grew up with it. Unlike most liberals I started reading real literature somewhere along the line. And moved even farther to the left.
About 80% of rich """leftists""" deserve the Gulag too. And I'm not even claiming that being wealthy necessarily means you're incapable of class consciousness but the general perception of the political left has been practically irreparably damaged by sanctimonious bourgeois fucks passing of nominally humanitarian neoliberale small as left wing policy.
The EU is like the United States. Similar people living under the same elected federal government, and with local governments representing each state with their own set of laws.
Brexit is like Texas seceding from the United States. Cool in theory, but Texas wouldn't be so stupid to leave (and nobody ever has) due to defense and trade restrictions with the US.
Guess Americans are smarter than Europeans
>epic win, gamers rise up
But why on earth do you have an endless urge to rub it on my face every second and every media platform?
If I was a winner, I wouldn't give a single thought at losers.
>le orange man is bad
>Xi Jinping is based as fuck please save us china
Why are lefties so fucked in the head?
>grow up in council state
>de well cause I'm not a retard
Fuck right wing retards
>Xi Jinping is based as fuck please save us china
who the fuck has said this?
Here's how I understand it
>90% of media in USA has left-wing bias
>media pretends everything is the end of the world, right-wing bad left-wing good, because it gets viewers and therefore becomes popular
>liberals watch news
>blind trust in news makes them think the world is nazi germany
>liberals therefore seek escapism from their warped view of reality
>they turn to entertainment and popular culture, such as harry potter, star wars, game of thrones, etc.
>they also turn to comedians as a positive means of escapism
>become absorbed in pop culture
>media notices this new trend
>comedians and late-night talk shows slowly incorporate pop culture into their non-stop coverage of the world-is-bad o'clock for ratings and shit
>liberals clap like seals because they understand the references
>incorporate pop culture references into conversation because the funny bong on tv called drumpf voldemort
>average IQ of USA drops
Is this it chief?
>own a house at 22
Confirmed for bullshit. Literally no-one can do this in the UK without Mumsie and Dadsie picking up the tab.
where's master and commander?
>Why is Harry Potter so appealing to left wing ‘people’?
It's less that it's appealing to the left wing and more that Harry Potter is one of the only books that the average NPC (regardless of politics) has absorbed these days, so it's their only real point of reference for world affairs.
Shit is so bad right now that you don't even have retards unironically calling everything Big Brother or wrong think anymore, they just go straight for the "nazi" label, regardless of relevance.
The whole mixing fiction with politics is weird to me. I saw a collage that was Trump amongst comic book villains.
I guess reality is already distorted for them, so it's not a big jump.
>90% of media in USA has left-wing bias
If Trump conspired with the American federal police to assassinate political opponents, I would probably support it just so you whiny pissbabies would shut the fuck up.
Sorry, you're right.
90% of the LARGEST media corporations
Found the lying virgin.
What's your favorite scene? Video related for me
>Le gamers rise up XD
Now you're proving his point.
More like 99%.
Ahahaha is this what right wing retards actually believe? I had 50k by 22 paid the rest with a mortgage. Maybe you should be better with money and get a proper job
Now get back in the drumpfbus
>Who cares what happens if it makes libruls mad
Why do you still care about hillary when she lost two years ago
it wasn't her turn
time to get over it
Someone will take this bait.
>using those old shareblue images
I like it.
I get that your opinion of what is and isn't left wing is skewed because you're an american but you can't seriously believe mainstream media in your country is left wing when they wilfully deplatformed the only even remotely left wing presedential contender bernie sanders, pushed for right of centre hillary clinton and absolutely plastered trump over ever corner of news coverage
I want you to fucking die and would support any means capable of making that happen. What about that do you not understand?
>Be Communist
>Continually harrass & belittle the working class
>Get sent to the Gulag for being an enemy of the people
shut the fuck up, brainlet
Pretty much evey EU newspaper. They love chinks and hate Trump.
I wish he'd do a military coup, the memes would be insane
>another Murcan displays his grasp of foreign politics
So tell me, does Texas speak a different language to the other states, and do millions of other Murcans swarm there to live and work, causing a housing crisis and driving down wages?
[citation needed]
Sure they covered the shit out of trump, but it was all "le orange man bad!". Even fox shit on him for not being part of the uniparty at first. It is arguable that it backfired, however.
>Beria was so cool, I'm going to be a card carrying member just like him
Not American, Australian.
This is what I've seen from you Amerifats.
Why can conservacunts take the bantz?
>Pride and Prejudice (2005)
I was kind of mad until I realized P&P(1995) is a TV series, so it technically wouldn't be on that list.
I'd be interested in how opinions of the two compare among women. IMO why bother with the 2005 film when the 1995 series is the perfect adaptation?
Because they're based.
Reminder that Kavanaugh was always innocent and has been proven to be in the highest court
Why can't the right into comedy? Or win the popular vote?
% of media in USA has left-wing bias
The premise is faulty. Why would 90% of media have a left wing bias?
The real reason is that what you call left wing bias is simply progressivism and all intelligent and cultured people smart enough to be creatives are in line with it.
Think of this: even right wing people can't be EXPLICITLY racist or homophobic. They can say we need "strict rules for immigration" and "we will build a wall" but they can't say "I hate beaners cause they are subhuman".
And that's because they know they are on the wrong side of history and have no solid arguments for their actual ideas. So those ideas don't find space in media, cause they're inherently stupid
Why would a sane person use pop-culture stories when talking about real life political issues?
And why would you use stories made for children and teenagers in the first place?
Because they have a sense of humor and self awareness.
Why can't the left into decent human beings and common sense? Or accept the election results?
you probably think that australian media is left wing because sites like Junkee and ABC occasionally throw a bone to the gays while systematically promoting big banks and fossil fuels, take your blinkers off and actually think about what the media is promoting rather than "sjw=bad=left wing"
they know exactly what they are doing when they deplatform someone like bernie and smear trump everywhere
so this is the power of Jow Forums right wingers? woah
The EU is nothing like the US. In America the leaders are elected by the states. Nobody voted for Jean Claude Juncker. It’s more comparable to the Soviet Union.
That's the thing - you can never be communist enough. And nowadays, you can never be SJW enough.
>using "wrong side of history" unironically
It revolves around witchcraft. It's not hard to figure out why more liberals then conservatives would like it.
I keep forgetting how much older I am than most of the people on this board, but when Harry Potter first blew up in popularity much of conservative America despised it. Lots of churches had Harry Potter book burnings and several schools banned the books.
Cringe and Faggotpilled
>left wing bias is simply progressivism
>intelligent and cultured people
>wrong side of history
>no solid arguments for their actual ideas
>those ideas don't find space in media, cause they're inherently stupid
I can actually smell the reddit through my monitor.
>just ignore the incestuous nepotism of the media intertwined with the Democrat party!
They literally have diplomatic marriages between them.
>does Texas speak a different language
There's a higher proportion of Spanish speaking Americans than any other state.
>do millions of other Murcans swarm there to live and work
1,800 California based companies moved here within the last year.
Roughly 1,000 people move here everyday.
>causing a housing crisis and driving down wages
I'm in Dallas and there's apartment complexes in construction every quarter mile.
But you're probably too poor to even travel here. Your shit talking means less than nothing. Just keep talking out of your ass about shit you don't understand.
>Left wing
theyre liberals, not leftists
absolute state of american political compass understanding
>promoting big banks and fossil fuels
Get off the drugs bro.
Now that man has ideas i could get behind. Based and redpilled.
>umm, there's a difference sweetie, and it's only there just so we can call you out on mislabeling us
no arguments there.
Not even trying to be eloquent.
Thanks for proving my point
Don’t pretend there’s a difference. You all struggle understanding something as basic as penis = boy vagina = girl. Liberals are just leftists with money.
I don't understand why left-wing redditors come here. Are they incapable of making a post without inhaling their own farts beforehand?
nah, trump literally is like this guy
Why cant the left get the majority without flooding the country with savages that hate America yet gladly leech off our system?
>The EU is like the United States. Similar people living under the same elected federal government, and with local governments representing each state with their own set of laws.
>amerifats actually believe this
no wonder they always refer to people as "europeans", as if it was any better than just calling a group of people "humans"
>there is no difference between socialists and capitalists that think black people should vote
this is your mind on american cold war propaganda
Do leftists even realise this is what they look and sound like to normal people?
Sorry but if you look at islam and think it’s peaceful and don’t understand something as simple as gender then you are insane.
>The EU is like the United States
No it isn't
those are liberals
commies dont really give a shit
They just want a nepotistic hell hole where they lord after the proletariat
You never presented an argument of substance to rebutt. Just buzzword croutons sprinkled over a shizo word salad detached from reality.
I literally don’t care about your subtle differences. You’re all degenerate mongs who want a bigger government and hate speech laws.
what the fuck is wrong with americans that they cant understand a fucking political compass or identify and understand political ideologies?
You can't virtue signal in anonymity, tard.
Commies don't give a shit about the working class
its not a subtle difference its an extreme difference and a huge fucking deal to the point where liberalism went to war with socialism for a century
its called the FUCKING COLD WAR
Yes I did. You just have the reading comprehension of a 5yo.
You don't get right wings ideas in media cause they are stupid.
Judging people for the color of their skin or their sexuality, for example, is idiotic cause those are all traits completely indipendent from their history and development.
Thus, it seemed like the media as a left bias when in reality it just promotes civil behaviour
well that just isnt true
nobody says this
Amusing how easy to manipulate american NEETs are
>left wing means being an NPC Islam apologist cuck! They want everyone to neuter children and are trying to execute all white men!
can't believe people actually fall for this
the red scare is real
>things are this way because I say they are, you racist bigot strawman!
The irony in Harry Potter is that magic is genetic, so wizards are literally genetically superior.
/tv/ is literally a left board.
All the media you consume and ENJOY, all the kinos and the fun flick, all your waifus, are produced by us.
So shut up you Jow Forumstard