How can I, as a NEET, start a stable and christian family?
How can I, as a NEET, start a stable and christian family?
Get a job. A good one. Go to church. Get a gf. Marry her.
invent a time machine
too late bro
Get a job
Leave your parent's basement
Stop being a worthless NEET
But first I need to spread my white genetics further
How are you going to pay for it? Why would a woman commit to a man who cannot provide for himself?
Our nation should provide every man with a job the immigrants are stealing from us and a virgin white or asian woman.
I hope you won't spread your genes desu
Why, do you hate the white race?
Why do you want to genocide us?
No, I'm a white person myself. You are just a neet with exorbitant sense of entitlement, your genes can't be that great and there's enough of white trash kids as it is.
>Tfw white girl
>Tfw married to a white man
>Tfw aroused when thinking I'm going to give him cute white children
>Still think you're gross and retarded
Get a job, stop being a stupid cunt.
because black men are simply better. without resorting to a violent uprising, they have managed to completely cow the white man. they deserve to rule the world, and that begins with eradicating white people and assuming their positions, so that black men are both ruled and rulers.
I'd say try to find a very good, hard working career woman and you can become a house husband / stay-at-home-dad.
Pray to your sky-daddy. If he can help a team win a game of little league baseball just because you prayed (though he can't be bothered to help all those starving third world children for some reason. Guess they aren't praying hard enough), he can help you without your investment of any effort whatsoever.
Neets and betas don't have offspring for a good reason, OP!
Yeah, no, we've been out of the "you can buy a wife by giving her dad a couple goats" era for awhile.
Go to every church event you possibly can. sign up for christian mingle. get an education. get a job.
Trust me, you don't want that. They always will wonder if they'd be happier with someone else.
I'll never date another virgin woman because of this, happened twice.
>happened twice
More like never happened
>Not a neet
Live thousands of miles away from family
Have a great career
Finally want to start a family and find the right one
This may take years for me and I'll be late 30s or early 40s by that time
Why you don't want to continue the existence of our race?
You have to give up neet-dom forever. Think carefully because it sounds like you want to start a "stable and christian family" out of implied obligation from something. Truth is you don't have to do it if you don't want to and you're better off a miserable neet right now than a miserable pretend hard working christian father who will probably develop a severe drinking problem to cope.
Consider just working part time during seasons to feed your neetdom.
Go to church, try to get as involved as you possibly can. Everything else will follow.
Find a cow and fatten her up.
gibs gibs gibs!
fuck off with the nigger mentality
kys then go to heaven, everyone there is christian
That isn't shad you idiot. It's posted on his website but that's it.
As a member of the white race, we're good without your contribution.
Shad is an ideal now.
jLUL has entirely changed his art style to be shad.
Bonus points if you watch the Christian Mingle movie.
Why do you hate the white race sperg?
White nigger
And that's a good thing. Not a fan of his loli stuff but that's personal preference.
But user.
I am rich. I don't need a job like wageslaves.
I don't have Irish ancestry.
user if youre so rich why can't you raise a family?
By not posting disgusting smut like that.
That's why I am asking in the first place! I lack social skills.
i don't i just think if you believe in god so much, why not just go to heaven where everyone else shares similar beliefs
Yeah, you don't.