Fuck western Europe can't wait for rapefugees to finally ruin your nations
Fuck western Europe can't wait for rapefugees to finally ruin your nations
and fuck white people you all deserve to die
Not sure if Turk or self-hating slav
How am I self-hating
Toilet cleaner
You're not because you're a turk
Poland ought to be partitioned again, maybe taking a few polish sex slaves will make the krauts less degenerate
>setting yourself up to fail
good job retard
this. i live for the day when germroaches and britfucks get rapefugeed to death
Why turk? i thought poland not allowing arab immigration into their country.
Germshit larping as Pole spotted
we don't, not quite sure what's this germanoid problem.
Did somebody say turknigger?
go suck a western cock
please don't
also a friendly reminder that the only good western european country is Switzerland
Turknigger with a VPN*
Say what, white nigger?
Where do you think they'll go when they flood western Europe to the brim hm?
Don't know, you tell me
Hint: Poland is too white.
Friendly reminder that Slavs, just like jews, aren't white
Youre a faggot but i will forgive you, becouse op is even bigger faggot
What does this mean
Oh thats right, that women lie & manipulate
Whats wrong with cleaning toilets? We should respect the working man, specifically the working man of our own nation.
lol I literally have a polish lady that comes round to my house once a week to clean it. I just perv at her arse the entire time and make her give me a kiss on the cheek when I give her her pitance
based burger
1. you dont have a house ahmed pajeet
2. no one cleans it, even you dirty anglonigger
How do the polish women look compare to the english ones?
yurope is a cancer
islam is the answer
Jokes on you the refugees don't want to come here because the benefits and welfare in Germany are 10 times better.
France has hella nukes, dude.
looking at west eu right now
i agree
hello frens!
what's up today?