Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction

>Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction
Why has god punished me so hard

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You fell for the "get a therapy" meme.


I fell for it too once OP, cut that shit out immediately. Deal with the brain zaps for 2 weeks and then you can begin to treat the root of the problem rather than the symptoms.

The reason I was depressed was because I felt like a worthless piece of shit and everyone else was better than me, I couldn't figure out WHY I felt like that for a while.

Everywhere I read "try exercise" and I thought it was just a meme cause fuck exercising, but once I did it changed my fucking life.
When you are fit and healthy and you KNOW you're fit and healthy and you automatically feel good about yourself and your body and this shows in your personality.

This might just be me here but if you don't exercise (and you know if you really don't), please, please PLEASE just try it for 2 months and see how you feel.

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Almost everybody gets it, you're not special, deal with it. Medication is intended to be temporary anyway.

This faggot is not your doctor, just another empty-souled dipshit that needs to pretend he's the only one onto BiG PhArMa to feel special. Don't listen to him.

Heh try natural sexual dysfunction

Your fault for choosing the easy way out.

I keep my depression at bay by running 3.5 miles every morning, and daily yoga/meditation. My dick has only gotten harder.

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Stay a fat unhealthy piece of shit. I'm telling OP what helped me. It's not fucking normal to take pills that mess with the chemicals in your fucking BRAIN.
I'm not a doctor, a doctor makes money by handing out prescriptions. I am not making money by telling OP what worked for me.
You're a fucking piece of shit telling OP not to even TRY to exercise and get off the BRAIN-ALTERING DRUGS. Honestly it's people like you who are lazy pieces of shit with zero motivation to do anything or improve yourselves in any way and you scorn people who DO have the motivation to do physical activity and feel better because of it.


>b-b-b-but the doctor prescribed it
Fuck him that kike just wants your money and couldn't give a shit about whether you need the drugs or not. Don't let anti depressants ruin you like my ex gf did.

Therapy is absolutely necessary for some people. The same as antidepressants. Stop being a pseudo psychologists

Someone watched too many conspiracy theories on YouTube

I hope you never took any medicine and never got vaccinated because muh bad and evil doctors that don't personally get any money from telling you to take a med

>take brain altering drugs goy! Your ancestors didn't need them for 200,000 years and yet you come from an unbroken lineage of successful people who found a mate and had offspring - but Y O U N £ £ D T H £ $ E B R A I N - A L T £ R I N G D R U G $ !

Literally this.


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PIC RELATED is just a pure "coincidence" :^)

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I'm not Jewish kek

Also ancestors didn't take them, and ended up like Gogh that was drinking yellow paint to kill himself and cut off his ear. Let's not forget that XXI century is the century of depression which came after century of PTSD.

Also maybe you don't know it, but, gasp, all meds are supposed to give manufacturer money while providing treatment to the one that takes them! (I know right, this just can't be true, those dirty Jews at if again with serotonin!!!)

Kill yourself faggot

Why would I care about dirty fattoes and their shitty media? You yourselves choose to make it the way you have to pay $1000 for every pill of medicine you take

NONE of our ancestors "ended up like Gogh" because everyone alive comes from an unbroken chain of life back to the beginning of fucking time.

Attached: Anti-Goy Jewish Teachings.jpg (1000x750, 133K)

Pic related has been debunked over and over again which doesn't stop idiots like yourself from posting it without first checking it yourself.

Funny how you probably consider yourself to be redpilled when you are too fucking stupid to actually fact check the IMAGES you find online and just take for fact.

>what is depression and how is it possible to kill yourself after giving birth

Also at the time depression was being treated but with opium or morphine instead, before that it was treated with even something else etc etc. If you think that people before didn't kill themselves or didn't have any sort of therapy you are just stupid or naïve.

Let's not forget the fact that massive depression outbreak started just during this century after the century of PTSD and anxiety disorders. But of course you wouldn't know that because "le dirty Jews just like Jow Forums and conspiracy theories told me"

Oh would you look at that? More fake quotes you never dare to question because all the "research" you ever do is browsing an image board and saving images to your computer..

Read the Talmud.

jew. You're literally saying that the 0.001% chance one of your ancestors suicided after having kids means OP should take brain-altering drugs.

It's strange how differently antidepressants can work on different people. When I took some they made my libido completely unpredictable but didn't kill it.

Well I've just checked mine, and Bava (not Baba, by the way) Kamma 113b doesn't say that. And the Ginsberg quote is about a trial in Israel about a murdered Palestinian. Obviously Rabbi Ginsburgh was an unabashed Zionist. No relation to the Supreme Court Justice, though, so I don't know why you have a picture of her there.

>It's strange how differently antidepressants can work on different people

Its because we dont even know how they effect the mind. All we know is that SSRIs increase the ammount of free-serotonin in the brain, and in some people this makes them feel better (about as effective as a placebo, slightly less so) . Other people take SSRIs, report feeling great, only to kill themselves in a few days.

The notion that depression=low serotonin or even a chemical balance is a misconception that has spread like wildfire online by people whose only knowledge of the subject is the 15 minute convo they had with their doctor before they were prescribed something.

>t. clinical psych grad

So there's not really an explanation for why they seem to play merry hell with people's sexual desires? Weird shit.

Not really, no. It effects people differently.

I shit you not when I say that SSRI anti-depressents were developed on accident. They were originally designed to treat altzeihmer patients, and while they didnt help with memory, the Doctors noted the patients had better mood. So within a few years they slapped some patents together and wolah! Happy drugs! Now on sale!

There are people who really do need SSRI medications, just not as many as that are currently taking them. SSRIs (when used in conjunction with therapy) are shown to be really effective in treating severe depression (like, cant even get out of bed for days depression). But severe depression only makes up about 10% of people who are currently diagnosed. For everyone else, SSRIs are just about effective as a placebo.

I know you love Jews but I'm not one unfortunately.

Also give me the source of your "0.001% chance" because all you can do is call me a Jew (le funny mim ikr)

Also it's visible you don't know anything about how they work, they provide you serotonin - thing you might lack, the same as you can get your iron levels up when you have anaemia with pills.

I have more experience than you kid, so stop acting retarded with your Jew obsession and take the L