Why do some americans struggle to get a date, talk to girls etc.?

Why do some americans struggle to get a date, talk to girls etc.?
If my first language was english I'd literally be swarmed with pussy. All conversations in english are so loose and chill.
All the "wanna hang out sometime" or "I heard that you X", "are you free this sunday" and literally all other things you'd say to a girl come so easily in english
If I was to translate it to my language I'd sound like a creep desu
wtf is wrong with americans,just get the pussy lol

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>in my language theres no non-creepy way to talk to girls

user what

welcome to eastern europe

Whats your native language?

Polish. ofc I overgeneralized my statement, but still - approaching girls you don't know too well with typical american lines would be border line creepy

As a native polish speaker, I somewhat agree. In our language everything tends to be more precise, but you can still say
>hej, chcesz się spotkać we wtorek
and not sound like a creep

Your shitty country got rekt by a bunch of niggers fuck off

>Your shitty country got rekt by a bunch of niggers fuck off
Yes, in football. It's irrelevant, you fucktard. I bet you are a Kraut or Bong or some other poor fag whose country is brimming with exotic immigrants.

This. Also welcome to eastern Europe.

There's no such thing as "wanna chill out sometime" without sounding like a top village idiot. Most people in eastern Europe struggle with being chill desu

>Most people in eastern Europe struggle with being chill desu

yeah, but if you don't know her well it will sound quite weird, unless you ask that on a party or sth

That's why you should use slang. Americans do that as well. They don't ask official questions like "would you like to have a meetup with me on tuesday?", they say "are you free on tuesday?"
If you would just say
>Jesteś wolna we wtorek?
It would work just as in English. Simple short sentences with a bit of slang

I'm sure this is just the outsider's perspective. I'm English (as in from England) and when I went to Belgium this guy was telling me how they play WoW in English because the names of the abilities and spells and stuff sound autistic in their first language. Everything sounds different in a second language, even if you're fluent, because you're removed from it, like it's less literal or precise I guess.

Oh jesus this talk again, technology we use made us retarded when it comes to speaking with other humans.
Children are growing up without necesary training in looking other people facial expressions while they talk, also most things sound compleatly different when you say them in real convo.
Also most people have time to answer message and be witty/funny/smart but in real life convo you have miliseconds to answer and if you spent all your time in basement guess how much you lack of those skills.
>a lot

Murica being 1st world country it is, caught first that wave. It will be more and more like that in rest of world aswell.

I think that's cause a lot of people learn second languages by translating the words and sentences into their mother tongue. They don't learn what a word means in ITS language they learn what it corresponds to in their native language

So the process is: (I'll use a Japanese word since we're all weebs here)

Neko = the English word "Cat" which refers to the literal animal that is a cat, instead of just Neko = the literal animal that is a cat

Words don't have exactly the same meaning across languages though, even within English we have multiple words that refer to the same thing but are NOT the same, you wouldn't think of them the same way, for example "feline" and "cat"

This is why translating can be tough, you're never gonna get the exact feel of a sentence down even if the words are all the "same".

Because I'm 5'5" and unattractive. Simple as that. Looks are *almost* everything in the US.

because social ineptitude and generally being aloof

Then what do you say?

Because amerimutts are fucking shit

I'm from Eastern Europe, there are many ways. You just don't want to figure them out

Polska to srodkowa europa nie wschodnia. I spotkalam wielu mezczyzn ktorzy normalnie potrafili zagadac.

Too bad we have lives outside niggers kicking a ball on the grass, in opposite to you

My friend is 5'6", ugly as sin, LITERALLY looks like the Jewish rat meme but is not where NEAR rich or even middle class. He has actual diagnosed autism that he uses to help him not care when he's rejected.

His advice to me, who is at least 4 points better looking then him and make triple the money? Just ask girls. The worst they can do is say no, then you forget them and move to the next.

I will never thank him enough

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teach me polish please

europa wschodnia nie nawiazuje do polozenia geograficznego tylko politycznego. polska nalezy (nie LEZY) do europy wschodniej


Just ask her if she wants to cheeki the breeki.

>without sounding like a top village idiot

Jest wielka roznica pomiedzy polska a ukraina, zwlaszcza Polska A a Ukraina. Polska jest doslownie po srodu w tym znaczeniu. Nie tak rozwinieta jak Anglia czy Francja ale tez nie w takim kryzysie jak Ukraina czy Rosja.

Funny maymay

femanon with polish roots here
eastern european languages are 10/10
talk to me like a dresiarz and I'll make you pierogi naked

So how old is he so I can know how long he's been a virgin

Zgadzam sie lol, gowno amerykanskie > slowianskie jezyki

ukraina i rosja to cala reszta panstw europy wschodniej?
raczej porownaj nas do czech,slowacji,wegrzech albo litwy

kurwa mać ja pierdole chuj dupa

Czechy sa Europa centralna i jestesmy bardziej rozwinieci niz Oni. Z wegrami nie pamietam, slowacja i litwa sa biedniejsze i mniej rozwiniete. Z krajow slowianskich Polska i Czechy maja sie najlepiej

I'm Irish here, but why do you just say Americans? Haha men the world over find it tough to talk to you women.


>europa centralna
nie, wschodnia
to ze jestesmy lepiej rozwinieci niz reszta wschodu nie znaczy ze mozemy leciec i uwazac sie za westernerów

I meant anglophone countries in general, but I guess americans are so westernized and autistic that it shouldn't be a problem in their culture to ask a girl out
but apparently it still is

Are you OP then? You certainly write English pretty perfectly lol, I bet you can speak it fine too. What's the problem?

the problem of the post is as follows
I cannot not sound like an autist when talking to women in my language, but had I been using english instead, I'd be getting pussy easily lole
so how can americans even complain when their language is perfect for these kinds of things?

Because American girls have this “superiority ego”. Even 3/10 looking girls EXPECT a 10/10 chad. Part of the problem is chad validated them. But it still happens. Also, promiscuity is becoming normalized. So many American girls are very slutty and boring.

I’m 28 years old and I don’t have much luck here, it’s hard to find actually interesting girls who are not sluts. Ironically, my best luck with women has been while traveling abroad. I had a serious relationship with a french woman. After that relationship ended, I ended up meeting a polish girl.

Is your language too formal and stiff? I'm sure you guys got some smooth lines too??

It's mostly that they feel entitled to it on one side, or else they're so depressed they barely wanna love with themselves much less forcing another to
English has broken down formality in common use which isn't as much the case virtually anywhere East of the UK, Asia especially included

polish isn't really formal but is very direct, so it's hard not to sound like a creep when you talk to people you don't really know WITH intention to get to know them better
smooth lines don't work when you're sober

Can’t talk to women for the life of me

Ah, I get you. I guess English is a very casual language. I just always assumed other languages were the same haha