Gender IQ

Is this graph really accurate? I find it hard to believe that there are more moderately intelligent women (in the 100-115 range) than men. I know there are more men in "very intelligent" end of the scale, but really women seem so much dumber to me in general. I've only ever met a couple of genuinely intelligent women in my life.

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>glass basement
it's glass bottom boat.

All the women in my PhD program are smart. Are the women in your PhD program not smart?

Women have IQ values one standard deviation lower than men. Niggers have IQ values two standard deviations Lower than whites (one deviation lower for American Mutt Niggers)
Imagine Nigger Women

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>phd program
yea i'm sure you're all 'smart'
bet you're a bunch of islam loving, dick sucking, retards
whats your phd in? gender studies?

Computational Science and Engineering.
If you’re not in a PhD program, why do you think you have any right at all to judge how smart people are?

No it's not real. It was made up to explain why there are so many more more men in positions of high achievement in intellectual fields despite the decade long gigantic push to get women there and the fact that "women are men are equal lul". Actually men are just flat more intelligent on average than women, the studies that say otherwise are all done on very young teenagers but don't account for the fact that women end neurological development before men. At an adult age (25+) men are smarter than women and because of that and the bell curve distribution of intellect, at extremely high levels of intelligence men hugely outnumber women.

Because the smartest people come from those who properly understand humanity. Tear out for fingernails, stop eating and sleeping, stab yourself 17 times daily, beat your dad to death and eat his body

the average PHD iq is 125 lmfao

Slide the female curve about 7 points to the left but keep the shape.

Exactly, it’s a pretty low bar, don’t you think?

>Not the original Pretty huge Dick guy
Woo I’m above average

show tits

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Isn't this graph based on just one study? I remember seeing one here that said men have a higher iq on average than women.

>Glass basement
I call them "Safety Net Dwellers" but that is a way better term

Yes it's true, you have this same distribution diffirences between white and asians

I'm not sure but its the one I always see

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>If you’re not in a PhD program, why do you think you have any right at all to judge how smart people are?

retired before 25
own my own house.
No debt.
self made

Pick one of those.

Have fun in college though. Great non-summer camp for low achievers, and people who lack their own vision.

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>gender issues
>Jow Forums

Prove it

>all that and he still finds time to post on Jow Forums
Lmao, you don’t expect anyone to actually believe this do you?


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You have allot of time when you've retired.

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Sure thing, bud

the average is the same
the distribution is different

So you also saw just one study?

Look forward to your cubicle, you'll die there.

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What is the point of a PhD? To prove that you have knowledge of some subject? Why would you want a piece of paper to tell someone that when you could learn those things on your own, without paying tens of thousands of dollars, create a good or service a good or service, and earn money doing it?

>If you’re not in a PhD program, why do you think you have any right at all to judge how smart people are?
I have a PhD and this reasoning is a load of shit. The paper is just a voucher that you did all the work. Intelligence can be in someone who didn't care to go through lightly veiled indoctrination camps with some skills attached.

Only an idiot would think the only smart people in the world are in PHD programs.

>To prove that you have knowledge of some subject?
No, it’s an apprenticeship. You’re learning how to conduct research. Also I’m getting paid.

I just said that to derail the thread. Just tired of the incel bullshit.

You derailed the thread and make yourself look like an arrogant dipshit. Congrats I suppose. Now people will be tired of you.


Nah, it's a gross oversimplification, the extremes are not symmetrical, i.e. the difference on the retard end is not as big as on the genius end, also the average IQ of women is a few points lower, which doesn't seem like much, but has a big impact on the 100-115 numbers since their peak is a actually a bit behind the average.

Oh no, I hope you don’t go downvote me in other threads

I already have downvoted your entire post history. I have access to your Jow Forums profile, you see.

Only retards thinks everyone on pol are incel’s. Do you really believe everyone who does not share your beliefs are pathetic losers? If you really believe that women are on average more intelligent then men I seriously question your intelligence.

no they were unironically not

intelligence only contributes to the survival of your bloodline, you have shown us none. Thus I can say your bloodline is doomed because you lack intelligence.

When I was in the program I'd say there was 2 or so who were genuinely intelligent and the others who got in for diversity picks. It was obvious, but they could scrape by at the "passable" level of work, nothing extraordinary.

Most people in PhD program’s are intelligent what’s your point?

I didn’t say that everyone on Jow Forums was an incel. And I didn’t even share any of my beliefs. I also never stated that women were more intelligent than men. You’re 0 for 3 bud, this is the most retarded post of all time.

>thinking college = smart
One day you might actually get a job and realize how much time you have wasted. But you'll probably wind up teaching undergrads and hating life.
t. got a bachelors and left

>no sources, just bullshit
where tf did they get the data to do this graph?

And all this chart shows is that there's more women of "average" intelligence (within +/- 2 standard deviations) and more men of "exceptional" intelligence (more than +/- 3 SD)

But without any scale at all, we have no idea what the fuck is being represented. This could show IQs from 0 to 110, but we'd never know.

Plus, there's no indication of how the sample was selected. So what assurances do we have that the sample is actually illustrative of any real population?

tl;dr your statistics are shit and so are you

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>If you're not getting yourself signed up for debt slavery for the rest of your life, how can you even tell who is smart?

your tries at being edgy are pathetic, you should just stop

>I was only pretending to be retarded

The problem is that even the ones with high intellect are BPD thots with a powerful hivemind.

Knock off about 10-20 IQ from all women.

objectively true