Man fucks a retard

>man fucks a retard
>"you gross pig how dare you"

>woman fucks a retard
>"you go gurl"

Honestly I just find it funny that some bitch is so deranged she fucks this retard to milk views on YouTube for sympathy. What?!!! She enjoys fucking this retard you pig jesus I hate white males. It's called PERSONALITY HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah.

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atleast she is no coal burner...

A literal retard gets a fairly attractive woman and everyone here is making excuses and becoming MGTOW topitus kekitus

You're all retarded, too, so you should have no trouble pulling this level of poon... right, Jow Forums?

Short Asian manlets can get hot white women .., what is the point?

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She's a Lego wrecker

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Dude must be loaded

stop posting this. worst thing is she is fucking hot

This girl is honeslty mentally ill and is milking this retard for everything she can. Probably raped or some shit. This guy can't even move himself to fuck her so she probably just masturbates his weird retard cock until he orgasms. He probably just wants to escape the living he'll he lives in so he is down. But yes instesd of the obvious thing we do to compare his success to virgin's failures. I would just like to laugh at this girl for being a retard fucker.

I was chatting with a cute German girl online and on the third day she sent me a clip of her shoving a beer bottle into her pussy, I'm honestly starting to loose hope

Fucking roasties

No one gives af if you fuck a retard, unless you're a half french midget that convinces a retard to drive all the way to him so he can impregnate said retard.

>man fucks a retard
>"you gross pig how dare you"
(((JF))) BTFO

It's called love you bigot.

completely off topic fan fic bro, but cool story

It's tangentially related, you fucking Turk

>A literal retard
he sounds smarter than her

No it isn‘t DeAndre Hernandez

Are there any good communities in Germany I can try to join to find a wholesome frau?

Not retarded just crippled. Might have money, she may have a sexual disjunction. Something like that. Everybody needs to be touched. You go crazy without it.

>bennies for life
>hot girlfriends to suck your cock
>she does all the cooking and cleaning

how can able bodies compete


weird sexual fetish, virtue signaling or he's rich

Like a BANK!

What pleasure could one possible derice from this? Honestly this part of where I draw the line. A just world would kill these people at birth instesd of psrsding them around so others can gawk at them and fake sympathy.

That's it guys.
I'm out.
I'm pulling the ejector handle.
I'm climbing into the escape module, strapping in, and punching the self-destruct sequence, in T-minus 5 minutes I'm done.
This really is the fall of Rome that we are witnessing. Some of you may know of a book called "The Sorrows of Young Werther" the book caused hundreds of copycat suicides in Europe in the 1780s.
I feel like we are witnessing the suicide of our civilisation. Anyway, goodbye now. Be kind to eachother. Remember me.

I come here from the other place.

fuck this woman looks exactly like my sister i legit got scared for a second when i glanced at this in the catalog

Agreed, but there is always some weird freak out there who will be turned on by it, internet also hasn't helped with communities of these types developing, leading to slow acceptance.

I worked with a woman like this. She was dating this opinionated talking head for like 20 years. So I asked her, why not get married? Her response was, then I wont get state dollars as his in house nurse. OK, thats fine. So they moved to a new rental house, then made the landlord put in a ramp for him, lower the cabinets, put in a bathtub for this invalid. What should have been done, left this waste of oxygen out in the forest for the bears and mountain lions to take care of. The girlfriend was a huge waste of life. The best was though during a christmas party, he was telling me how to snowboard. I had to stop him and ask: Did you recently get injured? His response was, no I have been in this chair all my life.


incels BTFO

>Everybody needs to be touched. You go crazy without it.

I cant stand people touching me. Even as a baby.

He probably is extra Japanese like rapey with her and she likes it

The guy can't bathe himself

Jesus christ and i can't get a gf while being 6/10 6.1, what even is this world.

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That explains a lot, user.

>Jow Forums actually believed the manlets don’t get laid meme
Top fucking kek, honestly thought that was you guys just pretending to be retarded this whole time.

That means you are worse than a retard

Nah, some women and men have really fucked up fetishes

I don't see the problem

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He is not a retard. He has a physical genetic disease. It doesn't affect his intelligence in any way. He was born "normal" but the disease progresses through his life.

Whatever her reasons for dating him, who knows. But don't call him retarded, when his IQ is way above any shitskin.


You'll be acknowledging pedophilia next. Neck yourself degenerate.

>posts images that contain his unique device hardware ID (encrypted) as the filename

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If you take a quick glance through his videos, you will see that he has a very keen sense of self-awareness, and quite a dark sense of humor (the "voldemort" video).

She’s hot WTF

>mfw an actual retard can get a cute girl and I can't

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MFW that guy gets more pussy than I do. Do I have to get a gnarly car accident or something?

>The current year

>mfw an actual retard can get a cute girl and I can't

Dude, I literally am above average in looks, hit the gym almost daily, and struggle. This guy struck the jackpot. It's fucking hilarious when you think of it.

Dude must be a billionaire

Girls will do anything for money

None of that shit matters. Just be rich.

>implying she fucks him

This thread is full of edgelords that are mad that even cripples and retards can get a girlfriend kek

He has a physical disability hes not mentally retarded.

>Position number four is meant for those moments you want to be wrapped up in your partner, but you also want to be browsing instagram. Let's face it, cuddling is great, but we only have so many hours in the day, and we're all busy, so we invented this position to allow for productivity without diminishing the love. We call it Don't Forget About Me

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>Jesus christ and i can't get a gf while being 6/10 6.1, what even is this world.

Lets just get fat, or get in a car accident, or become a homeless person. That seems to work nowadays.

Most guys get more pussy than most anons do

I'm seriously thinking of just becoming a skinny homeless drug addict. So I can find a hot White woman to have children with.

I'm more laughing or concerned that we allow this. WE GET IT YOU ARE TOLERANT VIRTUE SIGNAL MORE FAGGOT.

>So I can find a hot White woman to have children with

No you can't

>How to get a hot White girl in 2018 and keep the White race thriving
> Shit your pants

you cant tell me this is not a fetish thing for her.

even a retard has a gf while im alone. epic

You’re talking about a country that has an issue with animal brothels. Are you stupid?

>we allow this

So you want to be like the communist or any other nanny state distopia that get to dictate people's personal choice?

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>your economic system has to be communist to enforce moral behavior


This honestly depresses me. She’s a qt. What the fuck is she doing with that shrimpdicked paralyzed retard?

So how wealthy is that retard? Because they seem to travel a lot. She's also clearly fucking Chad on the side.

so what is immoral about dating someone with disability?

They don't actually love them and are using them for personal gain of some sort. Exploitation if you will. It is typical for men to say fuck it because the man is getting pussy but jesus stop being so naive and see this for what it is. This isn't hunchback of notre Dame. This women is getting praised and milking this guy for his money. She doesn't actually have sex with him. You people are insane.

Based on one of the videos I watched he can’t be that wealthy because her parents took care of him while she went on a trip to Florida (which raises a bunch of new questions)

Is he a billionaire?

>They don't actually love them and are using them for personal gain of some sort. Exploitation if you will.
That's a majority of relationships with women and normal men.

Look, I just want to make sure the edgelords in this thread don't actually think that people that suffer from conditions outside of their control don't deserve happiness. That would be a fucked up way of thinking.

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what's your facial bone structure like?? i occasionally run and do push ups only would say my body is only above average and on the thinner side but not really toned at all , yet i've been told i have male model esque face and i get girls coming up to me every day trying to start random bullshit conversations (trying to get me to ask for their number) ... having a good body really is not what females are looking for its more about your face than anything else

WTF is this new degeneracy. What is going on with females ?

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>first question is from Chad asking if he can buy a video of us making love
I'm dead

I just need to draw the line somewhere pal. Take advantage of all the able bodied dipshits you want. This guy is getting milked for attention of YouTube. Really think about that. Why advertise the relationship? MONEY MONEY ATTENTION ATTENTION. I would beat this woman with a shoe if I could.

You’re trying and he isn’t. Women can tell the difference. Outcome independence.

Drop the clip faggot or you and your momma will die in a freak car accident 12 months from now.

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Fair enough then

“Trying” is how you drive women away. They can smell it

That's hot to you?


She's used to talking to americans

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I love those titties for some reason

He’s not a retard be just has a condition
At least he’s happy and not an incel like 99% of Jow Forums

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He's physically disabled, not mentally. Girls will date you if they enjoy your personality. Men go by 90% looks 10% personality, but it's pretty much flipped for women.

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based and redpilled

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lol, yeah, if you just have confidence and a great sweet personality, you can have a body of a 4 year old, twisted and contorted, and need constant supervision.....and get a hot woman.

This is totally normal Bro. Nothing out of the ordinary. Happens all the time. Just be confident.


He's not retarded you moron. Nobody would call a man a "gross pig" for dating a cripple