
So my mother and I were looking through family pictures and came across this picture of me and my father and I suppose she realized how small I looked compared to him and asked my how tall I was.

Me not having had much reason to be insecure about my size just said I was about 5'5. She just casually said "strange how you only became half a man". She immediately realized what she said as I didn't react to it and apologized. I just noted that was quite an uncharactaristic thing for her to say but it did make me think.

I understand how women on twitter or tinder might say something like this but this was my mother so it's a lot more difficult to not take too seriously.

Like I said I haven't had much reason to be insecure about my stature but this makes me think I at least shouldn't advertise and be too open about these things because to be honest it kind of hurt. How would you process something like this?

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I don't think she intended to hurt you or harm you in any way.

She did react to it and apologize as long as her body language was assertive or relaxed.

No of course it wasn't her intention but it was so instinctive on her part. Like that was the first observation she made. It was as if she felt it was a bit of a 'shame' I couldn't be considered a man. Sure she apologized but it really made me think if this is how she (or women in general?) would view me?

I know I can't control that but I would lie if I told you it didn't make me a bit frustrated.

Know that at your height getting pussy is easier than if you were tall. So go out there and get some.

I suppose it's more about self-esteem than getting pussy for me.

Ask her if the mailman was short...

Da fuq?

You’re either trolling or you have one fucked up mom...

That being said 5’7” dude chipping in.
Give no fucks, just continue one with your life.
Become the type of person who is of suc worth that, anyone who judges you purely off your height ain’t worth your time to deal with anyway.

P.s. my gfs 5’9”. Even had my aunt bring it up last weekend when we standing next to each other. No fucks given.

I'm not trolling, I suspect she just expressed herself clumsily but I'm curious to know what she was actually trying to say.

I could ask her but I feel like she wouldn't be entirely honest at this point.

If I had a short son, I'd feel guilty. I would be secretly disappointed as being really short as a man does provide a distinct disadvantage in many areas (although not all).

I'm 5ft7, my partner is 6ft4 and my father is 6ft5. His parents were both tall and none of his brothers are under 6ft2. My mum let's us all down at 5ft2 but I'm hoping his superior genes will take over and our child walk out of my vagina at 5ft6 or something.

Here's hoping we don't have a really tall girl though - that can be a huge negative.

Bitter virgin 6'4" guy larper detected.

No, as I said I'm a 5ft7 female.

I mean, if it makes you feel better to imagine me as that then fair enough. I'd probably do the same if I was a short on the receiving end of this kind of thread.

>If I had a short son, I'd feel guilty.
Knowing that, surely you wouldn't draw attention to that then?

I don't think being a tall girl is necissarily a huge negative. I say that just because I can't see the disadvantage.

I know some tall women and unless you're very attractive, you can end up looking very mannish. In a world where you can never quite assume someone's gender, I don't see this as a plus.

I wouldn't draw attention to it, you're right. I'd do my best to build his confidence.

But you feel guilty because you know it can be a disadvantage in the world. So you know it's a problem to others but what about yourself? How would you view your son if he was short if we ignore how the world would treat him.

I just said in my original post, I'd feel really bad for him. I'd love him because he was my son, but I'd sympathise with his situation.

Girls don't think or talk this way.

>superior genes
If you are not a larping bitter tall guy virgin, then you have a sub-70 IQ. You would actually pick an ugly, dumb, bald, failure at life as husband because he's tall.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I get the impression that you'd only feel sorry for him because you know it can be a problem to others. So we've established that.

Are you personally completely free of those prejudices that could make certain aspects of his life a struggle?

How tall are you user? Why does the fact that I don't want a short son trigger you so much?

If you do feel insecure about your height, don't. I'm a short girl (of course short guys have it worse) though I'm often picked on for my short stature and mocked by both friends and family, honestly I think being made fun of soo many times just made me indifferent of the whole thing. Personally I prefer guys on the shorter end since it's a lot more convenient for me. Overall I'm sure your mother didn't mean to hurt you though considering the society we live in where tall guys are considered more desirable it's probably something that's been ingrained into her. However not all girls prefer taller guys.

I'm just laughing at your all too transparent attempts. You're not fooling anyone with your larping.

Do you have big tits? This is important.

C cup

If you have a curvy body to back it up, then you will have no trouble finding guys on tinder.

Is there a pinkish huge to your cheeks?

Not a very noticeable one

>Know that at your height getting pussy is easier than if you were tall
>at 5'5"

lol, coping manlets

My god, this is why I hate short men.

I know that. I've been teased as well in jest though that's not my problem.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of why people would think less(?) of me because of my size even if it doesn't make sense. Given the fact that not even my mother had any initial qualms about putting that out there makes me think it's an accepted form of predjudice everywhere, not just small niches of society.

Exactly. If I was to make fun of someone's weight I would be called out for that (rightfully so) but when it comes to height people don't give a shit.

Every study has shown that the most attractive range for height is arouns 5'8" to 5'10". Tastes differ but the absolute maximum where girls are still attracted to men is about 6'2". After that it drops like a rock. If you are a girl who finds a 6'5" guy attractive then you have a niche fetish. Just like girls who like fat or bald guys.

These are facts, sorry. Which is why the odds are very high you are not a girl, but a bitter virgin tall guy who is telling himself that being tall means he is genetically superior and will get laid any day now.

You didn't answer my question, user.

How tall are you? No lying now...


Look, my mother is the best I could ask for, even so, sometimes jokes or sentences comes out wrong, it's like when I tell my mother
>stand on it, quick,
Or sometimes I use a term jokingly that I use with my brothers
>in your ass.
It hits me after a second how weird it sounds.

Your mother didnt mean to say it like that, I think she was joking but it wasnt as funny as she thought it would be, eventually she realized it and apologized.

My mother too sometimes says weird shit but we take as a joke and joke back, you could've said something back

Would rather fuck 5'5" than 6'5"

I'm 5'7" girl.

no you woudn't
you'd approach me instantly if you saw me (6'4"). you'd let me do anything to you and i could throw you out like a dirty rag and you'd still lust incessantly over me. met plenty of women like you. they're easy to break and my height hypnotizes them eventually

Anyone that brings up IQ is automatically a retard or autistic.




I actually hypnotize girls because I have learned how to do it and they are curious to try. And 5'8".

lol holy fuck you got destroyed by your own mother I've been slamming my desk at work trying not to burst out laughing. Somebody cap this thread and add it to the manlet compilation

KEK, this is what half mens actually believe

back to the pit, little guys
women will breed with me because they don't want their kids to turn out to be goblins. explains why divorce rates with short men are 3 times as common as with tall men

glad to see someone who isn't a seething manlet

Attached: DxJ0VmR.jpg (1336x1764, 435K)

6'4" is permavirgin height you sperg. There is no way you can attract girls at that height unless you are rich and famous.

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I bet it’s her fault you are short. She’s probably a midget and canceled our your dad’s tall genes.

6'3 master race reporting in, these manlets need a time out.

go outside and you'll see the complete opposite champ
save up for that height surgery or wear lifts and you'll stop being a virgin user. just make sure people like me aren't around to call you out on those lifts lol

yeah, they seem real uppity today

>they seem real uppity today

Or maybe downity in this case! Amirite?

We have this thread a lot. As a short guy I've met women who only date tall guys and women who don't care. One I know from work was a former height queen but converted when she dated a guy like 4" shorter. She now has a thing for some short guys lol


I have no doubt there are people that would find me attractive. I'm curious what kind of assumptions women make when they encounter me now. It's often brushed off as simply being preferences but I think there's more to it.

I wouldn't assume someone was stupid based on the color of their skin for example so the concept is a bit strange to me.

>manlet spurts 1/16th of an inch taller
>suddenly thinks women want anything to do with them

Such sad delusional little cretins.

>I'm 5'7" girl.

you're a "girl" alright you worthless manlet ahaha how could someone the size of a 5th grader be a man? at that height you have 2 options, take hormones, dress like a trap and take big lanklet cock or anhero.

0/10 see me after class

dont take it to heart bro, she is giving you banter. if you cry like a little bitch about it you definately arent a real man. she apologised because she saw you get butthurt about it. just dab on these niggas my friend. noone is perfect. also i know lots of short dudes who have gf and have their lives together more than i could. youre alright.

She probably just has more "traditional" views on masculinity and femininity. Most people don't actively filter or criticize their views on what men or women should be.

But I know how you feel. There is more to it but it doesn't apply to everyone. I agree that men and women can be different. I also think it's silly to lean so much on biology when it comes to mating desires, when we also aren't "naturally" supposed to be wearing clothes or shitting on a toilet instead of behind a tree. But people will use the appeal to nature fallacy among others until the end of time as long as its convenient. So, whatever.

She said some insensitive shit, but the truth is that, while lots of girls dont date short guys, a huge ammount of girls do date them. I know a lot of short guys with girlfriends and no, they werent rich or extremely handsome or anything. So whatever insult they throw at you is ultimately irrelevant. A man is not defined by his height.

>huge ammount
someone confirm this

>huge amount of girls
my bad

dating ugly 200 pound women doesn't count as "manlets c-can get dates too! h-heh.."

That was very rude of her to say.

I'd imagine she feels that it's a negative trait, but not that it's the end all be all. There are plenty of important things that contribute to someone's person, and height is just one of them. A mother who's son has a slightly oversized head might not like that aspect about her son's appearance, but some things are ok to mention and some things are not. Weight, for example, your mom could point out without being a huge bitch bc you can change your weight. Insulting someone based on Height, though, is more similar to insulting their face or something.

I mean actual average girls, not fat ones.

Wow. Height threads really bring out the insecure spergy tall virgin guys.

>m-m-m-muh studies
>I-I-I-I could lose my virginity anytime I want because I'm tall!
>guise I'm totally a girl I swear and I only date tall guys no matter how ugly they are

Some people just can't accept facts of life.

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Tell my gf I'm a virgin
Now ask your gf if.. oh wait you don't have one, little guy

I honestly didn't expect this thread would draw so many trolls. I don't think there's anything particularly controversial about my thread though.

guys, is 5'9 too short?
no meme answers plz

It's not.

5'7 here, willing to transition and become the perfect gf/wife if theres a tall guy who will accept me. :(

but is it tall enough for me to be attractive?

not if you keep bitching about it

You will score far more than guys over 6'. As long as you're not a sperg. Or fat.

i dont, i didnt even know it mattered until Jow Forums

are you sure? tall seems to be a positive to every girl

>i dont, i didnt even know it mattered until Jow Forums
Then why the fuck are you still here? Do you honestly consider developing insecurities on the internet that you didn't have before a product use of your time?

There are only two kinds of girls: those who don't care about tall guys, or those who say they want a tall guy but actually don't. Every "I want tall guys" post is made by a desperate tall guy, guaranteed.

i came here when i was young (16-ish, 19 now), its hard to leave

what about girls who want them in real life

That's the second category.

>I only want a guy who is at least 6'4"
>ewww you're 6'4"? Way too tall you're ugly
>omg you're hot. You said you're 5'9" ? I never cared about height!

my offer still stands, im already halfway there

I'm a femanon who legitimately likes tall men and there's nothing you can do to force me to like men who I'm not attracted to. Get over yourself.

I don't think anyone is trying to force you but do you ever question your thoughts and desires?

It's a fringe fetish. Women all have different tastes. Some like fat guys too.

One time a 7th grade girl said that my twin brother and I were short. I had never heard anyone say 5 foot 10 was short. Sure she was tall but she better not expect the boys to be tall in high school.

ignore these retards. you want to understand height? height on a man is like boobs on a women.
most dudes love big ass tiddys, but also can appreciate the cute little ones too. too big can be bad, and so can too small. though there are people who have a fetish for the extreme ends if thats what you want to call it. there is generally an ideal of being fairly above average, with most people willing to settle for less.
people generally just want to fuck, and arent that fussy to get hung up on one thing.
usually its the person who gets hung up on themselves, and ruin it for themselves.

>I'm a femanon who legitimately likes tall men and there's nothing you can do to force me to like men who I'm not attracted to
thats heightophob mate. back to the gulag

That's average height. You're fine.

Attached: 1528950554555.jpg (311x317, 11K)

That's bullshit user, you're like 60% of a man. Fuck her. And your mom has clearly taken miles and miles of black cock. Sorry.

so heres a run down for you. its OC just for you

Attached: height data real meme.png (1000x611, 39K)

Hey OP, I like to meme about manlets, but you are not completely out of luck. My supervisor at work is 5'1'' and nobody ever gives him a hard time about it or looks down on him (metaphorically) because he is insanely hard working and good at his job. Guy has a really eccentric personality too (and manlet rage), but still commands a lot of respect because of his competence. He also recently got married (I haven't met his wife so I can't speak to what she's like).

and heres some more math.

average rating = (1/2)^n
perfect score = 1

You're not a woman.