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Sebastian Thomas
Benjamin Young
if it triggers jews I'm a-OK with this
Grayson Moore
Liam Hughes
Is she swearing the oath to Israel as well?
Adrian King
If electing mudshits is what it takes, then so be it I suppose.
Jack Perry
How about we just elect officials who DON'T have ties to any other country besides the US?
Matthew Reyes
Israelis are better than muslims.
Wyatt Hill
this is the real question
Lincoln Hernandez
What you think you'll get:
An eventual pushback
What you'll actually get:
More mudshits until tipping point and then 100% mudshit
Colton Nelson
Absolutely disgusting, and it's brought to you by the Jew.
Austin Murphy
so no Donald?
Angel King
>What you'll actually get:
>More mudshits until tipping point and then 100% mudshit
Jace Robinson
Palestine isn't even a real place.
Alexander Cooper
Sorry lads.
t. Palestinian.
Alexander Powell
It doesnt trigger us, we have Israel to go to while you'll be stuck here being second class citizens to shitskins who hate you.
Dominic Kelly
If it meant no more dual citizen kikes and muslims running shit I'd gladly sacrifice trump
Lucas Flores
I got no problem with this
Go kys incel pls ok thx buh by :)
Isaiah Perry
Charles Cruz
double kek, this
Caleb Wilson
Found the Jew. Imagine being offended over everyone from the country you invaded not being dead yet.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Israel is only 75% Jew and slowly dropping. Your a fool if you don’t think the same will happen to you.
Dylan Scott
this. gas the kikes, race war now!
James Turner
Disgusting. These women have no agency in their own homes. Who is behind putting all these female pedo-worshippers in office?
Kayden Harris
I'm not a jew, you fucking imbecile. Palestine is leftist propaganda. There is no historical Palestine. No state called Palestine ever existed. There are no "Palestinian" people, they are simply Jordanians/Syrians. Palestine in antiquity was literally Judaea. Hadrian changed the name to "Syria Palaestina" to piss off the jews after he crushed their revolt. Get woke, fgt,
Matthew Walker
Nathaniel Foster
wow so woke and so based and red pilled. arguing about what was historically palestine to other Jow Forums autists is so based and red pilled
Hudson Mitchell
Letting a sandnigger near Congress is never OK. But apparently the cryptokikes need to be taunted in their own building before they question anything
Noah Hernandez
If you don't put your country first, you should not be working for the government. That makes no sense whatsoever.