I'm currently trying to cut porn out of my life, but I need some stimulation. I'm currently in the process of getting in shape, improving how I dress, and generally making improvements to my life. After a few months I might make a tinder for cheap hookups or maybe to find a relationship.
My question is would it be all right if I masturbated exclusively to gay porn? Since I'm a straight male and in real life only attracted to females, I'm thinking that it would provide me with stimulation without destroying my ability to form relationships.
I know this might look like some shitty bait for (you)s, but I'm being completely serious.
I'm currently trying to cut porn out of my life, but I need some stimulation...
>My question is would it be all right if I masturbated exclusively to gay porn?
No. It would fuck up your payche even more. Start slowly like I did. Masturbtate to solo girls only. Then watch porn and fap every 3 days. Then start using pictures of solo girls to masturbate. Then only use pictures of girls in bikinis and such and masturbate to that.
You're slowly cucking yourself from good fap material but youre repairing your mind step by step. Eventually dont maaturbate to anything at all but your imagination. This whole process will force you to fuck a girl in order to see a naked female body which you were made to do.
Also dont form relationships with girls from tinder, big mistake.
Psyche* phoneposting is really as bad as it can get
Cut out porn, switch to literotica and audio porn only, use your imagination.
was just going to post this.. slowly unwind the damage done to your sex drive OP. Fap to still images and use your imagination more often.
There is no problem with being gay, just watch gay porn and don't give yourself false excuses
I've been jacking off with just my imagination for the last few days, but I always imagine one of the same two girls. Is this fine?
Absolutely. Its even better if you have a girl in mind. Especially if you know her.
Some people here might call us sick for saying this, but this is how masturbation has been done for a long time.
what? just don't use porn. people can masturbate without porn. if you NEED stimulation to get off then you don't need to get off.
I get this pull, this urge. I'm not really aroused, but I need to jack off. Ignoring it is starting to way down on me.
so? the whole point of achieving something is that it wasn't easy. otherwise, whats the point?
Is imagination also bad? I'm worried that masturbating to my imagination (which already has some aspects of porn burned into it) will reinforce the pleasure responses in my body and desensitize me just the same way porn did. Also, if I cut out porn, should I also start masturbating less in order to 'rewire' my brain?
Should I consider cute women porn as well? I spend a lot more time looking at pictures of them since quitting porn.
Not the OP, but I'm usually reluctant to jerk off to girls I know and might even pursue on the grounds that it might make me more nervous or focused on sex when I actually meet them. Does that make sense?
if it is, its not nearly as bad as porn. its like comparing a single cheeto to eating an entire cheesecake
If you cut out porn, you will naturally start to masturbate less, you shouldn't have to force it.
I'm not one of those reddit autists that thinks you should never masturbate, but porn definitely inflates the frequency of how often you need to do it.
Is this true? Is it fine if I beat off to just text-based porn or should I be strictly imagination?
Text based porn is still porn.
I wouldn't recommend porn stories either. I found myself literally recalling stories I read - similarly as I had done with porn scenes - to help myself get off during sex with my now-ex GF.
Not the OP but I'm at a breaking point of weaning myself off this shit. This is coming from someone who currently has a couple dozen porn threads in the thread watcher and around 1-2 TB of porn scattered across two hard drives.
But I always tended toward this being a meme. "Normal" people watch porn as well. Chads or players will jerk off to porn between hookups as well, so why not a shy guy who's under-performing in the dating world?
Yeah I noticed that, but I'm still worried by fapping because it's sort of an artificial stimulus.
is it normal to feel much more aggressive when cutting out porn? will the feeling fade after a while?
using your imagination will always be the healthiest. imagination tends to run on things in your real life and even motivates you to work towards it. but you're making mountains out of mole hills right now i think
yes. and kind of. you will still be aggresive but not as much and it will be more controlled. we live in a society where we give into every single urge we have. take that away and we got these naturally pent up feelings that we need to learn to conquer. its fun.
It's a matter of the degree in which you consume it, to which degree it interferes with your personal life and the degree to which you have to find new ways of stimulating yourself.
that's not really the kind of aggression i'm thinking of. i'm much more inclined to do bad stuff to people i know at the moment. i think it's a mixture of depression and aggression.
>trying to become normal in life
>needs stimulation
>OP too much of a fag to do drugs or alcohol
>watches porn
>watches porn too often
>decides to cut porn out of life
>shit I still need stimulation
dude stfu this is clearly bait. OP confirmed still a gay autist
While chads and players that consume porn between hookups have the hookups there, there's a large amount of shy guys that use porn as a replacement for legitimate physical interactions. There's no black and white when it comes to outside factors influencing the human condition, and it effects everyone differently. If you're a well adjusted person capable of hooking up with some girl a couple times a month, more power to you.
But if you're a well adjusted person capable of hooking up with some girl a couple times a month, you wouldn't be on Jow Forums in an Jow Forums thread about the evils of pornography.
>100% of thread is legitimate responses and advice
>attempt to shit up the thread for no discernible reason
I think you might be the real autist here, user.
Femanon wholly approves of this thread and all posts within—-
Also, slightly baffled and saddened.
What baffles and what saddens?
What does you being female contribute to your post at all?
You think a female doesn’t know what works? I’m a mother of two beautiful girls as well.
I know what’s up.
>If you're a well adjusted person capable of hooking up with some girl a couple times a month, more power to you.
You seem to be saying that if you're incapable of that then you're not well-adjusted, which just doesn't sound right at all.