Have panic attack

>have panic attack
>go to hospital
>receive bill
>have panic attack

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Freedom isn't free, user. Those insurance and hospital executives work hard, they deserve your money,

FYI Not paying. They threatened to sue me and I counter-sued and the collection agencies backed off. Im not paying the inflated cost of insurance which rate adjusts proportional to the abuse of the welfare system by subhumans. The only threat of not paying extortion rates is "well your credit score will go down!"

>ct scan and anaesthesia for a panic attack

I've been for one and they give you a xanax and a thing of peanut butter crackers for $1000
Still crazy but nowhere near $250k

>Being such a pussy you go to the hospital for a panic attack

Also. if this is something you think that is funny or if you think this is a hoax, you should be ashamed of yourself. i can guarantee if you act like that in public, people are going to kick your ass. on top of that, this is the prime reason why men are labeled as arrogant jackasses and you are the leading cause of it all

>have panic attack
>go to hospital
How fucking weak do you have to be to actually go to the hospital for a fucking panic attack?

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>doesn't have insurance
well you retard

Hospitals don't fix shit. Eat your boogers and don't touch your eyes, you'll never get sick. If you break a bone, go see a vet.

>have panic attack
>require surgery and physical therapy
Triggered doesn't mean shoot yourself in the stomach.

this is fucking insane

Cops can involuntary hospitalize people for mental disorders if they think you're going to kill yourself or something.

>eat your boogers
Your boogers
But why user?

Damn you are uneducated as fuck. How did you pay 10000 for anesthesia?

Be a real man and have your panic attacks alone in your truck.

This. Shit b8 thread


I had a panic attack and thought i was legit having a heart attack. This one asshole nurse was a dick about it, said it was common. I thought i was going to die.

>panic attack

It's a fucking panic attack, it's not like you're in a psychosis.
You're a pussy

This isn't your you faggot. You don't a CT scan for a panic attack you braindead mongoloid.

Or just prove immortality because American police are stupid and don’t realize you can stab your self several times and be fine

Its nice you don't have problems lol

It helps build your immunity to all the diseases spread by the ashkenazi Jews.

>panic attack
>operating room, etc.
nice try shill

Panic attack is the same thing as psychosis dumdum

>It's a fucking panic attack, it's not like you're in a psychosis.
Yeah, it's not a 20 year old with no knowledge on mental health, not a psychiatrist making the decision

>have panic attack
>go to hospital
Why? Why are you wasting hospital resources? Why are you doing this when you're uninsured?

Fucking retard.

Is this some new kind of samefag trolling or something?

>going to the hospital for a panic attack
Top Kek

You consume dead and dying pathogens. Lets your immune system what to look for.

>go to hospital for stupid reason
>get stupid bill
Sounds about right.

>You don't a CT scan for a panic attack
No, you just bill for it.

>eating boogers prevents Jew disease
Ahh that makes sense

You're being a pussy. I've had several panic attacks and several psychotic breaks and am fine.

Yeah, they jack up the price if you have insurance. People always talk about the prison industrial complex, and the military industrial complex, but nobody even bats an eye at the worst scam of all... the medical industrial complex. It’s a hidden tax on Americans. And there can never be universal healthcare unless they start regulating hospitals.

Pic unrelated.

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yes goy you have to pay for yourself and all the niggers and spics fat off of foodstamps because who else is going to pay for their diabeetus treatment?

How do you stop a panic attack?

I'm proud of you

>it is insane to expect to be paid for your skills and expertise

you stop larping, for one.

Only for brief observation

Imagine being so worked up you make yourself sick. Kek

Insurance doesn't help much. If you actually need to use it for something life threatening they'll just try and wait you out.

All of the fuckers in the medical industry that aren't actually treating patients are almost comically evil.

>you’re being a pussy
>I’ve had several panic attacks and several psychotic breaks

Oh boy.

Like three days

Sure you are fucking loonie

For those of you who have never had a panic attack, it is a frightening experience and it feels like you are dying from a heart attack. You don't know what is going on. Going to the ER would be the logical thing to do.

That is not a bill for a "panic attack".

That's a bill for surgery and one long ass stay in the hospital.

What did you get tranny surger?

I had on the other night.

>walk in other room
>stare at wall

All better, just remove yourself from the stimuli that is agitating your mental state, and try to relax.

Healthcare would be much cheaper if:

Jews didn't keep medical school acceptance rates artificially low to keep supply low, therefore prices high

Jewish lawyers don't sue every hospital for every minor thing that happened to Shaniqua

It's getting to the point where you have to prove things aren't being cause by the Jews

>be me
>no insurance
>go to emergency room
>get charged 200
>decide to get insurance
>go to emergency room for the same thing
>they charge me 600
>still have to pay 200 deductible
>got rid of insurance and never got it again

How many burgers here could actually afford to pay that?

Do jumping jacks when you feel one coming up, this regulates breathing.
Get some vitamin D supplements but don't take them daily because your body will start to depend on it.
Think about calming things.

I just spent 4 days in the ICU and another three in the cardiac wing and my bill was a quarter of this

How do you meditate? How do you remove yourself from the situation when you're on the interstate stuck in traffic

... wut?

I’ve beem eating my boogers for decades
T. Dude who never gets sick

>How many burgers here could actually afford to pay that?
I could, but I'm filthy rich.

Good goy

I am a bit of a loon, yes.

Something tells me thats for more than a panic attack, and second, who goes to the hospital for a panic attack?

Probably none without eviscerating their retirement/selling their house. You would have to declare bankruptcy desu.

>panic attack
What the heck is a panic attack? Are people so high strung that they crumble like a crouton at the first sight of trouble?

lmao how the fuck are panic attacks real like nigga stop panicking like nigga just chill

Health insurance is a jewish scam. Change my mind.

your larp is weak. that pic has been recycled so many times it's potato quality

No they don't.
They just naturally charge more for shit they call "medical". That chair you're sitting on? Call it a medical chair and it's already worth 10x more.
It's the only industry where price gouging is obligatory and acceptable.
Trust me, I've been a paramedic for over 20 years in one of the busiest areas. I've talked to and am friends with many ER surgeons.
They joke about being paid tip-top dollar for glorified butchery.
The people that actually deserve your money is the R&D sector.

It's something that happens when your life is complete shit but you havent realized it yet

The bill also isn't for a panic attack and it's before insurance payments at rates for someone who is insured. OP is a larping faggot.

Over time you will feel them come up hours before they actually come. You get tense and might feel a bit sick/weird.
Meditation is basically just regulating your breathing, if you're stuck in a situation try breathing into your nose, hold it for 2 sec breath out of your mouth.
Other things you can do to prevent it from happening

Imagine building up a foundation of beliefs and presuppositions for your whole life and then have them hit with a fucking hammer over the course of a few days.

>ambulance driver for 20 years
jesus christ, how do you live in 15 bucks an hour?

They just happen without warning. They are terrifying and your brain somehow convinces itself that it's dying so you enter fight or flight.

Should have just let your self succumb to the panic attack. 200k for a hospital visit....I’d rather just die then have that hovering over my head

The hospital is for women and retards. You shouldnt go there unless you are bleeding to death

Not how it works. Insurance companies negotiate the price down since nobody actually has to pay anything for medical care in the US. Yes you literally can refuse to pay and there ain't jack shit can be done about it.

Now, hospitals are businesses. They know insurance is going to negotiate their $2 gauze down to say 50 cents. Hospital is losing money. Have to raise gauze to $8 so insurance negotiates down to $2. Its a big shitshow.


im so fucking sorry for you amerimutts man, CT scan in serbia, in a state of the art private hospital is ~120 $.

ultra sound of, for example, neck is 40-50 $

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flight yourself right out of your larp

Start fapping to trap porn making you feel shame instead of panic

None would have to, regardless I could safely pay that in payments in about a year.

shhhh stop with your reality

Nobody outside of America understands apparently. THE PATIENT DOES NOT PAY, INSURANCE COMPANY PAYS.

lol, I got a 60 dollar hospital bill that I wouldn’t even pay. They called my phone, I said I had the money put in bot paying them, suck my dick. They never called again.

I would like to see you bitches ride out the kind of panic attacks I get. Waves of numbness passing over your body, arm going numb and not waking up, near passing out. Symptoms which mimic heart attack, chest buzzing.

I have hypertension as well, which gives me prior probabilities sufficient to be even more fucking alarmed, hence rougher attacks. During one attack that woke me up, arm numb passing out, I hooked up the blood pressure monitor and it errored out (needed a reinflate, out of range) and finally "came down" to 215 - an hour later it was below 120 and perfect according to a nurse. Shit gives me "white collar syndrome" from hell at checkups, as the anxiety pushes bp through the roof - you shouldn't have to worry about your mind controlling an autonomic background process like bp, but here the fuck I am.

Never underestimate the power of the mind.

>not knowing the difference between emt and paramedic
Not sure what it is now but I started firerescue at 40k.
You'd have to be pretty incompetent professionally to never get a promotion, and financially incompetent to struggle.
I'm not loaded but I'm not hurting either.

had the same

$72k for room and board?
$36k for MRI?
Why were you in the OR for a panic attack?
(((They))) are definitely inflating the price of these services in order to subsidize for gibs-getters.

Yeah, It's scary if you don't know what it is.

But I like reality

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Get a panic dog

Worst case that debt can be settled. Government involvement and illegals draining resources really drive the prices up. So does using the er as a clinic

ok, ok, ok i hear you

still, how can it COST so much i dont get it. because it doesnt cost that much.
whoever pays it.

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Fun fact though,
Patients recieving on scene care from EMTs have a higher disposition for survival than patients in similar situations that receive on scene care from paramedics.

>room 72k

user, for that much you can buy flat in Warsaw

ok, amberlamps driver. whatever helps you cope

That was for a rattlesnake bite, antivenom is stupidly expensive. There's also only one antivenom for such snakes, and it requires actual venom from them to be manufactured.
Ever seen how little venom you get from milking a snake? It's not a lot, you produce a greater volume of fluid when you ejaculate.
But yeah the rest is pretty insane.

This is a bill for someone who was at least in a horrible car accident. You don't need Anesthesia, a CT Scan, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or surgery for a fucking panic attack.

Refer to my previous post outlining insurance/hospital negotiations.

That's because the insurance companies have a deal where they only pay 10% of what they're billed.
Billing dept will adjust your bill if you tell them you have no insurance and give you a better rate.

A re-billed private pay version of that bill would be about $8,000.

>go to hospital for cancer treatment in 2014
>get massive bill and post online
>be op
>suck 30 dicks in a row
>find image while looking at how much it costs to treat his obvious brain damage
>act like the bill he sees is his to stir shit on Jow Forums