Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All Cost


>No more dinners with female colleagues. Don’t sit next to them on flights. Book hotel rooms on different floors. Avoid one-on-one meetings.
>In fact, as a wealth adviser put it, just hiring a woman these days is “an unknown risk.” What if she took something he said the wrong way?
>Across Wall Street, men are adopting controversial strategies for the #MeToo era and, in the process, making life even harder for women.
>Call it the Pence Effect, after U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who has said he avoids dining alone with any woman other than his wife. In finance, the overarching impact can be, in essence, gender segregation.
>Interviews with more than 30 senior executives suggest many are spooked by #MeToo and struggling to cope. “It’s creating a sense of walking on eggshells,” said David Bahnsen, a former managing director at Morgan Stanley who’s now an independent adviser overseeing more than $1.5 billion.

>Now, more than a year into the #MeToo movement -- with its devastating revelations of harassment and abuse in Hollywood, Silicon Valley and beyond -- Wall Street risks becoming more of a boy’s club, rather than less of one.
>“Women are grasping for ideas on how to deal with it, because it is affecting our careers,” said Karen Elinski, president of the Financial Women’s Association and a senior vice president at Wells Fargo & Co. “It’s a real loss.”

>“If men avoid working or traveling with women alone, or stop mentoring women for fear of being accused of sexual harassment,” he said, “those men are going to back out of a sexual harassment complaint and right into a sex discrimination complaint.”

How do we make sure women get proper mentorship and access to business opportunities like meetings and after-work drinks with bosses?

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Where did this picture come from?

Women are the Jews of gender. It would be sexist to want a Holocaust against all women, so I'll settle for the genocide of white women instead.

archive your links nigger

Can someone get a source on this cunt roastie stat?!

>be male
>apply for job at investment firm in traditionally female role, like secretary or some shit.
>get the job because they know you're not going to sue them for sexual harassment
>skim stock tips for your personal portfolio.
>casually trade and make money

Sure some people would look down on you for taking a job like that, but that seems like a pretty casual comfy life.

how many people applied for the job? was the competition steep?

>some guy sees a roastie on the train
>takes two creepshots and posts them online

>How do we make sure women get proper mentorship and access to business opportunities like meetings and after-work drinks with bosses?
They shouldnt, unironically

i think this is great, hopefully it means more mentorship and internship placements for men in the higher up positions in companies.