Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Not gonna lie, former Jow Forums humour thread poster here. This is fucking hilarious watching Jow Forums humour threads crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Your Sesame Street memes do not make me laugh at all.
Easton James
Don't worry user. One day, we'll learn the secret of Soul. Hospitals across the world will finally be able to help joyless fuckwits finally appreciate life.
Caleb Peterson
Last time i checked my family (as their only child) netted 700K last year. My family is worth 30 million
Bentley Carter
As Subaruflag demonstrated once more: overkill is an economist construct
Pride yourself on your own achievements, you can't expect to inherit a boomer's savings.
How much are you worth?
I know that in spite of my engineering education, I am still a plebeian and a prole who owns nothing but his (mental) labor capacity. I judge my purchase choices based on cost/benefit relations and, first and foremost, product longevity
Camden Foster
Ethan Harris
LOL! You don't get it do you? This racist cesspool of a website is filled with people who take credit for other people's successes and creations due to a weak link between them (the concentration of melanin in their skin) to compensate for their own failures in life (i.e. remaining a virgin, working a dead end job/not even graduating high school). Why do you think that I always say that you lot are on the wrong side of history?
I don't take personal credit for inventing the automobile when I drive around in my Mercedes but I feel proud that my people are those capable of such things.
Fuck you and all that faggot shit you wrote. Niggers ain't shit, spics ain't shit, and yellows ain't shit either.
It's always the same nonsense to demoralize whites >hurr durr you dont choose your location and race at birth >duuurrrr you didnt build that
Who cares if im a virgin? I'm super rich. LMAO. So what if I am a virgin, if prostitution was legal I'd literally make enough off dividend payments to hire one everyday.
Liam Bell
This is every Indian poster on Jow Forums
Nolan Perry
Harishian must work at Obsidian now They grow up so fast
Lulz this is actually a pretty good idea to send redpill messages
Adam Williams
Kys Jew
Jayden Thomas
Look, Cancuck, the skills I have acquired in an education system built by my father's ancestor generation, studying a field where my own father was one of the pioneers, I can employ working in a business founded by people with whom I share a linguistic link.
When was the last time a Canuck could say this sentence unironically?
Sorry buddy, the "red pill" is hard to swallow I know. It's your own fault that you're a virgin and it's your fault that you work a dead end job. Blaming women and minorities is just you trying to deflect away your responsibility for those.
Zachary Morris
HOLY SHIT projecting this hard.
Wyatt Bennett
Every thread without fail and its always a leaf Keep it up your doing good work
I am studying to enter a high paying profession and I first made love to a woman long ago. Just because I described you perfectly well doesn't mean I'm "projecting". LOL!
Alexander Lewis
>lying on the Internet
Samuel Allen
Nothing about anything you just said is even remotely believable.
Thomas Harris
>it's your own fault that you're a virgin Actually it's feminisms but ok.
>work a dead end job Since when is an investment banker at my dads firm a dead end job? LMAO