Me again

Why should an African American be complacent in a democracy where non blacks can rule over them when cumskins are uncomfortable with Jews ruling over them?

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Because you can still go to Africa and rule there. We have no white country to fall back on anymore.

you shouldn't, you should leave. go back to your ancestral homeland.


These guys get it

I don't like that term

Fair enough

Don't knock it til you try it.


>Why should an African American be complacent in a democracy

You shouldn't, you should rebel so it becomes legal for me to shoot you.

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Do you actually think that's insulting? Lol fucking cringe... nigger

that is true but this would be a scenario where my people don't want to leave america

Go back to apefrica then you fucking nigger

cheeky fuck

Go to Africa you stupid nigger stop bitching and whining

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lol fuck you too cumskin

Why dont you answer your lords who told you to go back to your niggerpleb lands in Africa faggot?
Also, from now on you will use the title "lord" when speaking to whites.
>i-im sorry lord user please dont get the whip

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Why not? Clearly you dont like how things are here. Go somewhere else

You can always go live in Africa, a world blacks created, or you can stay here and most of you will live off of the white man's tax dollars, while a few of you, artificially boosted by EO laws, can live beyond an African's wildest dreams. Instead what you're experiencing is a person's natural instinct to wish to be governed by those of their own kind combined with the African's natural urge to senselessly destroy everything he lays his eyes on. Kind of an interesting situation your ancestral cousins created when they sold your great, great grandpappy to those jewish slave boat captains, huh?

never in my life will that happen

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I figured id get that response. The truth is "apefrican nigmericans" couldnt survive without the gibs provided by the cumskins you hate so much.
The negro is an animal that without whites would still be running around in stone age apefrica. You are an animal that we mistakenly tried to domesticate

I'm not advocating living with Europeans, it would just be unrealistic to have everyone go back.


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Why don't you take your life savings and moving to Liberia with the rest of your people

Then we should gas the lot of you degenerate animals as you provide nothing to society

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to be fair I don't hate white people, but lets not assume all blacks use government handouts. If those handouts stopped tomorrow the people I care about the most will be fine.

It's funny the way insults based on race don't work towards whites. We know we have nothing to be ashamed of.

>This right fucking here
These fucking retards will cry all day long about dirty jews jewing it up, but fail to see how their own race has fucked over this world.
But here's where we win friend. They're already losing this country. Trump was the closest thing they would ever have to a savior, and he turned out to be another chimp.
This is our land brother. These are just autist salt mines at this point.
T. Spic here. Also dont let any of your people buy into that blacks vs Mexicans bullshit. They're trying to pit us against eachother becaus whitie is too pussy to talk shit in person

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>most niggers dont live off gibs
complete and utter bullshit... you fucking animals are worthless

lol american blacks all got by jewish slave masters. If not directly then indirectly over time.

like it or not, you have white heritage.
God i love the slave trade legacy, and the sheer denial it triggers in you nogs.

>we wuz white n shiet i am based balk wakanda man pee pee poo poo fuc witey pee poo.

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woah buddy, neeeever said most

I would be genuinely OK with you guys getting a few southern states to yourselves on the condition that you all go and there is no immigration and closed borders. I don't actually dislike every black person just for being black. I just don't think people can coexist without ethnic homogeneity and be happy.

Well, forgive me for asking, but I've never owned a nigger.
How exactly am I ruling over you?
I just have a shitty mid class job like most everyone.

lol your fucking ridiculous

why are you so afraid of being with your own people user?
do you think there might be a fundanental difference in the life you are capable of having in a black country versus a white one? why might that be?
you complain all day about how shit of a life you have it here while silently admitting that a shit life in a white country is light years better than an average life in some apefrican shithole
but instead of just shutting the fuck up, letting whites do their own thing and being grateful for the tolerance you are afforded - the same tolerance that is NOT reciprocated btw (see South Africa, Rhodesia, Haiti) - you fucking agitate and complain without once realizing that you are destroying the very thing that makes your existence in the West what it is to begin with

If you're embarased to go back to your ancestral homeland, then everything is answered for you.

blah blah, nigger enjoy the last remaining
years you have left on earth, your race
is slated for extinction by God.

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Its not on the individual level, but given that a minority group doesn't have control over it's own commerce it would have nooooo reason to be complaint. Sooooooooooo technically I'm advocating for segregation.

Ye olde ball&chains.

the platform provided my Europeans is use full but I actually should be able to do the same thing in my motherland

You shouldn’t be. That’s why whites need their own nation to determine their own destiny and blacks need their own country to determine heir own destiny. Segregation is the only way forward for the good of both races

but you understand that if you advocated that to your fellow muds they would fucking murder you yes?
so instead of getting your fellow blacks to live isolated from whites instead of buying shit at mcdolands and walmart, you come to us and ask or demand we accept your hostility when you aren't even prepared to face it yourself.

Also where would you go/settle/immigrate/invade?

You're not from any specific "place" genetically considering all you have to go on is your skin color. You don't even have a Mbatabele tier name, just tier names given to you by your overlord masters.
4% himba, 6% wewuzegyptions, 8% the chosen people tribe 20% Maasai, 15% zulu, 47% bantu.

You have no place to go nogmutt, turn on the cope machine and accept reality.

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I'm not embarrassed, I know all to well how fucked things are, I just need to figure things out before I go

>scenario where my people don't want to leave america

wanting to live with your oppressors isn't oppression at all.

Because Jews rule by fraud, whites rule by making shitskins behave.

what if lots of blacks in america dont trust there own

not really a selling point

then fucking go do it
but you won't
because you know you are full of shit
that no such luxury exists for you like it does in our countries
nice how you don't even address the rest of it
because behind that veneer of
>muh individualism
>muh self-determination
is the brutal reality of what happens when you lot are allowed to fully realize your political power over other races, especially whites - slavery & genocide
no thanks you guys can go be niggers somewhere else

Because whites passed laws ending racial discrimination.
Sure, there are secret racists that keep blacks down but you can't prosecute thought crimes unless you want to slide down the ultimate slippery slope.
Nothing is holding blacks back but yourselves, legally anyway.
We resist Jews not because they're successful but because they use lies to achieve it.

this. "success without integrity means nothing". the goyim know.

that's not very notable, the genes that are expressed are African for sure and we know most African slaves come from the west coast of Africa, us finding our true home will be as simple as moving back

you guys had obongo who didnt give a shit about you folks.
you really think a black leader would give a shit about a bunch of niggers?

this really is the best you niggers have huh? a ripoff of shitskin, which is actually true and insulting
the best one though is just 'nigger', because it makes you lose your fucking mind, except it doesn't imply anything about you as an individual except the fact that you're black

this is why balkanization is inevitable.

I didn't really like obummer either

see well?

You shouldn’t be. Move to Africa.

ridiculous as he may be, he is also correct.

you shouldn't. go to africa. Liberia was started just for you.

yeah the point is though, you're never gonna have the perfect leader who caters to every need you have unless you pay them.
what makes you think the average white joe rules over you? stop thinking like a slave nigger

Go back to eurotrash first faggot

i thought it implied "One who Nigs or partakes in actions related to nigging."

I'm thinking of a way to repair the issue of black people being a mass consumer of goods (but it is clear we have been leaching a bit)

I have to change the politics of the area if I go

if you are not a purebred nog, you can go back and rule over the purebred nogs in Africa for a time being until they turn on you as well for not being nog enough.

Because whites will accept blacks in their government, but jews just select jews.

i love this argument.

>colored person: *complains*
>white person: well, nobody is forcing you to stay
>colored person: YOU GO BACK TO EUROPE TOO!!!

as if europe is bad in any way besides telly loicenses

never said the average and maybe rule is a strong word, what I definitely mean is that whites given power over blacks though politics make us uneasy, we have no reason to trust your resolve in making improvements to all racial groups

yeah I started seeing this pop up a few months ago. I just let it be, because it is a shit tier meme, and they think its super clever or something.
>the best one though is just 'nigger'
I second this.

>that's not very notable, the genes that are expressed are African for sure and we know most African slaves come from the west coast of Africa
>1 + 32 = 5
You realise that your ancestors were captives from warring tribe skirmishes all around africa. It's not even ironic to call it the slaver silk road going towards the west coast (ivory coast etc etc).
you could have come from anywhere and now litterally are trough genetic mixing and also choose to willingly go back to the one people that betrayed your kind in the first place for pointy shootie sticks.
Think they have a saying in the language of your people.

Also, Post DNA mapping for proof. Ur bleached 100% my negro.


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Why would euros allow non euros to take part in their politics?

Ofcourse go to Africa or a majority black nation in the Caribbean and enjoy your right to self determination then. Obviously you will be a minority in a white or any non black nation

Niggers contributed nothing to society and should be killed off

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are you serious? when obongo became president, was it solely because of black voters?
clearly this country is filled with dumb gullible people and black people happen to be the dumbest and most gullible.
its really no one's fault and this attitude of blaming just perpetuates the cycle of blacks amounting to niggers.

god damn.
theres several tier of newfag and you've just went and teleported to the summer of '69 tier newfag.

Seriously shitpostbro? what are you doing.

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this unironic garbage is why whites are being deplatformed all across the world

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Thats because white rulers are fairer than black rulers, even to black people.

the same is not true about kikes.
think about it for a minute.

Access to white people is a human right.

mmmmmerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm not agreeing with that

According to your white guilt logic all nigs are angels.

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its debatable but no race should find comfort under another race

Then get the fuck back to Africa

god no, but don't put me in a fucking bubble

Then move to a black country.
You can't complain that you don't want to leave a white country but that you don't want to be ruled by whites, but that you dont also want to be ruled by blacks.

which race do you want to be ruled by? keep in mind that you HAVE to take the good that results from that with the bad.

>Says the nigger who still needs white man to give him free shit

I actually love this country. Sounds like you're the one complaining. You should go back

truth hurts, any gov't crime database will confirm
yet you refuse to accept that this is an inherent part of your nature - not just whites but any non-nog group you don't behave the same as you do around your own
there was a thread a while back about some asian lady walking late at night & some ooga booga fucking terrorized her because, like any woman would, acted suspicious of men late at night & did what she thought was best for her own safety
can you not help yourselves?
must you victimize anyone and everyone not the same as you?
what exactly is this shit trying to prove?
that the ebil asian lady was wayciss?
or that maybe you lot are inconsiderate, wildly unpredictable, and so totally up your own asses you can never see how abhorrent your behavior is through another's eyes?

The reason I'm still here is education, the white nations of the world have a solid foundation in that regard and I would like to take what I learned back with me

Thanks for admitting you need white people. You are the missing link, nigger. Have fun coping

Then go to south africa.

It's filled with nogs who claim to have land stolen from whypipo yet are full on immigrants.
You'll fit right in.

your putting all of the black population in a bubble with violent people, its an unfair assessment

So you benefit most and contribute least and still want to complain.

I see a conflict brewing in South Africa so I'll just not do that

They shouldn't

They should go back to Africa like everybody wanted

In what way are Blacks ruled over? In a few hundred years we went from slaves, through Jim Crow abd segregation, to civil rights and now to the President and dominating all popular culture. No one is ruling us, just trying to get it out way!