If I have a woman come to my small apartment on a date, is it rude if I change from jeans to sweatpants without offering her any sweatpants as well?
If I have a woman come to my small apartment on a date...
... what?
Like after fucking? Why wear anything?
Most likely after fucking, but might also be right after getting into the apartment. I usually change to sweatpants when I get home. But I think when there's been women here I've tried to fuck within minutes of entering so I'd probably change to sweatpants after fucking. I know I changed to sweatpants last time a woman was here but I don't remember if it was before or after fucking. The first time she was here we didn't fuck but I think I didn't change pants that time maybe. I just remembered I changed at some point and I didn't offer her any sweatpants. I only have one good pair anyway.
>I usually change to sweatpants when I get home.
That's pretty weird desu. But if it works for you...
Why is it weird? More comfortable than jeans.
Plus I don't want to risk spilling on my jeans when I'm eating etc.
I got the idea from a workmate.
I feel like it’s so axiomatic that I can’t even explain why... but this is pretty autistic tbqh...
Keep your fucking pants on at least til the situation (aka the date) prompts you to remove them man...
This is ok with a girlfriend. NOT a date. Leave your fucking jeans on
Dumbass you're not even addressing the fucking topic. The topic isn't whether it's ok to take off my jeans and put on sweaters while there's someone there, the topic is when I do it whether that's rude if I don't offer them too change. My workmate offered me some type of sweatpants or something when I was there but I declined.
after fucking
This is creepy as fuck. Who fucking offers someone their pants?
My workmate did when I was there.
Then you’re either a troll, even *more* autistic than I thought and I’m sorry I tried to give you advice at all...
This will behavior will probably weird the fuck out of 90% of people.
No, dumbass, I said after fucking. I would probably not change before fucking. But if a woman is in my home she's already down to fuck.
This is literally Jersey Shore-tier. Go right ahead if you're fucking college-age skanks.
Why are you fucking your male coworkers?
Don’t shit where you eat
Why? a) It's a super small apartment. b) she's already down to fuck or she wouldn't be in my home c) I always change to sweatpants when I get home
>changing to sweatpants in your home is Jersey Shore-tier
literally the stupidest thing I've heard, I bet you wear shoes in your home amerifaggot
Where did I say I fuck male coworkers? Idiot.
Well apparently your coworkers are offering to let you wear the pants when you visit their homes, and you’re intending to let her wear them when she visits yours.
Clearly that implies some broke back shit is going on where you’re pounding them in then ass, and then going to have her use a strap on or something to pound away at yours.