Why are young men dropping out of society?

Why are young men dropping out of society?

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Because they can

because russians are niggers

Haha, the answer is right in the pic below the headline.

Because @djinn_kazama is fucking it up on instagram. Shes slaying all larping abysmal attempts that the new born 40 year old virgin fears without a doubt

Because they're broke and women have no have absolutely no loyalty in a relationship in which they still have to work. Its like a man being in a sexless relationship...whats the point???

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T. More and more females are close to hitting the wall because of their high standards. So they screech about how there are no good men anymore.

I want a debt free virgin without tattoos or nothing.

Are they though?
Is this a real thing or just a pol meme?

Things that make women permenantly unmarriagable:

>Having a tattoo or mltiple tattoos
>Having had an abortion
>Having more than one prior sexual partner
>Dying your hair dumb colours
>Having a septum piercing
>Owning a small dog that you call a "fur baby"
>Being past child-bearing age
>Being a single mum
>Being a feminist

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The women who are asking themselves this aren’t good women for the most part

>That article headline.
>That fucking picture.
>That very same picture shows a woman looking like a unhappy man right in the front.
>Why cant women get married.

>Woman with SLUT wrong on her chest.

Because no one wants to marry a nasty ass ho

they went off the jewdar to the wilderness of knowledge and are about to come back to town to reign down

What is, Relativity?

Ok virgin

>Owning a small dog
oh no no no, it's the one with the big dogs you have to worry about.

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Things women don't know about men due to feminist brainwashing:

Men DON'T care about:
>your job, career or educational qualifications

Men DO care about:
>Your weight
>Your sexual history
>Whether or not you are feminine

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Because they are man-children who didnt grow up

First bf i had saw me as his mommy 2.0 and i had to clean up after him and do the dishes. He did nothing except play video games

Why should i sort out my shit and clean my room, when most of the women that i'm surrounded by look like pic related?

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at age 29 they start panicing and they will bang any guy with his shirt tucked in

t. knower

>Almost all millennial women are disqualified from marriage because of things on my list
>Almost all millennial women are unmarried

Really makes you think, doesn't it? It's almost as if....

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>Where have all the good men gone?
Far away from roasties, that's where.

>>Having more than one prior sexual partner

you are never going to meet this requirement. it does not exist

Is discussing this multiple times a day not enough for you? Why is there a thread about this so often. It's getting tiresome.

A big part of men dropping out of society has to do with women joining the work force. With much lower wages, men have much less reason to work.

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Just look at the people in the picture. Liberals are the most God damn hate filled, spiteful, miserable people I have ever came across.

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>not posting the blog article

It’s actually some gold in there

Margaret Wente at the Globe and Mail* asks where all the good men have gone. Wente comes to the conclusion that women need a sex cartel:

…it’s up to us to make the rules. “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” my father used to say. It drove me crazy when he said that. Now, it’s dawned on me that he was right.

Since the women’s cartel collapsed, women’s bargaining power has seriously eroded. That’s why so many single women hate Tinder, which has further commodified sex for the benefit of men. Women are just another consumer good in the shop window.

The apex fallacy aside, Wente is partially right. Women (as a group) have signaled to men that what they really want are exciting sexy badboys, not boring loyal dudes. It isn’t that women no longer want to marry beta providers, they just don’t want to waste a day more of their youth and fertility on their husband than absolutely necessary.

As a result, some up and coming boring loyal dudes aren’t knocking themselves out in their twenties while they wait for their future wife to tire of having sex with other men.


Can confirm these 'people' actually exist,
its so cringeworthy and I thought I was a manchildren - these fuckers don't even know how to use a washing machine and some don't know how to fry an egg

>because of their high standards
>there are no good men anymore
Yeah. There just aren't enough men that match their standards for everyone of them to settle down with.
Women generally date up and equal in wealth/status.
Men generally date equal and down (it's not that they actually care, it's just what women will generally allow).
So there's necessarily an imbalance.
I don't think it's because of men don't want women because they're not pure virgin waifus or whatever. That's the case for some men, but I don't think it's a lot.
It's mostly economic.
On top of that you've got some some Chads who have zero reason to settle down since feminism has made it easier than ever for them to get laid. But I don't think it's all that significant either.

>i had to clean up after him and do the dishes. He did nothing except play video games
I'd say you're the child in that relation. He'd got exactly what he wanted. Souns like the bachelor life, except you even have people cleaning after you.

>Tinder, which has further commodified sex for the benefit of men
Love when they slip in completely false statements like that as if it's just some foregone conclusion that they are facts on there way to some other equally convoluted point.

If you can't find a good man, it's because you're not a good woman.

>Do everything on your own
>Work to provide for yourself and pay for amenities
>Wank off to satisfy sex drive
>Spend time off with people you actually enjoy being around
Tell me again why do I need a relationship?

found the roastie. you probably match half the things on the list. you fucked up for impulsive pleasure and to feel "powerful" and "liberated" and you realize it was a scam but have to cope. its okay you were misguided by powers that sought to control you. reject the degeneracy. god forgives all who follow his way, but you must follow his way

i did, it was ez

There was an article in Cosmo this week with a title that summarizes all that’s wrong with Cosmo and modern society as a whole: “I eloped at 25, divorced at 26, and dated my way across Europe all summer.” Of course, by “dated my way across Europe” she means that she slept with half the continent.

The author, Elise, says she “started fighting” with her husband and within a few months they both decided that their differences were irreconcilable. Despite counseling, she says, “neither of us was happy.” So, exhausted from 12 whole months of marriage, Elise embarked on a voyage of self-discovery and STD cultivation. She met random dudes in half a dozen countries and had sex with them, learning quite a lot as she went, though she can’t really explain what exactly she learned or why sex was a necessary component in learning it. Finally, she came home and started dating some other guy. The end.

Well, not really the end. 20 years from now I’m sure we’ll get the follow up article: “I’m alone and miserable and it’s everyone’s fault but mine.” After all, you may be able to fill the emptiness in your soul with frivolous sex when you’re young and physically desirable, but that phase is fleeting. People who don’t want to “waste” their beauty and youth on a spouse, so they waste it instead on strangers who don’t love them or even care what happens to them tomorrow, will be shocked when a tomorrow comes where even strangers aren’t interested anymore. This is where the single-minded, utterly selfish pursuit of “happiness” at all costs inevitably leads: to rejection, despair, and a quiet, unnoticed death on a lonely hospital bed.

As Elise helpfully demonstrated, “do what makes you happy” is poison in a marriage. Many a vow has been broken because one or both partners decide to chase “happiness” instead of commitment, fidelity, and love.

That's women's problem. Not mine.
I've had sex with one person before marriage and I regret even doing that. Most women are garbage.

kek, women at 29 have even higher standards than those at 20

>Why are young men dropping out of society?

we're being attacked by a foreign military, you dipshit.

Then stop choosing shitty men.

This for sure. I have been on two bad dates where all the bitches would talk about were their jobs and how much they made, how they outperformed/controlled men in their office, traveled all over for work etc. It was a huge turnoff.

Granted these were late 20s and one was a single Mom (she hid this prior to the date) so they were just compensating for their lack of a proper maternal role.

because society claims they dont need them anymore

Hah how the fuck does one even get themselves into that position? Not ever meet the guy before? I think most people are just shit at registering other people, how do you even get into a relationship with someone like that in the first place?

It will be your problem you fucking retard if you plan to marry. Have fun holding out for one which meets that standard, is attractive, and wholesome. You will die single and having one regretful fuck.

Kiwi women have to be the worst in the world:
>They are entitled to HALF your assets if you live together for 3 years. Marriage not required.
>Highest rates of STD infections in the WORLD. So high that babies are being infected from their mothers.
Source: stuff.co.nz/national/health/108956540/newborns-pay-the-price-for-new-zealands-skyhigh-rates-of-sexually-transmitted-infections
>Kiwi women are the most promiscuous in the world. They fuck around like there's no tomorrow.
>Kiwi women let themselves go after marriage, and turn into fat annoying cunts.

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Everything women understand is a projection of their own vapid reckoning. For example, women think men value in women what women value in men, ergo they think their career, income, and education are important to a man. They're not.

Women are stupid and women are children. First and foremost that's what you need to understand when trying to understand them. All women are also whores. Every relationship for them is transactional in nature, and they cannot even emulate the qualities men value because such traits are useless to them so they can't understand what they mean.

Those traits are femininity, loyalty, submissiveness (only bitch boys like dominant women, which is an oxymoron) and dependability.

If you remove sex from the equation, women provide no qualities that a male/male friendship doesn't provide in superior fashion. They are utterly useless at BEST.

>i had to clean up after him and do the dishes

Oh no, you had to be the woman of the relationship, the horror, oh god, how completely unnatural and grotesque

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nothing to gain to work for Moshe and a socialist state.
Neets are blessed. I would stop working too if I could. Why contributr to your own misery and population replacement??

>90% of women chasing the top 10% of males
What can possibly go wrong??

>too many minorities everywhere
>wages haven't increased in 30 years
>the cost of EVERYTHING has increased in 30 years
>women are insane feminists
Just find a job you don't hate (doesn't matter what it is, even minimum wage), save money and live a frugal life. You'll have a nice cushion in a decade.

I like how that article immediately blames access to healthcare instead of how all the women are whores. Doesn't NZ have socialized medicine? How do they have a higher rate of newborn STDs than the US if it were about access to healthcare?

Who's that?

>Neets are blessed.
It's really fucking hard to live on welfare if you have rent to pay though. Most neets get pretty miserable with being poor. Even if only because they can't afford a good gaming PC.

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jessica nigri

he's right you know
>"My body is a temple" yet most of them treat their bodies like landfills however and must be treated as such.
>You can take a girl out of the ghetto but cannot take the ghetto out of her


Dont worry guys, I'm not giving thots attention.

>Benefits men
>women are goods in the shop window
No but they should be

We do have socialized medicine.
All kiwis get taught sex education in high schools.
But it's NEVER the woman's fault.

Another example of the entitled mindset of kiwi women:


I am a proud MGTOW and nobody can stop me.

they can't find good men because they're not good women. only a simp would get with a feminazi cunt in her thirties who spent the best years of her life getting hollowed out by chad cock

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Women only think Tinder benefits men when they get ghosted.

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A red pill indeed.

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Because society dropped out of us.

let men do what they want with their bodies you pushy whore

Die roastie

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I did

That's because you live in Sweden.

Ohhhhhh shit. Consent is going to only apply if you stick around after you fuck them now. This is NOT gonna work, Chad is BUSY he can't deal with your BS forever kek.

Men don’t “drop out of society”. Men have to be incentivized to “check into society”

upgrade your firmware and do a game
update, society 2.0

Pic of the article provides the explanation of its question

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>Work full time, earn good dolla.
>Don't spend money i make on retarded shit


Men, look at the women around you.
Look at your sisters and mothers.
Look at your wives and daughters.
Understand your nature as a man.

If the women you associate with vote democrat, they are voting against your progress.
They are saying that you are not worth anything to them and all they need is the state.
Remove your masculine protections from these women.
Cut them from your life like the cancer they are.

Divorce leftist women.
Disown leftist daughters.
Emancipate yourself from leftist mothers.

Do not teach women.
Do not mentor women.
Do not work for women

Ask them about their politics but do not reveal yourself.
Out them.
Rout them.
Throw them down and remove their status.

Leftist women are against the species.
Leftist women are no longer human.

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>culture of consent should be culture of caring after sex
toppest of keks

it's true

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A woman will never love you.
She sees you for what you could provide for her.
But since she already is providing herself in addition to daddy government, she can go around smoking cock like a crack addict. Which she might also consume.

When in the past, the norm was to have vaginal intercourse leading to her hymen breaking, the average woman of today needs to be mating pressed anally to give you the illusion that she is pure.
If her ass wasn't prepared for it anyway.
Oh, and you still end up with a std.

Especially since there is only one Chad for every ten women that will only ride the Thundercock.

>da wall

Oh there's all this talk of the wall for women but if you're a guy pushing 30 you're the one who should be in panic mode. You're gonna have to realize that with younger girls who'll be uninterested in you unless you have money and being inexperienced with women on top of it your options are gonna be limited. I know it's hard to get over but at some point you'll have to choose between marrying a "roastie" becoming a step dad or staying a mgtow incel forever.

Nice blogpost, kraut. What std did you get?

Poor, old, ugly woman. Men don't want anything to do with her

Thankfully none.
A shame about my friends.

>70 years old
>expects elite men

hilariously false, shill. Women love dudes in their 30s: we have money, looks that haven't depreciated, and generally have our shit together. The roasties are just angry that men have skipped their entire generation for something better. They are trying to shame us because they are terrified.

t. married, white, 30s, 1 kid.

You mean I can't treat men like shit and just get away with it?? ... Fuck I'm fucked.

>whistling past the graveyard

tits or gtfo

Yeah. Hence why he's so busy.
I think most men can deal better with being single than women though. Because most men have to get used to not being picky and being single for long stretches of time. Women never have to be single unless they want to. But then they get older and for many of them their options are all beneath them. This is new for them and they don't like it one bit.
Nowadays my biggest problem with being single is that RENT IS SO DAMN HIGH. It would make more sense to pay for that with two incomes. But I manage anyway by living frugally. It ain't so bad.

>Women love dudes in their 30s


lol @ people who have sex with people they just met and have no way of getting a hold of afterward.

thats super dangerous and risky and howls of no self worth/respect for your own body/health/life/.

you should pick your friends and acquaintances carefully, you should only associate with good, trustworthy, honest, loyal people as much as possible and avoid useless/dangerous/awful people.


I have had sex thousands of times, but only with a handful of women, usually living with, never with a condom, and never with someone i haven't known for years beforehand and overwhelming trust. doing otherwise is fucking stupid for men AND women.

any one who doesnt understand this(most women) are walking time bombs that will inevitably explode, ruining their own lives and the lives of anyone dumb enough to get close to them.

every sexual encounter and every relationship a person has should be important and not taken lightly.

the woman in this pic has no one to blame but herself for getting pumped and dumped by a stranger she invited and consented to in her bed. why on EARTH would she expect someone she just meant and fucked to be a good person if they fuck random sluts they just meet?

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>no link to source
not bumping this garbage

Oops, guess white women killed their race then.

Just a reminder bros to work on yourself and be the best you can be

It’s a buyers market if you’re looking for a mate

When I’m ready to have kids I’m heading to the Mormon temple to find me a 9/10 virgin ready to have 5+ white babies

Mormons are still unfuxked by Jewish programming

Desu senpai.

>A culture of consent should be a culture of care for the other person

This dumb cunt doesn't even realize that she has just described a traditional marriage.
What do you think wedding vows are?
They are literally giving each other consent and promising to care for one another.

Standards have never been lower then they are today. If you're (i) not fat; (ii) know how to cook; (iii) don't sleep around like a slut; (iv) are feminine and (v) don't have tattoos, then you're already in the top 5% of women. All you have to do is learn how to tell the men who want sex from the men who want marriage and you're set.

Women bitch and complain about the dating market but the fact is that they've never had it easier.

The problem with women is that they are complete subhumans, they think about sex all the time. Even when married these pieces of shit are thinking about other guys fucking the fuck out of them while you arent around, they have no loyalty at all thus marrying one makes no logical sense. The only way to fix women is to give them drugs that numbs their sexual intentions after marriage, you can rape them when you want though.

>a guy who treats me like a disposable fuck toy makes me feel sad
>a guy who treats me like a person(aka a virgin) makes me disgusted

Pick one you stupid fucking women.