Share what you've got. Yes this is political We are making the politically incorrect statement that pederasts use small business fronts to kidnap, rape and sex-traffic children.
Pic related is easily found on image search. Note the pentagram donut
Basic facts: >their slogan is "The magic is in the hole" >adult themed but also kid-friendly, similar to CPP >anthony bourdain visited them >when anthony died, voodoo had tweets/instagram posts mourning his death >cash only business >all their donuts have a weird evil-looking design >somehow they've grown in popularity even though their donuts look like shit...this could imply connections that help their brand, e.g. bourdain was instructed to give them positive PR by visiting their location, thus jump-starting it from there
this is a multi-million dollar donut brand....they even have a location at a popular Hollywood theme park, called universal studios. really makes you think and turn pink.
I know for a fact that this voodoo donuts takes cards. t. Universal Studios employee >Voodoo donuts has a voodoo doll styled donut Imagine my shock. Have you actually been to Voodoo Donuts? It’s fantastic and fuck you for trying to make it pizzagate 2.0
Ex Voodoo employee here. Look into the Shanghai tunnels that exists under their Portland store. Pretty convenient way to secretly move things in and out of the store without detection. I can't really say anymore.
Levi Sullivan
The same kind of system they have around CPP huh
Chase James
>Shanghai tunnels yea, that some secretive shit right there
Fucking Youtube man... we need an alternative that doesn't such (bitchute sucks)
Logan Jenkins
You can tour part of them, but many other parts exist.
You can't help but to find out when there is an old locked door in the basement that is supposedly never used or discussed. Friends who work in nearby businesses told me their buildings have those doors too, and theirs lead to sub-basements that lead to unused, allegedly "unsafe" portions of the Shanghai tunnel system.
Kayden Thomas
I've taken that tour, and it's quite lame. There's probably shit going on with voodoo but I doubt the tunnels are used for anything, after seeing the actual state of them.
Jose Barnes
Tfw you realize big tech is covering up for elite pedophiles. Also there was a whistleblower that case out like a week ago and said she discovered her ex husband was making child porn for the Clinton foundation in McMinnville OR.
Bentley Ortiz
I was about to recommend the interview Lift the Veil did a while back. He was covering it for a while. I wonder if he still has them up or if (((youtube))) took them down.
Dylan Walker
Their donuts aren't really that good honestly.
Julian Richardson
Voodoo Donuts sponsored Ice Poseidon the youtube streamer. Just google: ice poseidon voodoo donuts reddit
Jason Jackson
YouRube took them down. I am in contact with the whistleblower and there are a bunch of powerful entities that are attacking him. Open Secret, that hedge fund billionaire limited hangout guy has been slandering him along with a bunch of other trolls. They don’t want this info getting out there.
Macauly Culkin was spotted at a pedo party in Portland associated with voodoo
Parker Sanders
You have schizophrenia
Christopher Butler
The problem is voodoo donuts are so fucking good, they can rape all the children they want as long as they keep making their donuts.
Owen Ortiz
Isaac Kappy needs to stop doing drugs and sucking off David Brock
Lincoln Ramirez
Donut Day is the superior do-nut establishment in the greater Portland area. Voodoo sucks in comparison..
Owen Gray
Isaac Kappy doesn’t do drugs and has been battling Brock’s fag squad for years. Look guys I found a shill! Do you know who knows about your protection racket? Q!!!
Bentley Perez
Gabe Hoffman needs to stop slandering people for kike bucks
Isaac Kappy absolutely does not do drugs. Hung out with him for a week and never saw any drug usage of any kind. Get over the Brock thing - he was trolling him and the convention.
Ayden Bailey
I'll give it another go. I usually buy Sesame Donuts I work and live a mile away from 3 of them
how can one go about proving the symbol is printed on coins in their own home?
Benjamin Howard
Go on. You got the link to that? Did the dude get arrested or did Hillary Sudoku him to the back of the head? I mean if he was doing that he certainly deserves death but the rest do too. Is she coming forward?
Colton Peterson
They sell buckets of old donuts for cheap. You may get diabetes in one visit.
fully aware of the fbi code symbols for pedophilia but how could i take a coin like shown in and wear away the metal so i can show people the symbol
Luke Scott
fort vandenburg here, a donut just flew over my house
Aaron Ward
Checked It's too bad those were taken down, but it's not surprising. I wish the best to Michael. Hopefully he can find a good outlet for help and a way to get his message out.
David Thomas
How is their famous purple donuts linked to the child sex stuff? Do they put adrenalchrome in the donuts?
The one I worked at did. Not sure about the others.
Gabriel Bennett
Went to a voodoo donuts when I was in Oregon. I was pretty drunk and got the fruit loops donut. They had a metal slug arcade cabinet there. No Podesta tho
Daniel Morris
guise I found this spiral plant..
it's literally the pedophile lego. we should really investigate these satanic saturn worshiping ferns
Describe basement to best of abilities. Did it have hooks/things for hanging people up on ceilings? Drains on floor? Heavily soundproofed doors?
Jeremiah Price
What's the deal with David Brock's beach house blackmail and the pedophile pediatrician producing cp in Lewes, Delaware anyway and how are the Bidens tied into all of it? Surely it wasn't for the DC market? (and surely Beau Biden wasn't murdered?)
Wyatt Stewart
Oh I got ya, Its not a symbol that is in all the coins. I think the pedos just have some of them stamped to pass around. It is how they can identify each other without saying anything and not miss aren't aware.
Connor Long
Dude there is literally a whistleblower that saw a pedo party. The absolute state of shills in current year.
Brody Smith
Normies aren't aware*
Bentley Jenkins
ah makes sense then
Leo Carter
Luis Myers
>fantastic This so how I know you're a shill. I live in Portland (ignore the flag, on vaca) and these donuts are actually shit. Portland people go to Pips or Blue Star. Voodoo is garbage created by an old pedophile that used to run coke out of Satyracon They are 100% a pedo front and everyone in pdx knows it
I can’t believe you guys are still shilling. It’s really pathetic. You are covering up for pedos. Like how low can you go? I would rather live under a bridge.
god dammit canada don't be a willful sub60. these are all obviously a Fibonacci spiral. The pedo logo is a triangular spiral. remove yourself from the gene pool. Pools closed
Julian Gomez
The tunnels go down to the river don't they? I wonder if voodoo has a secret login place on their website like comet did. These front companies are selling more than pizza and donuts from their servers in the back rooms. What about the owner user? Anything else you want to tell.
comet pizza is weird as fuck and alefantis is probably a huge goof but you retards fail to realize the fact that when a hundred thousand apophenic boomers become absolutely convinced that your business is a satanic industrial child rape dungeon and constantly bombard your social media presence with allegations that your logo is literally a pedophile symbol in a massive disinfo campaign and you're a weird faggot who doesn't want to look like a weird faggot you're probably going to respond by changing your logo.
was this whistleblower an unsubstantiated post on Jow Forums by any chance
my point is you retards might have been on to something in the start but you got WAY too horny with this to the point that you think basically everybody is in on it and have by your own hubris completely discredited your entire campaign. nobody takes this shit seriously anymore because you've gone too far and too wild with accusations you just assert are fact without ever providing any evidence that isn't circumstantial and esoteric. All the "baby eating adrenochrome satanist" rhetoric has definitely not made any of this palatable to the uninformed either, but yeah, anybody who doesn't outright buy the narrative is a pedo shill right?
y'all fucked up, you'll probably never catch the pedos now. the fact that you're so shocked that you would be ridiculed for acting unhinged on Jow Forums shows you're largely out of touch with the internet, which is why you get called boomers.
>u iz a shill bc u don’t believe my retarded conspiracy theory Get mental help before you shoot up a fucking donut shop over some fake bullshit you read online