>Dershowitz said it appears the investigation into Trump “is over” unless Mueller’s team subpoenas him.
>“I think the cards that were shown yesterday were that this investigation as far as Trump’s concerned is over unless they try to subpoena him and then we have a constitutional conflict because Trump asserts article 2 and other constitutional rights,” Dershowitz said.
>He then added, “I suspect we’re on the way to a Mueller report which will find no crimes but will find political sins which are not the proper function of a special counsel. … Prosecutors are supposed to find only crimes.”
as a proud communist supporter of Hillary Clinton, I must now commit suicide, Trump will never be held responsible for his numerous crimes, for which there is no evidence, I don't want to live in this world anymore, hasta la vist comrades
>unless Mueller’s team subpoenas him and we all know they will
exactly this.
When the fuck are you idiots going to wake up? It's all a fucking ruse. The Q thing. All of it. It's the same fucking thing. It's THE SAME FUCKING THING. 2001-2016 all we hear on MSM is TERRORIST TERRORIST TERRORIST now all we heard is muh DRUMPFT DRUMPFT DRUMPFT
RUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easton Cruz
>and we all know they will good joke, user, just like Trump Jr. will be indicted, right?
Joshua Morris
that was a smear job, it's been debunked
Angel Williams
Democrats don't take over Congress until January 3rd. Lie to yourselves all you like. The truth is that the majority of investigations into Trump haven't even begun yet. Get your popcorn ready.
Bentley Baker
>Democrats don't take over Congress until January 3rd. Lie to yourselves all you like. The truth is that the majority of investigations into Trump haven't even begun yet. Get your popcorn ready. You seem to think congressional investigations matter. How many people went to jail for the Benghazi hearings?
Jonathan Lee
dude. have you seen what the fucking media does? the DOJ, FBI and CIA are corrupt to their core. they will just keep spinning fucking nonsense. meanwhile clinton flies to india for multi million dollar weddings while people like seth rich lay in a fucking casket.
Hey Trump - why the fuck don't you put a bullet through that bitches head like she did to Rich? Why the fuck do we continue this nonsense? There is no "easy" way to wake the public up. Start ending these fucking traitors lives.
But no. It won't happen. Just keep listening to Q goys!
2018 absolutely nothing will fucking happen because nothing ever does fucking happen because THEY ARE ALL 2 SIDES OF THE SAME FUCKING COIN! It's a fucking RUSE to APPEAL to constitutionalists, nationalists and conservatives. Won't work bro.
It's a fucking ruse to keep the people complacent. Nothing ever fucking happens. Pedo politicians continue running everything. Kavanaugh drafted the Patriots Act now he's on the fucking Supreme Court. You think the Patriots Act or NDAA is going anywhere anytime soon? You thought fucking wrong.
They are ALL fucking traitors. Our ENTIRE government is composed OF LITERAL FUCKING TRAITORS
Ayden Howard
Joshua Russell
>You seem to think congressional investigations matter.
Then I guess trump has nothing to worry about. If that is the case, I wonder why he is in an almost constant state of panic.
Justin Sanders
>t. brainlet
Xavier Myers
Stream it or you will fail
Ethan Lee
>I wonder why he is in an almost constant state of panic. he isn't, he's punching back at faggots, do you think CNN headlines are reality or something?
Joshua Morris
>implying anything about that rant was intelligent
Christian Hernandez
>implying you aren't a fucking cuck who thinks some politician is going to magically save you from a infinitely tyrannical government who wants nothing more than to take away every last freedom you have
>Mueller probe will find no evidence of crimes and will only be used to dig up political dirt against Trump for 2020. >In related news, scientists at NASA working on the Mars Science Laboratory program have determined that water is wet.
David Davis
You're talking to a shill btw
Angel Brown
>dingo fucker accusing others of being shills
Austin Carter
Benjamin Carter
I really hate the media
Landon Lopez
>do you think CNN headlines are reality or something?
...asks the man who believes the only real source of news is Trump's tweets. Oh, the irony.
Nathan Green
So Mueller will indict some more Foreign guys nobody has ever heard of, while suggesting to indict Trump once he is no Potus anymore....
James Roberts
Dershowitz, a legal scholar, is the same as Trump's tweets?
Matthew James
a lot of anons seem to be passive aggressively butt hurt about this thread, why do you think that is?
Liam Moore
>Dershowitz, a legal scholar, is the same as Trump's tweets?
At this point in history? Yeah...pretty much.
Kevin Ward
You fucking idiot. The Mueller investigation has already succeeded. No matter what is going to happen from here on forward. The whole purpose was to slow Trump down and make his presidency a phony narrative. Or do you still believe that anybody in D.C. ever believed this Russia hoax? This was NEVER the reason. But celebrate your huge victory, that there was no collusion, idiot!
2019 will come and you faggots will still be saying "NEXT WEEK"
Fuck all of that gay fucking bullshit. Let me explain something to you very clear. There is no happenings. I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about "the people can't handle the truth" blah blah blah. Guess what? The people CAN and HISTORICALLY HAVE been able to handle the fucking truth. The Church thought no one could handle what Galileo had to say and they persecuted him for telling the truth. Guess what? Here we fucking are.
We all could handle the truth. I'm tired of fucking supposed "leaders" dictating what WE THE PEOPLE can and cannot handle.
DECLASSIFY THE FUCKING FISA OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's all a fucking RUSE you fucking brainlet.
Noah Roberts
Mueller will never stop.
Jason Jones
>At this point in history? Yeah...pretty much. so you're a disingenuous retard, correct?
Wyatt Bennett
Dijis of Truth. Trump is one of them, is in on it and is attempting to crush our movement. They've made a catastrophic miscalculation. This >Ruse Will push us to a pique of rage. Controlled, sustained and energized rage.