STATE rate thread!!!

STATE rate thread!!!

Attached: state rate mine2.png (1104x593, 25K)


Attached: state rate matj.png (1104x593, 24K)

You're a giant faggot

>likes CA
>favorite is NV, but nuke NM
>lives in jew york
>dislikes the rust belt

Who is OP, and what is his endgame

prove i'm wrong

Attached: 1545078537211.png (1104x593, 31K)

You were supposed to rate your home state too

fill out the chart

California is a festering shithole

Attached: black man.png (1104x593, 23K)

Attached: 1545078537211.png (1104x593, 31K)

home state NC

Yankees pls stop moving here