People choose to be unhappy

>people choose to be unhappy

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Hello newfriend

But they're not always conscious of what choice entails

A lot of people seem to think, you know, that 'choice' innately means "one good, one bad," and they're just still yet to figure out the good choice...
We call it "pick your poison" for a reason though

Rest assured. People do choose their suffering. It's just a matter of whether they admit that to themselves

They do, though. Self-tyranny is just the negative manifestation of self-overcoming.

>just be happy bro!

Tell that to people in Auschwitz.

La la la my life is great
La la la I have no Future
La la la I hate this world
La la la I'm fucking stupid
La la la nobody understands me
La la la I'm so so so happy :)))
Lyf is great such good chose :)))

Yes they do. I mean, have you ever gone to Jow Forums?

>just gotta be happy bro!

Wow user you give such great advice; you should write a book :)

>be Viktor Frankl
>be sent to Auschwitz
>be quoted saying pic related

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They do...

I choose to be happy by being present. I am not weighed down by the past nor am I worried about the future. I am free to smile and enjoy this very moment.

Be here now, free yourself.

He never said that.

Nigger you are shit talking on the internet, don't even fucking pretend the word Auschwitz is part of your vocabulary. Suffering to you is probably putting down a pet, you wet blanket pantywaist

Nobody respects you because you live in undeniable privilege and act like you're downtrodden when in all reality you just author your own suffering and then play up as if you're being struck down by fortune. Fuck off faggot, there isn't a problem in your life that you're not the cause of

And yeah, just be happy is the answer, I'm sorry you were raised to be a little bitchly and can't take life. Wear a helmet or off yourself, none of us care

What? Are you saying happiness is a choice?

Get a job you dirty fucking hippy

>Heh, nothing personal kid

Nice try. He has a whole book, "Man's Search for Meaning." Case study on who did and didn't survive Auschwitz.

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I’m new to this board, but wouldn’t “Fuck it” or “be like water” be better advice for life or just don’t overthink much and maybe something like don’t lose hope

I have job, it’s a joy to show up to. I’m excited to see what an amazing day tomorrow will be like!

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Never happened. Shame you fell for a confidence artist.

Yeah but their narrative is that everyone's as miserable as they are because nobody solves problems, it is by no means a problem that OP has and it is for sure a widespread epidemic. Not at all related to being a lil bitch
>new to this board
First tip, nobody here wants to hear what will actually help, just platitudes and validation
Secondly the problem is that people believe life is some magical microcosm, when in reality it is only thanks to the modern plumber that we aren't cleaning up our own feces.
Life is a lot of things, but necessarily forgiving is not one of them and I'd really appreciate if these bitch boys would just pull up their Vic secret panties and get the fuck to doing literally anything besides whatever the fuck they call their current state of life

They're beyond help as they are, but they constantly expect someone else to sweep in and make their lives better. I've never know anything more pathetic, than men who come to the internet to both escape, and find a solver of, their problems.

>I've never know anything more pathetic, than men who come to the internet to both escape, and find a solver of, their problems

>...says the internet tough guy

>confidence artist
no u

Shhhh bb no more memes now only dreams

>I shitpost on Jow Forums to bury my woes
I wish you didn't all act the exact same

After reading this, I wonder if those pathetic deserve any pity? On one hand, they are most likely the cause for their problems and blame other factors instead of improving. On the other hand, they proabably had a fucked childhood where they never developed social skills or they were born with a social disorder. the roots of the problems could be caused by stuff they couldn’t control early on in life. I’m confused

Some people just don't succeed. This board can't accept that. It's too American. The "if I can do it, everyone can" mentality.

Defeatist losers who don't take the effort to improve BTFO

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It is.

Isn't he quoting one of the big ancient Stoics? Maybe epictetus?