Been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now. Tonight he approached me and said he really needed a favor from me. Sure why not? I love him.
I walk into the room and hes wearing a skirt and my bra. My brain freezes. He says he wants to fuck with one of the dildos we have except he wants me to put it in him while he's dressed like that. I did just that for him without asking any questions.
However, of course I have a million questions. Is there any gay part about crossdressing or does it depend on the person? He's expressed that he's not gay whatsoever and it's always been something he likes doing. Does anyone here have any experience with this type of thing? I would love to know if it has effected your relationship or how you approach this with partners.
Been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now. Tonight he approached me and said he really needed a favor from me...
honestly you shouldnt kink shame him, becaue he just come out to you, you should love him no matter what. and im sure he would do the same.
kink shaming is not good in a relationship just sayin
Well wearing a skirt and getting fucked in the ass is pretty gay.
That said, some people are not attracted to the same gender sexually as they are romantically.
This could mean he would never have a relationship with a guy even though he likes to get fucked once a while.
The question is: do you still respect him? Could you see him as the father of your children?
Could you be okay with this?
Talk to him about it. Of course it's going to be difficult, but I'm pretty sure that's what people mean when they "put in work" for the relationship. You need to talk. It's going to be awkward, sure. Just make sure you both feel safe to talk to each other.
Just remember that you're under no obligation to do something you don't want to do.
I'm no gender expert by any means. But I guess the gender he identifies with, and the sex he's attracted to are different things. So not necessarily gay. But yea. Talk to him!
How is asking for advice kink shaming?
Dump him.
He caught the gay. There is no turing back. Run.
I absolutely love him and I'm more than willing to understand everything. Yeah he would be a great father and I know I want to be with him. Maybe it's just an anal pleasure thing that escalated? Either way I love him.
Do you really want to have a guy who dresses like a woman and likes getting fucked in the ass be the father of your children?
Im honestly trying not to shame him in any way about it. In no way is he a feminine guy or has ever expressed gay attraction. He just wanted to try it out I guess. Idk I'm pretty confused about the whole thing.
It is kinda gay but sexuality is very funny. Anything can be sexual depending on the person and even the same fetish appeals to people for different reasons. Ignore all the dumb gender identity nonsense that's everywhere these days or whether or not it's gay or any of that shit. For him, crossdressing and having you use a toy on him may be tied more to the humiliation masochistic aspect of it. Probably likes the power exchange. I'd imagine he was very embarrassed showing/asking you which is probably part of it too. Careful because once that shame and embarrassment wears off, if this were to become a routine request, his requests may become more extreme. So like everyone else was saying, talk to him, see what's up. I don't think he's gay, if he was he wouldn't have asked you to do it, he'd be with a dude.
If he keeps doing that it means he has some issues and probably wouldn't make a good father so you should rethink this relationship. Coz marrying him and having kids with him only to find he is cheating on you with another man or is a legit latent homo would probably suck.
Crossdressing is a thing mainly practiced by straight men (I dont mean traps). I am a crossdresser too but without the dildo part. I just like dressing up, its my fetish. I guess your bf likes roleplay and when he is a girl, its ok to get fucked (in the ass, because he doesnt have any other holes lol). For me its a step too far but I heard from straight men who like to get dominated by a strap on without the dressing part so I guess its just anal pleasure
Why do you think it is mainly practiced by straight males? Is it a curiosity sort of thing?
Yo... wtf. How did you even handle that situation without getting weirded out. If someone dropped some weird shit like that on me I'd straight up dip the fuck outta there.
Find a boyfriend who isn't gay.
I don't care what you have heard, that wasn't normal , and you don't have to be okay with it.
I guess it differs. some like the feeling of the "forbidden" clothing. you gotta admit, female clothing has awesome textiles. Everyone heard about the cliche of the business man with lingerie underneath his work clothes. Some like to look and feel feminine, but just for a period of time, not transitioning. I mean a few cds tend to go all in and go hormones but I am afraid a few out there go to far for their sexual desires and might regret it later on. ofc the gay community is crossdressing too. But I think there are a lot of straight drag queens out there
I'd be incredibly pissed if he put on my clothes.
>my boyfriend dresses like a woman and fucks his arse with dildos
>somehow this isn't gay
Lmao, the milennial delusion
What's so wrong with being gay? Why do people act like high schoolers trying so hard to make sure people don't think they're gay?
Fucking be gay, god damn. It's fine.
You both would benefit from a bull
Well it IS gay, but there's a clear difference between fantasy and reality.
He might like to pretend or imagine getting fucked in the ass but it's not necessarily something he'd seek out with anyone else.
Basically he's not 100% straight but it's probably an 'only inside the bedroom' sort of deal.
I think that's called autogynophilia - being sexually aroused by the idea of being a woman
Please hear me out.
I'm a dude with what you would call a very apparent feminine side.
I don't crossdress, I just tend to act in a certain way that for me is natural but seems gay to other people. My gf herself was certain I was gay until I advanced on her.
I get your bf. He really isn't gay. He just has other urges that aren't compatible with a male stereotype. Doesn't mean he's gonna ditch you and start sucking dick for no good reason.
You did peg him with essentially a plastic dick, but I bet he likes more the feeling of being dominated more than the dick itself.
Trust me, you'd do good just accepting that side of him. He trusts you enough to open up about this, so he's not leaving anytime soon.
I don't have any advice but I do want to say I'm really jealous. I'd love if this happened with my husband, his body would be great for it and his ass is amazing. I've been hoping for just the situation you're in for years.
Sexuality isn't black and white, so I wouldn't jump to the whole "Is he gay?" thing. You should just take it as it is since everyone is different, and if he's sexually satisfied with you it does not matter if he's attracted to men.
it could be worse aka he could want threesome with men.
As a man only interested in girls, I also like to stuff my ass, but because of social reason, i'd never let my gf know until she puts a finger up my ass from her initiative.
Even straight men have a prostate
Just going to write my experience, and you can take whatever from it.
>Ex told me he wore my bra and dance dress and jerked it while I was at work.
>Asked me to peg him, asked for an open relationship, and said he wanted to "taste other flavors".
>He said he wished futas were real, that he wanted to be with a chick with a dick but that it was (obviously) impossible.
>Turns out he cheated months before bringing all of this up; he admitted to fucking some guy.
>Find out later on that he was fucking yet another guy in another state.
Been broken up for years. He almost exclusively dates guys now.
I never thought of it as being a good thing before but I could definitely see how it could open alot of sexual doors! I asked him what he thought about when i did it to him and he said he basically just imagined me in a dominating stance instead of a man to man sort of thing.
What did pegging mean to him? Did he ever express that he was imagining a man or was he mainly interested in just the penetration/dock aspect of it?
He said that he wished women with dicks were real and that they would be ideal for him.
He never told me whether he was imagining a man during, and he never really went into detail about what it meant to him.
After we broke up, he thought he was only into men for a while, then he said he was bi. He hooked up/dated a handful of guys and then a FtM trans person. Then he dated two more guys. We stopped communicating.
lmao you really sont like the bf huh? keep asking her every post if she thinks that ok baka
people have wierd kinks dude, it doesnt immediatly disqualify you from being a good parent.
maybe he just wants to be submissive for once, it'll improve your relationship if you do it but this could be the start of more and more of that. Just know once you open Pandora's box of fetishes you can't close it. (and this is coming from someone with a lot of them, not saying this as someone who shames others)