/slav/pol Discord Edition

Join our discord: KTNyMG
We accept mainly slavs but we can accept anyone else if they don't sperg out.

Attached: discord.png (411x45, 4K)

based and redpilled

Attached: tfw_slavic_pagan.png (900x619, 92K)


Attached: stronk.png (560x373, 154K)

We need more Americans there

Attached: pepe.png (401x367, 4K)

mfw no bumps

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mfw no americans

Attached: Americano.png (686x798, 21K)

mondo t poses on western europe

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Can we all objectivly agree that slavs will rule the world in less than 100 years?

No La Creaturas

Thank you.

Oh wait a second, I have the whole folder of asians qts. Might as well post them all.

Attached: 1523665998778.jpg (640x960, 75K)

Only the fools (non-slavs) would argue about it.

Attached: 1523885098998.jpg (800x800, 122K)


dab, bump

ok, thanks for the bump niggoid

Attached: Average Russian female.jpg (1000x760, 146K)

Attached: _ogsYm8akY0.jpg (720x1080, 89K)

Attached: 7zVONQzPB-M.jpg (720x1080, 112K)

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Sorry, just had to post it.

Attached: 2d24fce.png (952x810, 152K)

Attached: 5570-2013.jpg (856x1100, 1011K)

Attached: 1411410435_po20jagody.jpg (867x1137, 739K)

Slavic girl > any western manface whore.

I wonder if their women was the reason for famous western homosexuality.

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we got a minecraft server

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Slavic women only.

Attached: anaaa.jpg (1024x1365, 167K)

Looks Chinese

Nah, don't think so nigga.

Attached: chink.jpg (624x351, 33K)

>needy pepe meme

be mommy plz

collusion ok

Ayo. Bear Bro here. why did you remove me?

get your eyes checked fucking lmao

We only removed one Albanian though. You don't look like Anbanian. Although I could be wrongm, you never know with Americans. You are like a Christmas present. You never know which ethnicity will be in the box.

Attached: 1544737180044.png (868x1024, 540K)

Attached: Turan.jpg (1280x698, 116K)

based af


Use telegram bub

Slavs are among the most whitest people in Europe btw

Attached: White whites.png (1390x505, 70K)

Attached: tatar spurdo.png (853x705, 51K)


Attached: Victory of King Milutin over the Tatars.jpg (4000x2627, 3.97M)

I'm Half Slav and I'm going to make babies with a Slav to purify them. Slavic Women are Amazing. Are there any limits on who I can mix with? I'm Half Polish does that mean I can only mix with Poles or Can I mix with Ukrainians or Russians?

Attached: Russian.jpg (510x1024, 80K)

Western Slavs,don't with Eastern and South Slavs

Attached: 523523.jpg (640x480, 89K)

Why only Western? Aren't Western and Eastern Slavs basically the Same? Southern Slavs are different because of Turk Blood, wouldn't you want to get rid of that?