Germany should pay for reconstruction of destroyed Warsaw and then kill themselves. Recently they also refused to pay insurance to the polish owner whose truck was used in terrorist attack. Why are Germans nigger tier when it comes to honor?


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sorry for that little mess, buddy

Germans have no honour whatsoever, hence why they hate Poland, the most honourable nation in human history.

I didnt know there were actual poles in poland any more... figured you were all cleaning toilets in germany and the UK by now

>pooland is the most honorable nation

Found the pollock

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Some of the most resiliant people too


KYS poorlish subhuman

Blame Jews

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>the most honorable nation in human history.
Poles are the Mexicans of Europe and just want gibs

It wouldn't be honorable not to take money retards give us.

Destruction of Warsaw was done by the polish terrorist organisation AK (Armia Krajowa). In 1944 the AK Bandits launched a series of terrorist attacks destroying wide parts of the city.

I think Poles have a good case for blaming Germans
Most Europeans do.

Polish bandit gangs destroyed warsaw in 44, if anything you should charge zhem

Himmler ordered to destroy every single stone in Warsaw. You think you are funny pig?

They were wearing german uniforms and driving germsn tanks. Hmmm...

Attached: Stare-Miasto-1945.jpg (1920x1105, 976K)

How can you talk about this when jews are landing on the moon?

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Polish terrorists attacked german forces that tried to defend warsaw and its people from bolshewiks, the city was destroyed by the terrorists while germans had to fight them off and protect civillians from the Sowjets at the same time. Read die Freiwilligen der Waffen-SS by Felix Steiner on this


>read this book by a fucking Nazi commander on how Nazis did nothing wrong.

unironically this. Most people don't realize that a large part of the jewish communities in all Eastern and Central European countries essentially acted as soviet partisans in the country in which they lived. The same thing happened in Romania, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria - virtually all countries that had a sizable influx of jewish population after 1915-1916 (prior to the bolshevics winning, the huge jewish population from Tsarist Russia started fleeing the country towards Eastern and Central Europe because they were literally hunted by the White Army). I personally know the following from a story shared by my grandfather, who fought on the Eastern Front - when the Romanian 1st and 2nd Armies were forced to retreat in Moldova after the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact, the Jewish population in Basarabia started attacking the retreating Romanian armies and amassing on the streets, waving the red communist flag while waiting for their "saviors", the bolshevics. Same thing happened in Odessa, where the general population was happy to be free from the Bolshevik occupation, except the jewish population who organized as terrorist cells and started bombing the Romanian and German HQ, who in response then started reprisals on the Jewish population (which was later on classified as participation in the Holocaust, not kidding).

If you look hard enough, every single trace of terrorist act in the aftermath of the first world war was largely committed by or with the help of kikes.

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Are you fucking retarded?

the first seconds of your video prove you wrong...

Yes, why should we listen to people that actually knew what went on?

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Why did you fight back against the people who would have got rid of the communists?
Why are all Polacks double digit IQ retards when it comes to this? You could get redpilled on it but instead you STILL act like a victim and wonder why Prussians call you Jewish mischlings
My dad is from Warsaw btw

Nothing wrong with that.

Because fucking germans exterminated us without giving a reason other than calling us not white?

not to mention, warsaw was rebuilt into an indistinguishable American city after, not the Germans fault
there are still parts of Poland that look like communism ended yesterday
The germans did war crimes but they are exaggerated. The worst thing that would happen is your last name would be Germanized and cities would speak primarily German instead of Polish
>ooo0o0oh my god that's so horrible, give me communism for 50 years and Euroweek where refugees rape kids instead

Vast majority of people in wasaw supported the germans fighting against the bolsheviks, bringing them food and water. Only a small group of terrorist bandits attacked germans

Poland made a huge gamble and it backfired for a while. C'est la vie. Besides, Poland got literally billions and trillions in German land and cities. Bit ridiculous to complain now.

There was no exterminations, only anti partisan actions that would later be called extermination by anti natsoc revisionists

I blame USA and UK for giving us Communism. You niggers betrayed us twice in the span of 5 years.

>Poland, the most honourable nation in human history.

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>There was no exterminations

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Blame Rydz-Smigly and his overconfident autism
Blame your people for wanting (((Capitalism))) instead of worker's rights and jewish free government press
Start blaming yourself, not other people

We did nothing wrong and you fucks sold us to Stalin. Facts.

Again, there ofc. was anti bandit and anti terrorist actions. But that was it

>We did nothing wrong
You helped niggers in Haiti when they were revolting against the French

Don't reply to me unless you have something constructive to say, I'm not going to keep reading your WAHH YOU BETRAYED US ;-( horseshit when you are more concerned about THE POLISH LANGUAGE over the EUROPEAN RACE

Way up to bring an event that happened 200 years before the second world war retard

>Comparing 150 soldiers on an island 100+ years ago vs official national foreign policy

don't care race traitor I don't respect your views or posts anymore

>race traitor
Please tell me what wonderful white animated pictures are you producing in Hollywood right now?

Bs. Kankerkraut. Be truthful of your dirlewangerisms.

Pay debts

>Nothing wrong with that.
subhuman pole

>Toiletpole in netherlands pretending to be dutch

>Most people don't realize that a large part of the jewish communities in all Eastern and Central European countries essentially acted as soviet partisans in the country in which they lived
>the Jewish population in Basarabia started attacking the retreating Romanian armies and amassing on the streets, waving the red communist flag while waiting for their "saviors", the bolshevics
>the jewish population who organized as terrorist cells and started bombing the Romanian and German HQ, who in response then started reprisals on the Jewish population (which was later on classified as participation in the Holocaust, not kidding)
Unsurprising. Fuck the kikes and the allies for changing history to paint the Jews as poor little defenseless minorities instead of the instigating rats they were/are.

The Germans see others as inferior, even those who live in Germany. It's about religion, and the Aryans.

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lol poles are the most SUBHUMAN snowniggers ever

even britbongs discriminate against poles, THAT IS HOW SUBHUMAN YOU ARE

>proud of our polish military history
literally lost every war, only independent for 20 fucking years before getting liberated by commies

Lies my Jewish great grandfather served in the white army.

good goy just listen to what goldberg says

Calm down. Germany is paying right fucking now. By their own stupidity their entire nation will disappear within a fucking century.
You can meme they'll turn things around and shit but deep down you well know, it's too late. Entire cities, entire regions of their country are majority migrant already.
Shitskins fuck their females with impunity and when a german objects they get labeled a nazi, a racist or an islamophobe.
If they continue to object their own government will raid their homes and lock them up in prisons where majority of inmates are violent muslims who'll cut their throat or niggers who will make another Dresden out of their anuses.

Face it krauts. You brought this onto yourselves. Finally the eternal destroyer of Europe will be gone. By their own doing nontheless.

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And just so you don't think im making shit up. Your own politicians are against you.

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Why do you retards meme Germany, literally the heart and soul of Europe dying, as a good thing? European nations are not all separate, if Germany becomes brown then there is unrestricted movement from there to Poland through the Schengen zone
fuck you are all such retarded passive aggressive idiots with an inferiority complex that just short circuit being victims

Need further proof? There. Your own ruling class is teaching shitskins combat skills for the upcomming violent muslim takeover.

You are doomed.

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Why? Because, my dear Rodriguez, they've been behind most major calamities that have struck this continent.
This is why we call them the eternal destroyers of Europe.

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I know. We need to buuild a wall.

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German subhumans start wars every fucking time. It's time for germany to end.

If you are against Germany you are honorary non-white and should get the fuck off this board.

Also, don't forget that they've allied with the jewish communists in order to further their destructive goals.

>Look at these fucking faces. The true "ubermensch" of the human race.

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USA is against Germany and will put sanctions on them for Nord Stream 2 next month. USA confirmed not white.


Sure, im glad a mutt like yourself is calling me non-white. That means we, slavs, are not grouped together with such cuckolds of modern times as: krauts, swecucks, frogs, bongs, mutts and so on.

Face it Jamal Enrique, future is slav while you become browner every decade.

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My father is from Warsaw retard I'm from the same country as you are, biologically
thinking Western Europeans going extinct is a good thing is genuinely fucking retarded please kys

Maybe you should kill yourself. Would at least stop you from being eternally butthurt.

Being under communist control, which by the way was caused by german retardation and then Roosevelt literally giving Stalin half of Europe, was a weird blessing. We're immune to the far left marxist bullshit your own population is worshipping.
Look at your own fucking nation. Spanish is already mandatory in half of the world. You keep pumping out race mixing propaganda, inventing new degeneracy as infinite genders, your own politicians are advocating for socialism, a violent communist terrorist organisation Antifa is protected by your media and ruling class.
And it'll only go downhill from here.
Face it, you're done.

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>half of the world.
meant half of the country

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wow thanks for telling me all the things zionist jews that run america do you're so smart seba please enlighten me more!!!

>We're immune to the far left marxist bullshit your own population is worshipping.

At least the one White girl knows she's fabulous!

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Nigger this 1940 map isn’t real all those border counties were majority spic. So was Imperial, Laredo, Albequerqe, Southern Colorado, McAllen, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, El Paso, San Bernardino. Also LA County was 72% white. This counts Mexicans as white

Bullshit map and Bullshit photo. The photo of that school was taken in Gwinnett county

>LA county was 72% white in 1940

No they weren't retard not in 1940. The government had kicked out all the Mexicans/Mestizos and effectively ethnically cleansed the area during the Depression. It was a great idea too.

>Pooland should pay for reconstruction of destruction, caused by WW2 and then kill themselves.

>Recently they also refused to pay insurance to the slavshit owner whose truck was used in terrorist attack.
Same shit (((polak))) = thief/terrorist

>Why are poolaks are nigger tier when it comes to honor?
Never knew of honour concept through its existence, since being created by jews as a fake (((nation)))

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He doesn't mean white he means Jew. Poles mixed with Jews in the 1600s and the results are disgusting. You faggots then proceed to immigrate to Hollywood, and spread degeneracy across the globe.
Now go home Roman, you're drunk and the cops are still looking for you over that little girl you diddled.

oh please you are full of shit like every burger.

And almost none of you are alive to remember it.

That’s not true. Don’t fucking lie to my face. El Paso and Brownsville were definitely mostly and all Hispanic at the time. Nogales Arizona too. Corpus Christi was already 41% Spic in 1940. Eastern LA even then too. A lot of the Central Valley. A lot of Miami county. A lot of South Texas and West Texas. New Mexico was 51% white at most

How am I full of shit?

Poland is saint nation of the world.

Poland a whore. Suck bitch kurva. Steal lands, steal crowns, basic thieves. They say they have gypsy problem. But all polish are gypsy. So they have a problem of misrepresenting themselves. Romania had overcome this problem but Poland is a stupid whore that never learns.

Ooga to the booga. Poland is the Congo of the European continent. Eat shit.


Do you have any sources on this?


Ivane ne seri. Taj kreten mora na goli otok.

Yes lad
Shit hot pussies
48 threads of polak betrayal

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You'll be spared in the day of rakening leaf

Poland should pay Europe for flooding it with jews and lipka trash

pick one. after looking around europe and seeing what a mess the german government have created for all members of the EU. --+

>t. Polish kike whose parents fled in the 60s

That's not Dan schnieder

>Polish partisans fight in civilian clothing
>Germans ordered to flatten the whole city to deal with it
I'd chalk that up as being everyone's fault. Also can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that almost an entire army worth of divisions had to be redirected to put down the Polish uprising, whereas the cucked French "resistance" accomplished almost absolutely nothing

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Warsaw aka Varshava aka Barsheba was 90% Yiddish


This video is better.

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Germany is still an occupied country. What else is needed to be said? Anglo nations and the Soviets did a lot to damage the German morale for generations to come.

And the EU? It has been a proper anti-racialist cucked organisation from the very beginning.
This too. Although I doubt the jew number was as high as 90%

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>Destruction of Warsaw was done by the polish terrorist organisation AK (Armia Krajowa).
Please DIE.
Just KYS.
Wtf do the Jews have to do with the destruction of Warsaw in 1944???
Stfu burger.

Attached: German_Brennkommando-firing_Warsaw_1944.jpg (818x593, 232K)

To the better of my knowledge Cracow


>There was no exterminations,
I hope you get raped by muzzies.
>Deaths 40,000–50,000
>Deaths Approx. 10,000

Attached: Polish_civilians_murdered_by_German-SS-troops_in_Warsaw_Uprising_Warsaw_August_1944-1-1.jpg (600x504, 76K)