Great news

Just got a call from Google. My idea for free housing paid through advertising has been accepted and will be implemented in Q1 2019.
You all called me a fool. But now I'm just cool.

Attached: smarthostel.jpg (500x500, 31K)

Explain yourself nigger

>free housing paid through ads
>wage slave isn't home except to close eyes and sleep
>too poor to buy anything advertised
>jews have to keep giving you free money to buy shit, pay for their own ads, and pay for your house

>free housing
I wonder what neighborhood you'll be responsible in destroying.

Haha, they will give you a house and then Google will deaccommodatise you for hate speech.

I'll be the one cleaning up your neighborhood. Don't get it twisted. This won't look like some cyber punk dystopia, it's going to be aesthetic and traditional. It's going to eliminate homelessness by a wide margin.

Wait so how does this shit work? Do they put ads in your home and it pays your rent or some shit like that? This sounds like something straight out of black mirror.

Or we could have just pointed the finger at the elite and redistributed the wealth back into the hands of the people. But you think Communism is the solution, which is worse than capitalism...

>Wake up to an ad for starbucks on the ceiling
>Take a dump in the bathroom
>Ads for laxatives and stool softeners
>Get a shower
>Ads for women's soap
Sounds like perfect housing... not!

Oy you're contributing more to the economy goy! Why save money when we can give you toke- money throughout your entire life! Don't worry about anything because we've taken care of it for you.
We're going to have to limit your income in the event you have a child, though, because they increase the carbon footprint and don't help our overpopulation problem. You also won't be able to qualify for our free housing initiative if you can't maintain these requirements. Thanks for your cooperation, and live a happy life!