>be told by pretty much by every guy "you're such a good bro, I don't feel like I talk to a girl when I talk to you."
>I'm a straight woman
>single my whole life
How do I act more feminine? Will being more feminine get me a qt 6/10 bf? And another question, how do I not get myself used for nudes when some male seems interested? Since I'm dumb and I think that saying "no" will make them stop liking me, I just end up going with it.
Be told by pretty much by every guy "you're such a good bro, I don't feel like I talk to a girl when I talk to you."
Give it back, Tyrone.
Could you send me some nudes?
See that your clothing is "feminine" and your attitude too. And if you really want a bf try to make it clear to the male your interested.
And if you don't wanna give nudes, you say no and he goes away, well He didn't like you anyways...
Smooth as fuck.
But okay
It isn't something you can change about yourself without being blatantly obvious about it, so don't bother with that. What you CAN do though, is explain that on a case-by-case basis. Also it's good flirting to say something like "Well I want to be seen as more feminine" to someone who sees you like one of the guys. Plus it's important to realize that people will still date you even if they see you that way and just need a little coaxing in that direction.
Never thought about it, to me it seems more pathetic than a flirt. But I will try that, thank you
Sorry to be so on the nose but how attractive are you, on a scale of 1-10 in your face? Now how about your bod, 1-10 where do you see yourself as?
Just fyi when guys do this it's the equivalent of a female friend-zoning
It's always best to be direct.
Awesome. Let me know I can get in contact with you.
The thing is, it's obvious when a guy wants to fuck a woman because women are exposed to that excessively. Guys don't get anything close to that, so it's not always obvious to us when a woman is interested unless it's SO obvious that it should be avoided. That's why being honest is far preferable to forcing the feminine style.
It's fine, but honestly I wouldn't call myself the most attractive. Max 5/10 with a good haircut. My body is fairly attractive, from what I was told so far maybe a strong 7/10.
Yeah I figured they were friendzoning me, feels bad.
But really, no. Just look for some porn online.
Makes sense, since desperate people aren't too attractive (generally not look wise)
well my ex was pretty much like you, the relationship ended nevertheless after 3 years
Thats much less personal. Why not get nudes from a nice girl you talked to on Jow Forums?
Just give up, you won't get anything from me
I dunno if 3 years is a lot, but it happens I suppose
The only thing I'll be giving up is my email address for you to send those nudes to amirite
Stop being so pathetic Jesus fuck
Afford yourself like a fragment of dignity you useless shit-piece
Dating is a numbers game. Always has been, always will be
If your turndowns are consistently for the same reason then work on it. Effeminize. Otherwise just keep driving forward, you only lose when you stop
user, it's ok to be jealous. She's the one that said she sent out nudes. It's ok to feel angry because I had the balls to ask. Nobody cares about your whiteknight act
Oh and also don't ever send nudes unless you want them in circulation, some men are decent enough but you won't be finding them on Jow Forums or dating apps and the ones decent enough probably aren't single anyway
Nudes are a zero sum game for girls now. It's better not to be suckered into the culture, and to instead prove you're above it. It'll also improve your appeal to guys who are probably more your type
If saying no to nudes makes them dislike you then good riddance. They're not worth the time they demand.
Thanks for help, appreciated
>I had the balls to ask
Is that genuinely how you feel about asking an anonymous person for nudes, that it takes balls?
This is the modern man. This is what men are now.
Simply amazing.
what happened to males? seriously?
I actually care, but all you're doing now is making yourself look gross for insisting so much.
Not planning to send those, I'm done with that or at least trying to be. But you're not wrong about them not being worth my time. Still need to learn to not care about those guys.
Whatever it is that makes you seem masculine to them is probably one or many personality quirks that we, strangers on the internet, won't be able to illuminate for you without getting to know you better.
Also, when a guy says 'I don't feel like I talk to a girl when I talk to you', whether it's a bad thing or not depends on the guy. Some guys are looking for someone like that, maybe the guys you hang out with aren't. Meet more guys and you'll find someone who's looking for a girl like you.
>What happened to makes? Why don't they think bullying people online and propositioning people they've never seen, met or heard of for nudes are top tier manliness?
Gee user, I just don't know how manliness shifted from highly veiled acts against anonymous people, anonymously, behind multiple layers, over to literally anything but that
I just don't know
I use it as a checklist. If the guy demands nudes you might as well write him off because he's either too inexperienced to know what he wants, or too full of himself to come off his high horse. The sad thing is most of these guys are gonna be online and wouldn't have nearly the balls to ask face-to-face, which begs the question: what CAN they do without the internet?
You do not need you a man who can't put his money where his mouth is
Are you hunting online through apps, just face to face, or just online through communities and games? What's your approach for dating?
I can't really tell myself what makes me seem masculine, or rather not feminine. Which is a bit bothersome.
As I mentioned before to me it seem like they don't see me as a potential partner when they say that. But yeah, going out more doesn't sound like a bad idea. Thank you.
They really aren't brave enough to ask face to face. Also nice checklist, I assume it works well.
I swing between meeting with friends' friends and online communities. All of them boil down to using internet when asking for nudes. My approach is just me trying to be my best self, I'm not making myself hard to get, or doing the "push and pull". I wouldn't be able to do those even if I wanted.
Honestly if they can't ask for saucy pics in person there just isn't any reason. To append to that, don't bother online dating. It's too commonplace that people use the internet to hide from their own flaws or parts of their character. Face-to-face is better than online always
That's why I've been focused only on real life stuff for quite some time now.
From experience I know how edating can go, and how it doesn't offer anything. So I'm staying away from it.
And again to drive the point home, dating is a numbers game. Don't settle and don't beat yourself up, just keep looking and keep your eyes forward.
>Eyes and hair are an easy start for being more effeminate
I'm not sure how often you reject other guys but maybe consider giving some of them who actually like you a chance. This is my advice to anyone who says people dont like them or keep friendzoning them.
>settle or lower your standards
Good way to become the problem as pent up resentment and unfulfilled desire manifest into things more horrible
Theres a difference between lowering your standards and considering letting go of arbitrary, shallow dealbreakers.
Will do, thanks for advice on looks too.
>Implying I get to reject anyone
Having some standards isn't a bad thing, people usually want a healthy relationship, not someone to just call their partner.
Yeah I know, but my only point is maybe consider who you're into, why you're into them, and that you might be doing the same thing to other guys what you complain is done to you.
That's true but that didn't seem the case here, that's usually the case when someone is being ghosted or let down vaguely.
"You're a bro" is a specific and consistent problem she cites, I was working off that
True. And my advice may not apply. Another thing to consider is she could be "fruendzoning" men by not acting really flirty or girly around them, even if she doesnt mean to (this was probably addressed already).
I think the "too much like a bro" comment is a stupid copout though. Probably a vague excuse to cover up some other shallow reason they rejected her, and IMO not worth reading into.
Either way I can't do shit without asking the guys involved. So here and now all ai can do is go off that.
It's probably because of her personality more than appearance.
>Caring if I look gross to some random girl on the internet
So, about those nudes...
If you send a picture that's not a nude or sexual to a man will he circulate it?
Dont send nudes at all unless you have been dating for months
If he wants nudes before you are together thats all he wants