Al/ck/ General

>not drinking enough before bed and waking up 3 hours later covered in sweat edition

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What happened to the last one? Did it get pruned? -- Been on a several day bender; am violently ill and feel like my liver is failing.

404'd ma nigga

Oh; I guess it reached the max. I was actually looking for al/ck/ on other boards, thought we got nomaded again. Watcha drinking today? Whiskey and coke for me!

lmao nigga just like, put the bottle down and go for a walk haha

It feels like I'm literally going to stroke out if I dont drink. No kidding.

so slowly wean yourself off

I'm thinking about starting to casually drink on my own more because I feel very anxious all the time
I know that's the dumbest idea ever so I'm not actually gonna do it and just make this post to get it out and stop myself from doing anything dumb
Alright that's all, thanks

Hi Al/ck/, welcome to Jow Forums and I hope you find solace here.

Is there anybody who feels like talking about the 'why' of their drinking? What void does it fill? What, if you "magically could," would you fill it with?

If i stop drinking im going to kill myself; and my heart rate is high and I shake and vomit when not drinking. Unless i switch to heroin, i dont see much to do.

After two decades of hard drinking about one decade of which was rarely sober 24 hours, I can still handle at least 5 day benders before my body starts shutting down.
Its at this time in our lives user, when we really need to decide if we want to see 50 or even 45 or just keep drinking ourselves into the grave.
60 hours sober here, but it never lasts.
At least the shorter benders means that taking a break is not as bad... Just different... Pain in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, but less sweating and anxiety.

I stopped earlier this year and found myself in hospital with pancreatitis and a resting heart rate over 200bpm. Oh yeah and some growth on my pancreas :/

Alcohol is one of the only drugs whose withdrawal will kill you if you stop cold turkey. If you want to quit slowly wean yourself off and ideally get professional help.

my resting is around 190 right now... Im not even fat like that, and I feel like im going to have a heart attack all the time..... my god why is life like this. What will you do about the growth on Pancreas?

I had multipul seizures after i quit last time and it nearly killed me. Im just as addicted again and im afraid; I have no insurance.... Will likely shoot myself in cock to die instead of going through the shit again.

I'm going in on July 2nd to speak with the surgical team. So I'm guessing biopsy? But yeah from what I've read, the pancreas is a bitch to operate on and pancreatic cancer is bitch to die from.

Also, if that's your resting heart rate, get to a hospital mate. They really freak about that.

I've never experienced the seizure thing so thought it was mostly a meme.
Is it like a typical seizure you see on to with the uncrollable shaking and frothing at the mouth?
Are you still mentally aware of what's happening when you have one?

Sometimes it is just to have a sense of having fun, not giving a fuck, and letting your thoughts and feelings fly freely. Especially when you think about the past and accompany it with music, etc. from that time. At some point shit gets real and you realize those old times are no more.

>people who don't understand addiction giving advice on addiction
"hol up *lips smack* hol up *eats watermelon* jus lik stop doin it lamo"

yeah I went down that path. definitely don't go down that path.

when you stop, do you stop cold turkey? do you experience withdrawal?

I haven't seen a worthwhile rebuttal so I'll keep spouting nonsense

addition isn't logical. you can't just "stop" being addicted. go do heroin for a week then stop and you'll understand.

>tfw kicked out from /ck/
Feels bad

>think my drinking issues are because I don’t have a girl
>start dating, three drinks before to stay cool, two during socially, and six after to finish what I started
>things are going well, get drunk in celebration
>things go poorly, lock my phone in the safe and get absolutely trashed
Nothing has changed

Just because I can only go on really short benders now, before I need to take a break, the withdrawals are not nearly as bad. Basically non-existent in comparison.
Compare that to my former drink-sleep-drink-sleep for as many months as I possibly could afford self, they are nothing now in comparison.

hey guys, it's your good friend the fake rage leaf
I like whiskey but southern comfort just seems to be much nicer to drink
Do you think there's anything wrong with drinking whiskey liqueur instead of whiskey if it has the same % alcohol?

Dude, update us on future Al/ck/'s. I monitor them fairly frequently. How old are you? It's scary as shit to think that I might have somthing like that going on. I drink bare minimum a bottle of liquor a day.... ugh.. I need to just stop drinking for good.

I had 2 seizures when I was passed out and dont remember them; the last one i only vaughly remember having it. I was shaking and such in the ICU and I could hear a nurse say "God damnit I knew this would happen".. I was tubed (dont remember the name for the medical name for this), and I couldnt breath after I half way woke up, so i think that had somthing to do with it. It was really fucked.

I'm on day 2 of no drinking. Haven't missed a day in over a year. Feels weird.

Do you feel all kinds of retarded and discombobulated? Still sick?

Will do user.

I'm on day 3 now. hang in there.

I'm on day one here. No money (other than savings), considering dipping into savings because wow I feel like shit.

once you dip into the savings once, it'll happen again and again. you'll blow through your savings eventually, dude. don't touch the savings

Yeah my savings went down a good $100 the last two weeks :/. Do not recommend.

Doesnt a nice smooth drink sound so nice right now. What a better way to relax than with your favorite beverage in your favorite glass.

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Now I'll drink to that.

Smoked some weed and ate some toquitos now I'm good

I find myself craving alcohol when I get anxious. This is how it starts, isn't it?

What do you do when you just feel drained? I wouldn't say I'm an al/ck/, but I do look forward to hitting a bottle of wine on the weekends. There's so much more I aspire to accomplish. I just don't feel like I have it in me at the end of the day. I want to accomplish something like writing a book or recording an album, I just don't think I'm good enough to do so.

good man.

that's how it started for me, yeah. anxiety. then any excuse. feeling down, drink, feeling happy, drink, feeling anxious drink, feeling sick, drink, feeling good, drink. drunk, drink.

if you're drinking one bottle of the wine on the weekends, you're fine dude. that's normal behavior, desu. you can do that forever and be fine, shit, it'd even be good for you, as long as you keep it to one bottle on the weekends. don't think a bottle of wine on a Saturday night is keeping you from accomplishing your hopes and dreams. a lot of guys who write books and record albums do it flat out wasted.

I now drink more than a bottle of liquor every day, and I've stopped drinking it with mixers. I feel like my livers shutting down; Sharp pains on both sides of stomach. I pissed myself a few days ago. See you in space cowboys.

can you go to rehab or something dude? or a quick care place? see someone before you end up in the ER all fucked up

New board? Yep! New best beer? Nope! PBR is still the best beer.

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Would you consider 10 tallboys in one night heavy drinking?

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Caught up on the board.
Jow Forums alck is a lot more intense than /ck/ alck.
Lacing up my boots.

Genuinely curious what the landscape is like where you guys find yourselves Apologies in advance cuz I'm bound to say some stupid shit. I'm had my first drink of the night at 1:30am, 3shots gin and twice that in tonic, in a lead crystal glass cuz I'm a fucking fancy pants apparently.
I assume you guys try to stop drinking fairly often but don't manage it. I also assume you've tried the "replace one vice with another" route a la alcohol > THC.
Is it full blown I-cannot-not-drink like needing air? That's what I imagine it to be like.
>ive had 6 shots and 1 beer every night for the last 6-7 years. I certainly abuse alcohol, but am not physically addicted.

I had no problem at all stopping cigarettes, weed, drugs. I just decided I wanted to, I spent a month or two psychologically curating my thoughts.
>every time I see someone smoking cigarettes, I think to myself, That's Fucking Disgusting, etc.
In that fashion, I rewired myself toward what I wanted to be. I think that was a very important and useful tool. Certainly willpower was also part of the equation, I'm just sort of a stubborn asshole about some things and I think that helped in making the change. I stopped cigarettes on xmas as a present to myself.
Quitting drugs was an obvious benefit, that shit can only fuck up your life, and I already feel like I am behind where I should be.
For some reason, the drinking is more insidious for me. I have my shit under control(ish) / I'm a functional alcohol-abuser. I can go without drinking a day or two at a time and have no consequences outside of, I'm kind of bored, and my mind is racing so I cannot go to sleep.

>watching Xena warrior princess / Hercules while I type this lol.

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To those with a hardcore problem: have you tried the Serious Treatment route, and gone to a physician / psychologist / treatment with Naltrexone, Acamprosate, or possibly Disulfiram?
If so, how did those treatments work for you?
>posted zakouski cuz Im used to /ck/

I am guessing many of you don't have the insurance to facilitate this kind of approach.
Am I wrong? Am I correct?
Expound on your situation please. Not a professional caregiver myself, but I have a general interest in the human condition, so to speak.

Just poured another 3 shots of gin and accompanying tonic.
New Amsterdam and Canada Dry respectively.

Right there with you. Everyone got mad at me last time my laces got caught up in the merry go round. They called me cake boy and told me Satan has been having an itching case of the Ol Blue Balls lately, and that he's waiting to pop em open with me


I was referring to drinking benders being like playing with something scary in a cute cozy environment. Benders that end with horrible detox

I am still getting used to "the playground" as symbolic of drinking problem and Satan as alcoholism.
I am fairly new to this area.

I went from Sunday until about a few hours ago before downing a bunch of shots from my roommates alcohol, feel like absolute shit afterwards knowing I let myself down. Feel like shit sober but after drinking and smoking weed tonight by myself I got super depressed when I got sober and started crying nonstop until now.
I was hoping to hang with some friends tonight but they bailed on me like always.
I think no one wants to be around me anymore, and I don’t blame them. I’m a sad sack of problems and I’m no fun to be around. I fucking hate myself.

I've said it before in an alck thread, but I drink because I'm gay and I can't really deal with it. I'm at a crossroads right now with that part of my life and I guess we'll see where it goes and how that will affect my drinking

Got way too drunk last night at a company dinner.
I have people coming over to my house later and everything is a mess.
I could actually fix everything if my head wasn't about to explode.
Anyone know of a good cure I haven't tried?

Shot of the hair of the dog + a half gallon of water, then a cup of hot black coffee

Also continue to drink water until your piss is crystal clear. Good luck.

Do you get gay or are just gay? Idk if you're born that way or something happens after birth that changes you. I understand someone can have a huge sense of compassion for anyone of any gender. But at the end of the day when rocks gotta be getting off before they're bought, is you craving aunt Jemima or Mr clean... I'm a robot, idk these answers

I guess I should just get up and eat something although all instincts say no.

user, you went close to a week abstaining, and you had a few shots.
I know you disappointed yourself, but just keep that close in mind next time you crave a drink. You had a fall, but get up and learn from it.

Honestly I just want to get me enough liquor to get me to sleep this weekend (probably a pint though I usually get handles to last through the week), reset my sleep schedule which has been fucked, and start working out and get active again. I depended on alcohol to sleep (shit genetics, insomnia) and I haven’t been able to sleep well without it.

Tis a decent beer, but I still like coors banquet just a tiny bit more.

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the problem with drinking is that it's deeply ingrained in our culture.

Having drinks is seen as healthy, social, a way to loosen up and get to know people. You do it on dates, you do it with mates. You do it in bars, you do it backyards. It's advertised on TV: people pouring beers into big glasses, or drinking on the beach. They publish studies talking about how drinking (moderately) is good for your health and how wine has so many good things in it for your body.

Our culture *encourages* you to drink, whereas cigarettes are reviled these days; it as seen as low class and dirty to smoke. I think that's part of why you see smoking as disgusting.

And telling people you don't drink makes you sort of an outcast. Drinking problems are seen as personal failings rather than a biological problem by most people who don't understand it. So, you have social pressure to keep drinking so you're not seen as weird or weak or a loser who can't control himself.

Alcohol is one of the lowest-level drugs out there. Animals with brains much more primitive than ours get drunk. Insects, even. There is something fundamental and primitive about alcohol that goes hand-in-hand with our biology. It affects so many systems so hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain; I don't think there is a drug that affects so many parts and functions of the brain at once.

So, yeah, it's hard to quit drinking.

I agree it is hard to quit drinking.
Tough not-love here buddy, that sounds like a bunch of apologist / its-not-my-fault bullshit.
Your post seems to be just looking for reasons why its beyond our control as an excuse.
If you have a drinking problem, then, exactly that, period.
Take responsibility and get it together. No one is pouring alcohol down your gullet but you.

I just got up, no hangover tho my mouth is a little dry. My goddamn cat wouldn't shut his stupid fucking mouth or I would have slept another 45 minutes but oh well. Martha Bakes is on and I'm making a pot of coffee cuz I'm out of seltzer water.
How is everyone else's morning going? Pretty rough I'd wager.

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Expand your palette. Pabst is fucking trash baby's first hipster beer.

this seems like a good thread to post this in.
>be me
>drinking outside alone
>decide to take a piss on the sidewalk figuring nobody would see me
>cop sees me
>intervenes and tells me to come to his car
>writes a ticket and tells me I have court on the 20th
if I live in Long Island does this mean I'm being charged with a crime? I've literally never had to go to court before, and I'm too poor (still in college) to hire a lawyer. what the fuck should I do?

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If you're smart, and its a public urination ticket, pay that shit.
They COULD charge you with indecent exposure, and if you live close to a park or school or some shit, you could potentially go on a sex offender registry. Worst case scenario there.
Why did you piss on the sidewalk you fucking animal, at least pee on a tree or something.

I already quit, brother. Woke up fully hydrated, well-rested, and feeling great. Just outlining the pressures everyone faces when they quit.

technically it was where the beach meets the sidewalk. my urine ended up in the sand.
so what should I expect from my court date then? do I just walk in and say "guilty" when they ask how the defendant pleas?
I don't really know much about this kind of legal shit beyond movies.

Alright, good on you then.
Maybe this will be my first week of sobriety.
My waistline would certainly benefit.

dunno if this is a thing in your state, but pleading "no contest" for a first offence is generally better for you overall. if that's not an option, plead guilty.

If you don't show up, its an automatic I plead guilty is my understanding. You should look at your ticket, it will say what you were cited for.
You can always just pay that shit before the court date if you agree to the charge.

Drank first time in 6 months on thursday. Puked my guts out. Been laying in bed for 2 days sick as hell, taking diazepam and temazepam to combat the horrid mental anxiety and fucked up dreams.

I could not even fathom drinking if I would not have sedatives lying around my medicine cabinet to knock me off for the next 2 days. hangovers otherwise make me contemplate suicide

Sounds like you have a pretty weak constitution.
Throw out the tranqs and don't drink seems like the right course for you.

I'm so sick; Not drank today.. I think i'm going to vomit if i even have a drink. Had really bad looped thoughts; weird stuff. Do i bite the bullet and just drink?

No, fight through this. Weather the storm you can do this, I'm going through the same thing but you and I are strong and can get through this together. It will pass, and you'll know peace. It's amazing what you can do when you have to

Im in the process of drinking now; and its just expelled the entire contents of my stomach. I feel even worse than usual; I have things I have to do today, but im putting a firm foot down tomorrow. Ugh I feel so bad.

Sober alc here. Sounds like hair of the dog mate. Hate telling an alc to drink but detoxing in some situations can be worse than keeping a buzz and functioning. Also vegemite if you can. It's packed full of b vitamins.

Sober alc here too. Only just going on 4 days, but I'm getting sober much more often these days.
Last binge was only 5 days and that's a record short time for me.
Maybe I'm gonna make it?

Ugh; eating after a bender.... my god; I've been throwing up steak and shake out of my nostrils all day.

Oh dude; I'ts 4 days, if you arnt in all kinds of pain and agony, then you're going to make it bro. The first day is the hardest for me; then after that is in a few days when im like "yeah dude i stopped, I can totally have a drink".. Just know, we cant drink. For me, one is too many and a thousand isnt enough.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
I heard that before at an aa meeting, and it is me through and through. How long sober for you?
Daaamn. Usually I can hold my food down ok. After a bender it's just the water I through up/dry heaving bad once the wds start to set in. How long was your bender user?

I think it's strange how people see drinking as so normal. I've never liked it and never will. Shortens life expectancy and literally kills brain cells

Both of the post you responded to are both me.. I've not been sober.. well; im drunk writing this, so.. that long. I've been on a roll now for.. I'm really not sure; It must be at least 2 weeks now.. I dont have a job.. my wife is paying for everything until August.. which is when I'll switch up and start paying for us.. We've both used Heroin for the last few years so.. This is my way of coping; and her way of coping is to be a fucking dickhead... ugh; I'm going to try not to drunk ramble, so im gona end this here but... yeah... I've been to rehab 3 times, and probably headed for a 4th. See you in space.

Day 2. Still no money. Still want some fucking liquor.

No money at all?

go to rehab

I have savings, but I'm not taking from it. I get paid in three days. Sucks.

I quit drinking 4-5 days ago now, but I'm so fucking bored. I think boredom is probably what made me drink at night more than anything. How do you guys cope with the absolute boredom?


doing something that would at least in theory be be interesting to me.

Running to get some energy out helps a little. I'm going through a similar problem. I've always had problems with not having any motivation to do anything and it's hard to ignore that feeling sober. Sucks. I think it passes though.

A time machine. No seriously, all of the trappings and bustle and needless complications of modern life are intolerable. Having an outdoor shithouse would be a small price to pay to not have cars blasting coon tunes whizzing by ten feet from where I'm trying to sleep, or have to worry that I'm not contributing enough to my 401k, or manage school debt, or not making the economic/ career decisions to be in a place where I could comfortably marry. Community amd faith seem to have up and evaporated. So I drink.

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I know this, when downing beers and cooking steak while listening to Ernest Tubb turns into listening to Willie and sipping whiskey while writing letters to the ex (she actually says she like them) turns into slugging it straight from the bottle and just clutching at your shoulders and rocking back and forth but the tears don't even come anymore to a Patsy album.

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I listen to mostly electronic music but this is awesome drinkin tune.