Why do so many Americans celebrate leaders who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of their own countrymen?
Dixie Thread
Because history is written by the winners.
Also, the Confederacy was run by Jews.
Because a US fort was attacked by of the leash traitor militias so their Tory, cotton gangster leadership could continue to import and cultivate an African population within the US.
Remember Fort Sumter!
Are we the only country that does that?
because Lincoln did what SJWs want to do, he unleashed an army that raped, razed, pillaged and slaughtered white southerners in an attempt to demoralize them so they'd never again think of rebelling against the all-powerful Federal Government.
You don't know much about the revolution if that's really what you think. Nevermind the fact that the redcoats won more battles in the south due to loyalist colonials who were steeped in slavery culture from birth and passed it to their children, and their grandchildren who fought in the southern rebellion. It was essentially a war to preserve the last remnants of English aristocrat culture. The "no menials in God's kingdom" types.
Also, accuse the Union of war crimes all you want, but Henry (((Wirz))) was on your team. Reconstruction was no where near radical enough.
Those countrymen bred niggers. They are why the US has niggers today, because the cotton planters were greedy and the poor whites then as now were gullible idiots.
>I would like to see Richmond and Charleston captured by negro troops commanded by Butler the Beast. We will crowd the rebels into the Gulf of Mexico, and drown the entire race, as the devil rid the hogs in the Sea of Galilee.
William G. Brownlow, Governor of Tennessee
Reconstruction was just making the South a larger version of Haiti. Next time moshe, next time.
You wanted equality with negroes, died for the right for them to marry your daughters, fought and killed other whites so that they could inherit the land from their dead masters. The negro was under control, don't pretend you didn't fight for them.
Wirz was Swiss, not Jewish. At least use some actual Confederate Jews. Not that the union was any wiser on Jews and before anyone mentions General Order 11 Lincoln overturned it and Grant regretted it the rest of his career and went above and beyond giving Jews more power during his Presidency.
Brownlow was radical even by southern unionist standards and it took the majority moderate southern unionists in Tennessee decades to recover the Republican Party's reputation in the state after his governorship.