I took a screenshot of a girl's story on snapchat and she instantly deleted me...

I took a screenshot of a girl's story on snapchat and she instantly deleted me. I took it with airplane mode cause I heard that that way she can't see that I took a screenshot but apparently not. Wtf is that really reasonable?! I had spoken to her a few times and she was always super nice to me.

Attached: pepe.jpg (1024x904, 88K)

lmao nice going perv.

Be more discrete next time.

If she's going to delete you for some inane shit like that then she's a cunt; no need to waste energy giving a shit.

If you actually care that some chick you never met deleted you cuz you acted shady, then she was completely right to unfriend you

Kek get out normie

It was a pretty sexy picture of two girls (her friends) in bikinis on the beach. I had met her like a year ago and I see her at parties every now and then. She was always extremely nice to me and we got along really well.
I have met her retard

If you want to take pride in being an abnormal incel faggot then don't shit up my board whining about how some whore blocked you for being a fucking creep.
If you want advice I'll be right here, nigger.

>toasted roastie

You know there's multiple people in this thread, right?

What was on the story? This is important

>trying to hide that you are saving her shit
>not just using the save option like an alpha


That's creepy af dude.

You're stupid as fuck.
>she talks to me friendly even though we just talk at parties
>she must be ok with me taking a screenshot of a photo that purpose it's literally getting deleted after certain time
>Women are cunts boyzs
You are a creep end of it

let me tell you as an ugly guy, I find it creepy whenever people take screenshots of my stories if its outside of a joke. You deserve it

Sorry bro, this is the board where autists go to get advice on the real world. If you need help with how to be a retard on the internet, that's what /b/ and Jow Forums are for

>not having a screenshot app


seriously though, what did you think would happen? It's considered creepy as fuck to screenshot shit without saying anything first. Personally I find it retarded since they're broadcasting everything all the time anyways but yeah, it's a major faux pas.

Guys should I try to add her back and tell her it was an accident or something? I feel so fucking stupid now that she deleted me and I kinda lost a friend just because of my pervertness. If I add her back and say something like "yeah man sorry I was drunk at a party and like my friends told me to take that screenshot I didn't even understand what I was doing".

Might work. Just like you're thirsty for her, girls are thirsty for validation. But don't like to yourself, she's not your friend

>using snapchat
People really dont care about their privacy do they?

Just know that girls aren't very keen on people screenshotting their snaps. They treat the app as something for the male gaze, whether they're willing to admit this or not. It comes off as creepy. I had a similar experience with someone a few years ago, unadded me and never spoke to me again.

Dumbass. Do what I do and photocopy your phone at work on the colour laser copier.
Then just take a well lit photo of the copy if you want to keep it in your phone.