Excessive body temperature

My body temperature is extremely high all the time, my scalp feels like its burning; the heat is akin to having gone for a run for 30min. Everyday when I sleep I'm sweating like pig. And this is during winter!! During summer it's damn near unbearable. Right now outside it's just 27 degrees(80.6 F) and I'm always sweating. Recently after going to the doctor and explaining this, I was recommended Allegra, which is a anti-histamine. And this has dramatically helped me, I'm able to sleep without sweating now. However the pill simply makes it go away temporarily, it isn't a permanent fix. I don't want to become reliant on medications.

I have gluten intolerance and have cut it out completely for a few years now, I don't take alcohol or any sugary drinks. I don't know what to do now. I've fixed my diet to the best of my ability so to the best of my knowledge it isn't a food allergy. The last thing I can think of is my candida. I've had a fungal infection on my forehead for sometime now and recently having applied some anti fungal cream it has heavily cleared up. However given that I've had this for years, my tongue has become completely white as well, every morning I scrape it and a thick white paste-ish thing comes up. In addition to this, the anti-histamine has somehow helped my digestion too, so I'm wondering if its all connected somehow.

I'm sorry for the weird rambling, I'm frankly sick of dealing with this. Any help is appreciated.

Attached: natural-antihistamine-allergies-natural-antihistamine-remedies.jpg (736x1000, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=forehead candida

What is an infection for a hundred Alex?

See a doctor...

But I did see a doctor, he's the one who recommended me the Allergy pills. Also I'd like to point out that I have no other symptoms, I don't have a running nose, although I do have psoriasis. What infection do you think it is?

Autoimmune issues or you got the AIDS.

Could it not be a fungal infection? Because my tongue is completely white. The doctor said I don't have any sign of oral thrush, and even my sense of taste is very diminished. Fungal infections are listed as associated for night sweats.

Find another doctor. (They are fallible).

>They are fallible).
I learned this the hard way recently, the first one I went to was an Indian, when I showed him the fungal infection and told him about the excessive temperature, he told me I have overactive sweat glands, on my fucking forehead!!

Unfuck uour diet and drink more water fool.

Have you been tested for Mast Cell Activation Disorder?

Attached: (2).jpg (1000x582, 168K)

Have you been tested for faggotry?

what the fuck?

Just asking

what does that have to do with OP's question?

Because he has symptoms for several different things and he thinks it's one thing.

White tongue is the result of an overgrowth and swelling of the fingerlike projections (papillae) on the surface of your tongue. The appearance of a white coating is caused by debris, bacteria and dead cells getting lodged between the enlarged and sometimes inflamed papillae.
Causes of papillae hypertrophy or inflammation include, for example:

Poor oral hygiene
Dry mouth
Smoking or other oral tobacco use
Alcohol use (excessive)
Mouth breathing
Low roughage diet (eating mostly soft or mashed foods)
Mechanical irritation from sharp tooth edges or dental appliances
Examples of conditions associated with white patches or other discolorations of your tongue include:

Use of certain medications, such as prolonged use of antibiotics that may bring on an oral yeast infection
Oral thrush
Geographic tongue
Oral lichen planus
Mouth cancer
Tongue cancer
Immunosuppression caused by such diseases as HIV/AIDS

Sometimes, you may have a "fever of unknown origin." In such cases, the cause could be an unusual or not obvious condition such as a chronic infection, a connective tissue disorder, cancer, or another problem.

I don't know what you are talking about, and I don't think you do either.


Identifying Scalp Psoriasis
Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI on March 26, 2018 — Written by Katie Brind’Amour and Rachel Nall
What is scalp psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a common skin condition. It features raised and scaly red patches, or plaques, on the skin. It’s a chronic condition with symptoms that may worsen at times and then improve. It’s also considered an autoimmune disease. This means your immune system causes harm to your body instead of protecting it.

There are different types of psoriasis. The most common type is chronic plaque psoriasis. This type can spread over the body, but it most often affects the:

Other types of psoriasis may affect the whole body or specific areas like the legs and trunk, or areas where skin touches skin, like the fingers or in the armpits.

When psoriasis appears on the scalp, it’s called scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is common among people with chronic plaque psoriasis. The American Academy of Dermatology notes it affects the scalp in at least 50 percent of people with chronic plaque psoriasis.

Treatment can lessen symptoms and help prevent complications. Read on to learn more about scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis symptoms and types
Symptoms may vary from mild to severe and include:

flaking that resembles dandruff
itching, burning, or discomfort
raised reddish patches
silvery-like scales
bleeding or temporary hair loss from scratching or removing the plaques on the scalp
These symptoms usually appear evenly on both sides of the scalp, or they may affect most of the head. They may also extend to the:

other parts of the face

No, I do. He has psoriasis causing the scalp burning, allergies, and dehydration

I guess I missed the part about what he was allergic to.

OP here, I'm not allergic to anything to the best of my knowledge as I don't have any other symptoms other than the high body temp and psoriasis, I don't have a running nose either or any other fever like symptoms.

The heat is there even if I'm not flaking, I've noticed that avoiding onions helps control psoriasis and have cut onions out which has drastically reduced it, however the temperature has remained constant even when flaking has drastically reduced.

But its not just a white "appearance" its a full blown paste in the morning, if I scrape my tongue in the morning I get a gooey paste, but if I do it after brushing or in the evening the tongue its just white without any paste. I would also point out that my sense of taste is very low and after the initial realization of what the food is, every food becomes dull and tastes more or less the same, unless its very spicy which just burns my mouth.

I thought you were trolling but apparently this is real
I don't think this is the case with me as it doesn't explain the white tongue & the fungal infection on my forehead.

How do you know it's a fungal infection? That location is not at all a common place to get one.

what is your body temp by the way?

post tongue and forehead

Because I tried every acne cream the pharmacist had and until I used the anti fungal cream it never cleared up. I've had the excessive oil/acne problem on my forehead for years, more than half a decade even. Only now with the anti fungal medication did it clear up, though it hasn't cleared up completely. In addition to this when I poop, its always broken and loose and is quite difficult to pass, only now after taking the anti histamine did it suddenly improve to the best it has been in years. Its not stringy or anything but very very soft and loose and doesn't pass easily.

And of course my tongue is completely white, poor sense of taste and morning white paste. All signs of candida.

I don't have a temp gauge, but it'll be 24C outside and I'm sweating. Hits 34C and I can't breathe for more than a few hours without removing my shirt and resting.


You realize anti histamine is helping because you're having an allergic reaction.

My chinkphone fucking sucks, I'm not able to get anything that doesn't look like it was taken on a potato. I'm attaching the closest looking one from Google images. I took 2 of them and edited them to be side by side. The pic is 99% how I look though a bit more larger acne and a few acne scars and slightly more oil.

Attached: acne-forehead - Copy.jpg (1964x560, 373K)

Allergic reaction to what? I don't have any other symptoms other than this. No running nose, no fever, no coughs/sneezing.

My tongue is exactly like this but with slightly fewer red spots.

Attached: tongue.jpg (800x533, 306K)

I have gluten intolerance but haven't consumed any wheat based foods in 2-3 years now. I don't have any pets or come into contact with animals either. Cutting out the gluten has helped massively, used to have brain fog, felt like I gained a few IQ points.

That information is subjective. Do you have a fever or not? It makes a diffrence

No, only high body temp.

You can have issues with histamine without having an allergy. That's why I thought maybe there was something wrong with your mast cells.It's an autoimmune thing, It's more common to have an allergy though, so you should get that tested first

are the acne bumps opening up? do you have them elsewhere on your body?

No fever. just a general sense of hotness. Does it come with mild flushing and/or tingling?

is your heart rate normal?

Opening up meaning? If you mean are they going away then not until I applied the anti fungal cream. They were there for years, only cleared up after the anti fungal cream.

Not sense of hotness, its night sweats and a need to open up my shirt and stand beneath a fan during the day. No flushing or tingling, just hot.

Yes this is normal, a doctor I went to a few months checked and it was 65-68, on the low side according to the normal range of 60-100. And to the best of my knowledge it doesn't go up when I'm hot too.

You are having some issues with histamine and some issues with food. You are also having skin issues. I really think it's possible you have MCAD. Sometimes mast cells release certain mediators and not others, leading to an increase in some health problems that may not seem like a typical allergy.

There is an antihistamine you are not currently taking that might help you. It's called Zantac. It works in a different way than Allegra, and you should take them BOTH. Especially before eating. See if it helps.

Also, go see a reputable immunologist.

Its for heartburn, but I don't have heartburn?

Also, try drinking a whole bottle of red wine and see if it makes your symptoms flare in a few hours.

Ah so its a H2 receptor antihistamine and allegra is a H1 receptor anti histamine, gotcha.

Nope, I don't touch alcohol of any kind. Both my father and his mother died of liver disease.

It's an H2 antihistamine which works by eliminating histamine from your digestive track. I thought you could use it since you have issues with food and are getting diarrhea, which can be a sign that the mast cells in digestive track are malfunctioning. It might help with your brainfog and skin issues.

I understand, but it can be an effective at home test for MCAD. If you have MCAD you will flare big time from red wine.

The brain fog went away after quitting gluten though. I will try this, the doctors I've been haven't been very helpful IMO, more eager to write the prescription than fully listen to me describe my symptoms.

I will keep this mind, though for now I'm just going to experiment with zantac and I'm looking at Itraconazole as an anti-fungal.

I bet you anything Allegra brand cream will be more effective than antifungal cream for what you have.

But why though? How does histamine problems result in a white tongue and forehead acne? Wouldn't a fungal infection be more accurate?

I'm not convinced it's fungal, especially not on your forehead. That's not a thing. The white tounge is concerning though, and I don't have an answer or solution for you regarding it. Sorry, but this is a Jamacan Abalone Hunting forum after all.

>I'm not convinced it's fungal, especially not on your forehead. That's not a thing.
But it is though
>google.com/search?q=forehead candida

Click on images and you get exactly that, it no longer looks like that now for me, it cleared up but still very very very oily.

well fuck, i guess you have candida then. Best of luck healing, op.

Thanks, I'm going to buy some itraconazole tomorrow and hopefully it goes away. I've had this for so long I feel anxious every time I apply the cream since I never made any progress till now.

it's just a little off to me. Candida is an opertunistic disease. I have seen it in the skin folds of very elderly overweight people. You are young and healthy (I presume) so it seems a little more unlikely that something like that would go systemic. I would still keep an open mind that it might be something else.

I grew up with an abusive mother, absent father (though not financially) plus full time school bullying, and had gluten intolerance issues but still kept eating wheat as I didn't know any better and the doctors I consulted are retarded. I've had anxiety issues all my life because of this and to this day can get sick super fast if somebody coughs in my direction. I am underweight; last time I checked I think I was 58kgs, 25 y/o 5'9 male. Super skelly. I imagine all the stress and demand to perform in college fucked me up.

A mouth full of Habaneros shuld to the trick.

save up for a full medical

you need full work up

swabs for throat to id pathogen
ESR/FBC to check for infection it might explain your infection


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