It's Friday night, the weekend is here and I'm spending it alone like every other.

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I'm only attracted to him because I heard he has some daddy issues and literally stalked a girl. He's several red flags at once but I just find it all so hot.

I'm sick of texting "friends" who just leave me on read.I'm tired of having a cell phone that lays silent all day because no one thinks I'm worth talking to. I'm sick of getting excited about my phone going off only to find out it's a telemarketer trying to scam me out of shit. I'm not a bad person and I genuinely care more about others than I do myself. I always put myself out there for friends to let them know I'm around if they need someone to vent to but no one is ever around for me. I fucking hate myself

I miss you M

I can still tell it's you, please ffs just stop.
god damn, now I see what he means by you not going away.
ffs stop.

I can't admit to myself that I like someone for some reason. I even have some dificult when I think something like the phrase "I like X person" without cringing a little.
I don't know why I'm like that and it isn't because of the person. The problem is me, It is like I can't allow my mind to think that I actually am liking this specific person.
Why am I like that?

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I feel like even if we have another chance to be friends, you wouldn’t have changed at all since the last time we spoke.

To Who is this for post initials

Because you're a child.

I'm tired of falling for everyone who gives me a little bit of attention. How can I even distinguish between real love and just needing a void to be filled when I'm like this? Why is that void even there?

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You're a tsundere?

Ugh I want to get drunk so bad.

I fucking miss you. But at the same time, I don't.

Have one drink

To who is this for user?

user, whoever hurt you let it go. They're probably not here.

I just need to know initials I apologize if it has irritated you or anyone that I do this.

No you don't need to know. This thread is for people to vent, not for you to project your issues onto other peoples

Do you still think about me sometimes?

Don't a lot of anons do that, why are singling me out? Why can't you just let me be.

>not for you to project your issues onto other peoples
I think you've got the wrong thread.

Hurting people strike out. Don't take it person. If they don't want to post initials just move along. That said if you have unresolved issues with someone and you want to reconcile it may be best to just get in contact with them even if it's hard. If you can't, then learn from it and do better next time. Let this feeling be a deterrent.

Please post both initials

I don't know if I can do that. As I told the other user please let me be. If they strike let them strike, I will apologize.

I got gyno :(

>Hurting people strike out.
No, you're just being a cunt.

i cant sublimate my frustration, rage and disappointment with the world because people (human nature, society, psychology) are the sources of my problems.

Because it's annoying as shit coming into these threads and half the posts are retards like you posting "Initials????"
It's as annoying and pathetic as people posting "sauce" on porn boards

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Damn you sure showed me
No one in the history of posting on Jow Forums has ever called me a faggot
How will I recover

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I'll tell you user. I've been in that situation before so don't worry, it doesn't upset me in the tiniest bit. :)

Mine is S
His is A

You taught me a lot about myself. You showed me the error of my ways. Thank you. I'm glad you're happy and safe.

it's not the same you stupid cunt, I haven't fucked any of them, you on the other hand had his balls in your mouth.

I can't imagine the pain you've been feeling. I know it's stupid, but I feel like this psychotic break happened because of something I did. Did I miss the warning signs with that shouting match right before we broke up? Should I have taken it seriously, intervened, made sure you got help? And If I hadn't been so cold when you tried to message me a few days ago, maybe you wouldn't be in the hospital right now. If I had made you feel attractive and interesting when we were dating, maybe you wouldn't have broken down. Maybe if I'd done that, I wouldn't be a piece of shit.

I attract fat girls a lot, and it's really annoying, because they're usually very sweet and flirty, but physically I don't want them. I want to be able to pick my girl up, close her in, and mesh comfortably with her.
Does it ever work out well when a guy picks one up and pressures her into dieting?

Im tired of selfish people. Particularly in the work place. They act all good and grand but at the end of the day they just want their shit and dont really care if they fuck you over in the process. The other thing I fucking really hate is when people say something and dont do it or do the opposite. Listen, telling the truth and being honest is the best way to live. If you dont like something just say it. If that person doesnt like it too least we know where you stand.

> Listen, telling the truth and being honest is the best way to live.
So let me ask you, honestly; are you not selfish?

The weekend is here. I'm spending it with my long term gf. I would like to watch a movie, play a game, or do something involving critical thinking and she just wants to lay on the bed and cuddle. Of course this means sex but problematically I am not as physically attracted to her as I once was and my dick appears to behave as random boner generator. What is wrong with me and is all hope lost?

I regret having used my ex girlfriend. I think I loved her, but she was ugly. She was ugly, and I was ashamed of being with her. And above that, she was selfish, and tried to undermine my efforts.

But she catered to my emotional needs when there was no other way to get it. I don't want her back. But I can't get past the guilt.

I tricked her. I mixed up words and thoughts so that she would trust me, and then I fucked her all the ways I could, and when I felt bored and she started getting fat(ter) I moved on. I became a proto Chad.

Now I live with the only other woman I think I'll even love again. And she reminds me so much of my ex, even though she is pretty and supportive.

I'm going to die alone my standards are too high
I always say to myself that I should meet the standards I hold, but truth be told I wouldn't date a woman who was similar to me personality wise

I just prayed to God for the first time in a really long time. I've spent 90% of my life being a devout atheist/agnostic and slandering his name. Why am I sitting in bed crying? All I did was ask for him to watch over me and my loved ones and give me strength to improve my life. So why am I crying?

How old are you? "Friends" generually get like this as you proceed through the early 20's. Life gets a bit lonelier and you end up relating more to your co-workers.

I'm 23. And for the next few weeks I work at some shitty wageslave job as an assistant manager with people that hate me for holding them accountable and my ex gf that left me because she wanted to date up,

My friend was raped at a party. I was unaware and feel like total shit when I brought her to the hospital. Her mother had pretty much disowned her after. My friend required stitches and was put into group homes for troubled teens.

My girlfriend is fine as fuck; but due to our diet she shits herself literally once a week. Wut do. Also, not even kidding.

>people that hate you for holding them accountable
That will always be the case, try not to let it rip you apart. You're receiving the hard lesson that some people really are destined to be ditch diggers. They will hate anyone else who isn't. They will not understand, because they can't. They don't care.

Dating up is also common at your age, try to survive it and don't let it rip you down. As you age up your value will increase and you'll become the one who women want to date-up to.

Believe in yourself and don't let everyone else devolving into creatures at your age bring you down.

You are in the interesting position though of being in authority at work, making it difficult to befriend co-workers of course. Maybe you should make some online bros to fill in the gaps.

I get too jealous when my friend hangs out with another dude. It pisses me off, I feel like the lesser man because we at one point had this friendship where we'd get drunk and make out with each other. Now she hangs out with this dude more, and it's obvious that she's over it with me, or I fucked it up somehow and now she's moved on. I'm upset that now I can't keep doing it with her, and I've been "demoted".

You like her in a romantic way, user?

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Find out what exactly causes it and accommodate for her diet.

Suggest kegels and baby wipes.

Went to pdoc today and said "I've been feeling *insert typical depression and slight social anxiety symptoms here.", had blood work and piss test (first time I actually did that, was rather odd). Doc was older and definitely gave a sense of confidence backed by experience, but still was bit quiet and short with his answers (although nice). Started me off on Lexapro 10mg (it's an SSRI) almost like it was giving me a vitamin or something. Which I was actually hoping I didn't have to take, but he's a doctor with a crap ton of experience and education so he'd know what he's talking about right?

I just still feel odd it's given out like nothing and sort of am questioning it. It's a newer SSRI that does have some years being used (enough for a generic to be used) and seems to be a milder anti-depressant (nothing say like Wellburtin rage) or brand new like Viibryd or Trintellix with very little real world time.

Or am I just being oversensitive and worrying too much about a medication and it's pretty much on "Eh it's nothing, whatever" levels?

Well lets see....

1. I agreed to help a friend move earlier this week. He said that he would get back to me as to when. He stated that hes leaving his place at 6am Saturday morning. Awesome. His new place would be all moved in by noon. he doesn't have much to move. He hasn't gotten back and hasn't responded to me asking if he still needed help

2. My other friend got into a motorcycle accident over memorial day weekend. We used to hit up the gym together every MWF but I have not seen him since. Hes back to work but hasn't said much since. Last week he said hes overwhelmed with work and everything else that has gone on since. According to what little family he does have, he doesn't have much in the way of friends so I try to be a good friend but he hasn't talked much. He said hes thankful to have me as a friend but he feels like hes got to do everything without getting help from others or he feels like he failed himself. Texted him yesterday and again today to see if he wanted to hang out this weekend and catch a movie to take his mind off things but hes not responded. He has told me hes always had anxiety issues before. His family once contacted me and told me sometimes it can get bad. Now I am worried. He tends to drink....which leads to him doing stupid shit. Any advice from anyone out there? The silent treatment this week is a killer. He says its his way of coping but I feel like I did something wrong.

I care about the friends I do have I try to be the best friend I can be. I have put many things of my own on hold to be able to take care of what they want first but I cannot help but feel like I pissed them off somehow.

My wife got on Lexapro for schizophrenia and she genuinely has changed for the better without becoming any sort of zombie. We're going to try easing her off it in october to see if she can live without it, but she enjoys her life 4x as much now and is happy again. Doesn't act nutbar like those prozac people I knew when younger or anything. About the only side effect I noticed is she talks a god damn lot in the car and never did before. Like it distracts me holy crap. It wore off a bit after the first month though.

I hate the way most people treat sex and relationships.


Casual hookups, hopping from relationship to relationship, treating dating as a game or means to an end in general, regarding one's partner in a superficial way as though they're just the sum of a checklist a traits, people in relationships with people they "really like, but...", "trading up", infidelity.

Basically, shallow behavior

I'm just so tired of the loneliness that comes with this. I can find ways to fill up my days with meaningless bullshit, to pass the time and numb myself so I don't remember how shitty how I feel all the time, but it always comes back to me at night. I just want someone to hold me and kiss me and tell me it'll be alright, and mean it. Maybe just maybe it would push me and give me a reason to keep going. But that's just a stupid pipe dream that'll never happen. So I'll keep filling up my days with weed and meaningless tasks killing time I don't have to fill a void that can't be filled for god knows how long.

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Why do I do this? I'm a grown man and anytime a woman I'm interested in shows interest I turn into a goddam child. Why can't I be joe cool around the women I like the way I am around the ones I don't!?!


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Right there with you! I fucking hate that. It is beyond shallow and horribly destructive.

I am gay. I'd give anything to be straight. Seriously, Id sign myself up for "Conversion Therapy" if it was legal here. I hate the gay community simply because of this! It is impossible to find anyone that is respectable. The "community" tosses each other around like fuck toys and wonders why life is so hard, why no one likes them. I completely understand why the are mental disorders a plenty.

I have zero gay "vibe". Most never believe I am gay when I tell them. I am happy being that "straight" guy that never has a gf.

Women aren't any better than gay men my friend.

So... my boyfriend is starting to have health problems. His heart to be more specific. I literally begged to stop smoking but he is ignoring me.

We are planning to move together and have a family. Being his wife is my only motivation to do shit but now he is sick it feels like everything is falling apart. I can't understand why he can't see it and he won't listen to me. I love him so much and I'll lose my shit if anything happens to him.

I might be the token "gay best friend" even though they are all convinced I am straight at first, but I can tell that there are more women out there that have more personality, more respect, and give people more chance.

Most gay guys don't have enough of a respectable personality to fill a thimble.

For once I would like the feeling of belonging somewhere.

And not constantly have to fake my way into peoples hearts and minds.

There's this veteran/ex-cop/math professor gay guy I watch on youtube who's voiced similar grievances.
"Thin skin and sharp claws" are how he describes most other gays.

I will have to see if I can find his videos. That is the best description I have heard in a long time.

I want to die. I really want to. I felt horrible and then i saw you. It made me feel even worse. How could you just leave someone so easily? Was i really that insignificant?

Id give you a hug if I could. I ask myself that very same question after seeing a lot of my close "friends" these days.

I'm not sure what your situation is, but it seems like you got a lot on your mind, you're burdened. Crying is a way to get the stress out, at least for a little bit. If there is something, I hope they'll guide you in the right direction to get the strength you need.


I'm sorry. I know I said I would leave you alone if it made you happy, but that can't include this place. This is the only place I have where I know I can always be myself. I don't use any other site to speak with people. I don't like randoms knowing more than what I show in public. I'm sorry if people you know are giving you hell over me, but if they do, then maybe you should stop talking to them About Me for a decision and talk To Me or even With Me instead and make a decision for yourself. I've never spoken your name to anyone. I've only spoken to one friend about you and I didn't even tell him your name, let alone anything else that would make it easy for him to identify you. If someone here knows I'm talking about you here that's because both they and you have broken the rules here by talking about here somewhere else. I only ever spoke of this place to two people, before I was aware of the rules. It was long before I met you and I have abided them since.

I will speak of what I will in this place.

my home
(maybe ours? Idk, but I could swear I felt your voice in a post I read a bit ago.)

Please. Let us both respect this place for what it represents, in spite of what others would use it for.
This is the first and last time I will ever use our initials.


Unless *he* wants to stop smoking, he won't. From experience, smokers are extremely stubborn and that shit fucks with their heads. Has his doctor told him that his smoking is responsible for his health spiraling?

Post initirials or stop being a whiny ghosty little punkass snowflake.

I know it has to be this way, but I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me when I saw you on tinder today. I miss you.

Wait till you see them when you're out shopping.
They way you recognize them by the way they move and the sound of their cough.
And you leave everything in the aisle and leave the store completely just to avoid the pain of seeing their face again.

To who is this for?

B, but she doesn't post here, just talkin' to myself I guess.

i'm so fucking miserable and no one cares, i'm used and overwhelmed and no one cares; whenever i put up a boundary i am gaslighted or accused of starting chaos ... no one respects me, no one listens to me, i'm pretty sure that they hate me too... my biggest support pushed me away and no longer loves me and saying that is fucking killing me right now; i cant stop crying. all i want to do is fucking die but i can't do it because i know at my funeral, my abusers will put on a huge show saying

>why did user not tell us what was wrong??
>we would have helped!! really!!

Maybe you should shed everyone and start a new life devoid of them.

I grew up having to move every year of my life and I learned it can be astonishingly handy for shedding toxicity. There's negatives like missing out on a solid childhood, but as an adult it let me pick up and move to another country and establish a way healthier life.

Don't be afraid to take the chance user.

I havent left the house in 2 weeks.

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The internet sucks

You suck.

Ah yeah thanks mom and dad for putting me on the worst medication in the world to get good grades. Fucking ruined my life with them and the other bad decisions you made impacting me.

Still a fucking single and not married at age 29. Making things difficult to fine any girl. But hey at least I am working out, dieting and have my own place now.

Also fuck the Mormon church and being raised mormon most of my life. Yeah they can be all nice and honestly some are really good people. But some just tend to fucking play the role that they are nice, they are doing good, they can do no wrong but in the end lots of them just treat you like garbadge. Build your hopes up and just fucking crush them and smash them in the ground in your dream career and learning oppertunities.

God, I really wish and pray that I can be with the girl I love. If it's not meant to be, then just fucking kill me now so I don't have to endure the rest of my life without her.

I am too fucking weird and I make people uncomfortable and alienated

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Yeah same here just let me fucking die, tired of this stupid constant battle

i wonder if i deserve this kind of love

It's only funny to me because your new boyfriend is clearly really shitty. Like I've only met him three times, and then I kinda thought he was shitty but figured there must have been something good about him. But no, he's actually awful to you, and I think that's hilarious. I used to think you were just being cautious when you would tell me what you had had bad experiences with most guys, but now I know it's literally because you give yourself to guys that make you feel insecure. That was the only reason you gave yourself to me, because I inadvertently made you feel like you didn't matter, but now that I see you doing it with someone else who,'s doing it on purpose, I understand why you can't keep a boyfriend and I understand why you can't keep friends. It's just stunning how much of a bullet I missed with you.

Yes you do user tell me, what does she do for you that makes you the happiest?
I hope you do to user however even if is not meant to be do not let yourself falture and give up, use it to improve yourself and make yourself happy.
Next GIOYC should just be called fuck M General
Self improvement and hobbies user lots and lots of social hobbies.
As long as you keep her in that flow state of wanting to improve herself without feeling "abused" or too loved you could get her to diet and become your dream girl however this is more of how much effort do you want to put into a woman to mold her as your own how will she maintain it and will it affect and future offspring that and do you want a trainer fetish? Because I've been tempted user but I dare not.
By less physically attractive what do you mean exactly user? Have you improved yourself recently or has she let herself go recently?
Alternatively this may just be because you don't have the spice of life in your relationship surprise, cheek and playfulness are good things to always have going in a relationship otherwise boredom can set in quickly as that thrill that was there when it was new is no longer there.
Become Chad user (I know this feel)
Because of this feel I've worked in degenerate places for so long I forgot that moral and Decent woman existed in this world world
desu, stop caring all together about her and focus on yourself user.

>mfw I'm 5ft 9"
>mfw the average woman's height in this town in 5ft 10"
>mfw the average man height is 6ft 2"
I'm in bongland yet I feel like I'm a Netherlands colony Anons help

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I dont know what the fuck i want....
i am just scared here ive fucked up too many times to try again or come back
i need someone who i can be intimate with, without judgement, my friends are far too judgemental, and shitty.
i can apply these labels to myself and put on the mask of a college graduate, nerd, sexual abuse victim, stoner, drunk, photographer, artist, motherfucking asshole piece o shit

i really want a cigarette, even though i quit years ago.
i long to go back to the simple days in my life, back in elementary school, when everything was so new and cool, and i wasn't stressed and confused
my career choices are not ones i am excited about or into, and i hate myself
ive contemplated suicide many fucking times but im just too much of a pussy to actually do it, i wish i could just press a pause button on my life. i feel like ive wasted so much of my life doing the wrong thing, i have so many regrets,
what does it mean to be a real person, to really exist out there and enjoy it, i dont know. all i know is this bullshit, phony ass, money focused, life that ive lived so far

You should tell her this. Maybe you haven’t been demoted and she caught feelings herself.

i woke up from a dream where i touched an old tourist-looking white woman's hand to tell her it was ok and she didn't need to be afraid (nothing romantic, i was just reassuring her 'cause that's what i do to my friends in real life) and she sort of just awkwardly pulled her hand away and went to wash them in front of my eyes, like i was some filth.
the dream was much longer but fuck did that hurt so much.

I hate myself. I literally have no self esteem and it's ruining my life. I'm a 19 y/o virgin and though I'm good with girls I can't ever seel the deal because I can't quite convince myself that people like me, I'm not normal. I'm so lonely and frustrated, the idea of going without a gf another day makes me suicidal. I kind of blew off a bunch of friends in town earlier today because I was tired, now I'm just depressed, it's Saturday night, what do I do?

That was probably real. Don't be a creep you loser.

It's my birthday next week. I'm certain she won't even wish me a happy birthday. So much for best friends

I got fit now I need to share my big peener with cute girls.

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how was i being a creep? i just tried to calm her down because she looked scared. i really doubt it can be considered sexual harassment (i'm also female).

You never spoke to me because you would be unpopular. So have fun with that.

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Are people afraid of dating someone they may percibe as smarter than themself?

personally, my ideal boyfriend would be smarter than me but isn't a dick about it.