When confronted by an officer, and you believe you are being detained unlawfully or without cause, what do you do...

when confronted by an officer, and you believe you are being detained unlawfully or without cause, what do you do? just let them arrest you?

Attached: cop_hand_up_000018137672XLarge.jpg (700x466, 39K)

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Fight back and run. Jewish puppets have no authority over me.

Yes you stupid fucking nigger. I got arrested almost a year ago for being "on drugs" while driving; I went to court and beat it. Let the dipshit cops do what they do, and have trained people figure out whats best. Hire a lawyer though. At least get court appointed...

Yes, shut up and try to memorize everything he does or says... when you get out of jail consult an attorney.

This is how you niggers get shot and all over the news
Let him arrest you and fight it in court. Chimping out being a nigger like the retard above will end up with you either dead or with WAAAAY more charges on you

You offer them your body and enjoy the ride

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Youre an idiot. Only literal niggers act like this. Fun fact, I saw one in court around 2 weeks ago... "ye hol up, I be challenging dem rules cause like I be all soveign n sheit".. Judge bitch smacked 9 shades of shit out of him...

Also, I was on drugs... 10/10 would drive on drugs again.

And us niggers are better than whites.

timestamp hand; Youre a troll.

You wouldn't know considering you spend half your life in jail you dumbass nigger.

But what if they kill you before you get out of jail?

Yell "am I being detained?!?" at the top of my lungs repeatedly.

Treat the cop with respect and he won't detain you for anything if he detains you he probably has a reason. even if he doesn't. Just say yes, sir to treat his ego and go on hating on cops on the internet. Remember you live in a country where cops have a lot of authority and can make life hard for you.

It’s not that they have too much authority, it’s that their unions and other officers will forvthe most part “got their backs” no matter what they seem to do.

For shits and giggles, Honolulu PD officers have been filmed kicking and punching their girlfriends, kicking the shit out of bystanders, the police chief was fired because his wife was the prosecutor, so they were doing all kinds of shady shit, but all the officers love him...

Video of police Sargent beating ex girlfriend (he still kept his job)


No, unless they tell me I cannot leave, I leave their presence immediately. I used to be a cop. I have little respect for many of them anymore after working with such cunts.

Pro-tip from a former cop: Read the book "You have the right to remain innocent" and follow it to a T. DO NOT SPEAK TO A COP IF THEY ARE IN UNIFORM.

Pro-tip 2: US Supreme court has changed the rules on the 5th amendment ever so slightly but it does apply now. If you invoke your right to stay silent (I highly recommend you do) you must tell them that you are using your 5th amendment right (I Plead the fif)....not just stay quiet. DO NOT SPEAK WITHOUT A LAWYER.

me again

>you believe you are being detained

That is solely on you. Stay calm and ASK if you are being detained or if you are free to go. If they say you are not being detained, LEAVE immediately.

More importantly why are the cops even talking to you? Because you're so handsome?

If you're under arrest, you can't leave you moron.

OP doesn't say he is. He says if you "BELIEVE". Therefore it is on you to ask since you have not been told you are.

Otherwise if you are told you are under arrest is is pretty fucking obvious, captain.

There's a difference between actually being under arrest and the police just talking to you or conducting an investigation or questioning you.
If they pull you over for a traffic stop in your vehicle then technically you're under arrest but they don't handcuff you and take you to jail necessarily. You can leave after they either give you the ticket warning or tell you to drive on.
If you were just standing there on the street or something in the place talk to you you may not be under arrest.
If you're at the police station talking to them you may not be under arrest.
Cops have a lot of tricks that use in their investigations and they want you to talk to them. Technically they're allowed to lie in their investigations.

So they do a lot of shady things when they're trying to solve a crime or catch someone in a lie or whatever, that includes not telling people hey you're free to go, when they want to talk to that person.

ask what you are under arrest for. then ask if you are free to go.

if they give any reason you are under arrest, not much you can do.

if they dont give a reason and arrest you anyways, call 911 and tell them an officer is arresting you for no reason

then plead the 5th and ask for a lawyer

>making a phone call to 911 while being arrested

I'm having a good laugh imagining someone trying to do this

Aren't you supposed to call 911 if that happens?

Yes, you let them detain you whether it is lawful or not.
You keep courteous and respectful and ask if you are under arrest, if they say yes then you tell them at the first opportunity you would like to speak to a lawyer and you plead the 5th.
Do not talk to them at all the second you are under arrest other than to give your name and address, or to answer if you have any weapons on your person.
No matter what else they ask or how friendly they are being, do not talk to them ever.

reaching for your phone while cops are arresting you, that's a good way to get shot.

Nigga aint gon stop me whoop whoop nigga bacon aint shit but oooooos and shreick.

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>People think judges dont side with the police all the time even if you did nothing at all and just take the officers word for it when they say they had reasonable cause

start shouting “AM I BEING DETAINED” and as you’re being cuffed or tased, shout, “THIS IS A FUCKING POLICE STATE.”

Well then you're dead and none of this matters. Your whole question is stupid, on the street cops are basically dictators and their power is only checked retroactively after you're processed down at the jail. There are certainly things they are not allowed to do but you still have no legal right to stop them in the vast majority of instances. You cannot refuse to go to jail because they will take you by force, the best thing to do is shut up and take it like a man and sort it out with your lawyer later.

There's a popular saying with cops "you might beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride", which means that the judge might let you go on the actual charges or even get the cops in trouble for violating your rights but there's still no way to change the fact that you're going to be dragged downtown in handcuffs and strip searched before being tossed in with other criminals for a few hours that night.

>tfw tasers have no effect on you


Wtf i hate cops now

If theyre allowed to lie then cant they just lie about detaining you so you cant leave

They're not allowed to lie about orders.

I'd voice my disapproval of everything they do, but comply.

Then get a lawyer to first beat the case & the sue

t. german

Same shit happened to me a week ago. Where you on anything at the time? I wasn't on shit and never have been but they swore I was smoking marijuana. Missed whole day of work cuz of that bullshit. Any advice on how I can get my money back for missed wages + lawyer fees?

Nothing you say to a police officer on duty will have any effect whatsoever. So just stay polite, quiet, only answer basic questions such as name, address, age, etc and wait them out.


Not entirely true, cops are humans and will often cut some slack for respectable people in real predicaments.


You don't plead the fifth to the cops, that's for court testimony

No...that's not one of the things they're allowed to lie about.

Lol you realize that most lawyers charge a minimum of $250 an hour and you probably didn't make that much that day.

Unfortunately they view criminals as subhuman in the US.

>Record the confrontation for evidence
>know the laws in your state/province
>if charged for something you can beat hire an attorney
>Know that 99.9% of the time they're just doing their job and aren't targeting you
>be prepared to defend yourself and know what line you're not willing to cross as a man (in extreme cases)

Are you American?


Wait until he's busy with his pen and pad and then grab his gun

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I've never had an issue with the cops. Not once. And this is being le 56%. Not once have I actually been ticketed upon being pulled over, not once have they actually nailed me for reeking like weed, and not once have they even reached for their weapons. Once when I was driving without lights on, the cop just reached in, turned them on, and left without saying another word.

Once they think the right thing to do is arrest you, you follow instructions.
Resisting arrest just gets you a beating.
Fight it legally afterwards.

You are an inspiration to us all.

Try DWB in Plano, Texas. Go on, smartass, I dare you.

resisting unlawful arrest is still resisting arrest

Nah. I'm honestly afraid to get that close to Mexico.

Police are selected for low IQ, they are given guns, they will fucking murder you. Don't argue with them. Fight it in court.

So do we tell the we're using our 5th amendment right or do we stay silent

OK so I got swatted by someone this morning. At 7:59 AM my doorbell rings and the police are here to ask if I am abusing my family member... second time it happened now, I spoke to them and let them tour my home. I even told them whom it is that is harassing me by filling these false user tips. Ask if there is any recourse and they said no... I feel in this case it’s best to show my hand then play with fire.

>just let them arrest you?
Yes, because if you resist, all you're doing is giving them a reason to rough you up more. Let them do what they're gonna do, then file a complaint later on. Go through the proper channels because I guarantee you that resisting is NOT going to make your situation any better. It never has and never will for anybody ever. There's no situation in which someone resisted and the cop simply said 'oh well he's resisting! better head out!'.

This is all helpful.

I am a professional white man in my 40's and have had the local police force on my payroll at one time or another (used to put on festivals and concerts, and before that was a bar manager and bouncer).

Some were decent, but even more complete shitboxes.

It's funny - not in a haha way, but in a queer way - that racists, misogynists and general fascists all seem to think that because you are another middle class white man, that you must at the very least agree with their general racism or whatever. Therefore, they just tell you the shit they do or believe or whatever.

However what the police don't get is that they think they are middle class or professional class, but the real world of professionals view them the same as plumbers and sheet rock hangers. I'll call them when I need them and otherwise, we are unlikely to cross paths. they are certainly not in my social circle and I'm not going to run into them in a board room.

But, I ran into a cop that had worked for me years ago while I was at the bank. He was all "what you dont remember me?"

I don't remember the name of the woman at the Chick fil a drive through either.

But I said, Oh man, so sorry. It's been so long, help me out.

I know I am privileged in this respect and will not give them reason to take my privilege. But I hate these low IQ, uneducated, social misfit fuckers.

>cops are human

not too many of them.