Ontario "health care" is just terrible

>painful hemorrhoids since May
>had it before (history of IBS since pre-teen), but it got really bad in matter of a month after a spell of constipation caused by antibiotics
>ask family doctor for appointment
>wait two weeks
>he refers me to a surgeon
>hear nothing back for a month
>call surgeon
>"We're on vacation, call us back in two weeks"
>call back
>"We're so backed up, we can't see you 'til 12 months from now"
>hemorrhoids get worse and worse, now looks like those gore pictures in encyclopedia, size of half an apricot
>unregister from fall classes because there is no way I can attend university with this chronic pain and mobility restriction
>call family doctor's office, another two weeks wait for appointment
>refers me to another surgeon, farther away

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Other urls found in this thread:


>call that surgeon after a few weeks
>"We can see you in six months."
>ask family doctor to refer me to another surgeon
>says he's sorry that there is no central coordination of waiting lists for anything, and you pretty much have to get referred before you can find out how long the wait is for that specific procedure from a specific surgeon
>refers me to someone 90 minute drive away
>pre-surgery consultation booked for six weeks later

smoke some weed dude

>go to that appointment
>"We need to do full colonoscopy before we do anything about your hemorrhoids since you said your dad had polyps removed."
>hemorrhoids at full mast all day today as I glug a jar of stimulat laxatives and shit water for hours to prep for colonoscopy tomorrow
>still have no idea when I can get hemorrhoid banding, a procedure that takes just 15 minutes to perform


go vegan, you're shit will be super smooth like your protein shakes.

Stop going to the family doctor you absolute fucking dense cunt. He's clearly the problem.

S.a.g.e fuck you dense cunt

Jesus fucking Christ man. I live in the US. If I had a problem like that I could walk into a free clinic any day of the week and get a prescription. If that wouldn't solve the issue they'd take me from the walk-in clinic to a hospital immediately. My health insurance covers everything (state insurance) and the system works perfectly.

A friend of mine needed to undergo heart surgery. Less than a two week wait and he paid nothing.

Damn youre two inches taller than me

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>be American
>pay for own healthcare
>call for specialist without referral
>”we have an appointment available tomorrow”
>mfw we have the worst healthcare on the planet.

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They say our healthcare is free but the average white male pays 6000 $ a year in taxes.
Women and immigrants pay almost nothing yet use the vast majority of health services.
White males in Canada are literally slaves.

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go to america and get it done u retard

everyone knows socialised healthcare systems will fuckin kill you

Whats up with king nigger obongo care getting fucked over in texas? Is it really getting axed?

Holy fuck bumgrapeanon thats not good. Had similar last year after 3rd visit to emergency was admitted and got them all chopped out (rebored).

jesus that sounds bad. I am sorry leaf.

I’m reading about canadian haemorrhoids on Jow Forums. You might as well post a picture

He has hemorrhoids, dude. If he increases his fiber intake by going vegan it will literally tear him a new asshole. He needs to go on meat only.

Why do they put eye colour on your I.D, leaf?

I exploit socialized healthcare in my country by going to emergency room after midnight for any little thing. It always works. Just call 911 dude

This. I can't stand when they called it "free". There ain't no such a thing as a free meal. And, god I know it, because I'm the one footing the bill.

he's canadian.
his hemorrhoids are from the gay sex.

I don't have $50,000 minimum that would cost to get both the diagnostics and the procedure done in the U.S. uninsured. If a puncture were to happen during colonoscopy (small chance but it still happens quite frequently), and I had to be transported to a hospital for emergency surgery, the cost would probably bankrupt my parents.

I thought about going to Thailand for surgery, and I probably would have gone if I knew back in May that it'd take seven months to just talk to a surgeon for ten minutes.

Based Frog


Stop getting fucked by men in your maple leaf gloryhole.

>paying taxes
fucking kek

>be American
>have painful hemorrhoids
>too bad, no insurance
The end.

costs more in canada (if you are human). hate to burst your liberal bubble

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stop squeezing so hard thats what causes hemorrhoids

just let the shit flow out

At least they get medical help after a certain amount of time, instead of never ever.

You can get it done cheaper in the US senpai, you just got to shop around.

Get up and walk around you fat fuck. I got a hemmorhoid from being bed-ridden for a month and once I got better and was able to walk around again the hemmorhoid went away

>go to hospital
>problem solved.

australia's system is like urs basically

long wait times and a general triage approach whereby only the worst get seen leaving you to slowly deteriorate

every smelly coon, sudanese invader, double digit IQ trash abuse the shit out of ED's that wait are in excess of 6 hours to see a fuckin nurse only

i had a minor pile once, urs sounds fucked

what would happen if you went into ED and just made a huge fuckin ruckus and insist that you're in unbearable pain and you need surgery right away?

are you retarded? Have you never actually read about our healthcare system? People fucking die waiting all the time. I had to wait 2 years to get an MRI for a tumour. If it hadn't been benign Id be dead. Meanwhile, white men pay more than they will ever get out of the system. Its a literally rip off AND you die waiting...unless you are a subhuman on welfare..then you just die waiting for free. If you do get an appointment 75% of the time its some paneer with a fake degree.

It's ok we in the US have free healthcare for illegals
Just go to the ER

I've been through about 4 doctors in London, Ont. over the last decade, trying to find one who isn't a lazy, negligent ass and then it dawned on me... if you had a doctorate, you could work anywhere in the world. Only a complete loser would choose to live here.

Why do you keep going back to the same doctor you fucking idiot?

I have yet to run into a well trained doctor in Canada. Its almost always some immigrant pajeet with a literal fake degree. They know less than their patients. Of course its racist to hold these liars accountable or to western standards.

>blaming a broken system that provides fake jewish solutions to fake jewish problems
Play jewish games, win jewish prizes. The answer is zero carb carnivory. You're welcome.


>help! doctor! I broke my asshole
Why would you do this?

>>hemorrhoids get worse and worse, now looks like those gore pictures in encyclopedia, size of half an apricot
>>unregister from fall classes because there is no way I can attend university with this chronic pain and mobility restriction
>>call family doctor's office, another two weeks wait for appointment
I've read this before.
what're you gittin at boy

>what would happen if you went into ED and just made a huge fuckin ruckus and insist that you're in unbearable pain and you need surgery right away?
If he's a white male, absolutely nothing or he'd be kicked out of the hospital if he really makes a ruckus.

I drove across the united states over like five days, and just the car seat or something gave me hemmies, not even bad at all, but fuck that sucked. Went away within a couple days of not driving. Really feel for anyone who has em bad

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We don't

I donno what his picture is from, but its not an Ontario Drivers License, Health Card or "Of Age" Card (basically a photo ID made available for non drivers) our new issue health cards are all photo IDs to but some people still have the old one

Go to buffalo you idiot. You can schedule a mri there in 3 days while in ontario it takes 6 months. Are you a poorfag that can't pay $3K out of pocket though?

>meat only diet
>in Canada
Are you a stock broker? If not what kind of financial parasite are you?

I’m a medfag. Colonoscopy out of pocket is like $300, banding and procedural sedation is a bit more expensive but still it would be under 5k without insurance.

as wrecked as our system is, if you complain about being in unbearable pain they will see you

lying through your teeth is basically necessary in our cucked healthcare system

Here’s how insurance works in post-Obamacare
>hospital: that Advil will cost $30,000
>insurance: oy vey, that’s too much. We will give you a dollar
>hospital oy vey, we lost $29999 on this Obamacare recipient!
>government: here’s some money

>lying through your teeth is basically necessary in our cucked healthcare system

Fucking pathetic, sad and disgusting but this is the result of leftism.

I learned to play the system, go to the appointment office to the nearby hospital were they do this procedure.
Bring a bottle of sparkling wine or some nice gift as they are almost always ladies working in those positions. Show that you are in distress, give the gift and ask if possible if someone cancels their appointment to call you instead.
This way I get appointments in a week and it just costs me a few gifts. Also you get treated nicely because nobody usually gives a flipping fuck about the administration personnel.

I had a similar thing. Went to urgent Care who referred me to a surgeon. Went to see him later that day. Had surgery the next morning. I thank God every day I was born in America and I please with Him to not let the liberals ruin everything

How overweight are user? I don't mean to be rude but it can make it really bad

So sorry to hear about your ass cancer, leafbro. Put some snow on it

Dude wtf gay no

I will give you a real answer and advice to never get into this situation in the future. The disbios of your gut causes inflammation. Please look in to cbd and other natural ways to reduce inflammation and repopulate you gut with healthy flora like a fecal transplant. Then take lots of magnesium and vitamin c. It’s literally impossible to be constipated if you are mega dosing on these. The constipation is Only one of these deficiencies symptoms. You will never treat the underlying issues with laxatives and stool softeners. You will also need to take DioVasc 2pills 2times a day. I took this dose and I was healed. May need to take it for a while for long term maintenance. It’s clinically proven to treat your vein issues. Here is some info but please research yourself. This has saved me... I also have become very regular with a daily cup of coffee first thing in the morning. May this reach the eyes of all in need of a Christmas Miracle....God bless!

And one other thing, I was told surgery was very painful and had a high rate of complications... this should be your front line treatment and surgery only if it fails...

It's a misconception. Your hospital stay is free but everything outside of that is not.
To take advantage of canadian healthcare you have to make your problems soundmore severe than they are or try alternative methods

>friend has throat infection, wants to know what it is
>goes to AIDS clinic
>tells them he just sucked 10 cocks and needs to test
>gets done within the day
>just a minor throat sickness

On another note:

>Have horrible stomach pain
>can barley stand up, sweating profusely
>rush to ER
>immediately given blood tests, CAT scan, IV for fluids and morphine
>stay there for almost 6 days
>acute pancreatitis from bout of alcoholism
>meals, painkillers, other meds, continuous blood tests and CAT scans, fresh gowns and even TV in my room while I recover

Didn't spend a single dime.

I don't even want to know what a 6 day hospital stay in burgerland with what they gave me would cost if I'm not paying hundreds of dollars a month for a half decent insurance policy, SHOULD something even happen.

He could do that here too

You could be paying hundreds a month and have a decent insurance plan and still pay 5 grand easily for a six day stay with all those tests.

Hospital stay is free, that's all our free healthcare is
Here's a story
>be me
>assigned to security at hospital for 4 days
>yellow zone is mostly old people
>it's cheaper to have your elderly relatives repeatedly checked into the yellow zone than pay for a home

We north americans are just the worst when itcomes to care and respect of our elders.

sad, user
both my grandpa and my uncle died under the care of a doctor, and nobody said fuck all. they walked away with no accountability whatsoever.
fuck canada. i hate it here,.

In burger land youd pay about 4k out of pocket for 6 days in the hospital. You can only pay 4k a year. Meaning ir it happens again its free.

Really not as bad as lefty retarss say it is. Theyre just poor losers who car over flipping burgers.

>pre-teen IBS
Lose weight you fat bastard.
You're also a faggot.

The meds they give you before the colonoscopy are THE BEST like you wont care a camera and a bunch of people are glaring at your asshole, get ready for some ripping farts too

>tfw inflicted IBS on myself doing a variation of pic related as a child

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We dont care about treating you manlets here

Banding can be done in a doctor's office. It's not an invasive surgery. What the hell are you doing. Go to a walk in clinic and explain your situation and how much pain you've been in and you've been told to wait a year for something they can do right there. Most doctors don't treat anything seriously but if you have someone competent they will help you.
Wife had horrible blisters on her lips, seemed like a coldsore. 3 separate doctor's "use abreva lol". Barely helped and thinned the skin of her lips making them tear all the time. Go to third clinic, Viet woman knows what it is right away. Get anti fungal steroid cream. Gone in 2 days never comes back.
Most docs suck

you need probiotics that the antibiotics killed. youtube Activia Challenge, fuck doctors

Sounds like Norway.

>I'm sick. Time to call up my GP
>Got an appointment in 1 week
>GP takes a look at it, and does the only job he knows, which is to refer me to the right specialist
>Pay $35 for GP appointment
>Wait 2 weeks to receive letter with appointment date for specialist
>8 months
>Alright. Let's wait 8 months
>Finally get to specialist. Specialist can't find anything. Recommends another type of specialist
>Pay specialist office $35
>Call up GPs office again and book another appointment
>Get appointment in 1 week
>GP takes a look at it, and does the only job he knows, which is to refer me to the right specialist
>Pay $35 for GP appointment
>Wait 2 weeks to receive letter with appointment date for specialist
>10 months
>Alright. Let's wait 10 months

Repeat ad infinitum.

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I'm in the same fucking boat user. I've had to wait 6 fucking months for a CONSULTATION. My life is on hold until I can get this fucking surgery done.

>be me
>inna oral surgeon's chair, having wisdom teeth removed
>suck down sedative after the agonizing process of having freezing shot into the roof of my mouth
>pretty much pass out immediately
>wake up in the middle of procedure
>surgeon and assistant are just getting one out
>weird pulling sensation followed up by a loud crack as they pull the tooth out.
>"lmao like I give a fuck"
>pass out again
>wake up
>surgery done, nurse is talking to Dad
>nurse keeps yelling at me because I keep passing out.

Sedatives are a blast

London, Ontario is full of brain dead "professionals"

same. I just wanna get these fucking polyps out of my nose so I can enlist

checked and true pilled. London is an Islamic city now. I hate going there.

It will probably rupture and kill you before the great socialist healthcare system will fix it. See, if you die, you cost nothing!

What's worse? The health care of Canada or the meat prices of Canada?

>get billed
>never pay
>credit is fucked
>don’t care because you’re a nigger
This is America

it's a win win for Canadian cannibals

stop being poor losers

and get your butthole checked out op.

how else can you get referred?

So go to USA, call on Monday for appointment later that day, get diagnosis, if need surgery schedule for next day, problem solved.

OH yeah, That will cost a small fortune.

Yeah, Ontario's healthcare system is so fucked.
My girlfrien has been waiting for over a month for an ultrasound.
What the fuck is wrong with this place? How did it get this bad? Shit is faster in Nova Scotia for Christ's sake

I wish the healthcare was just a meme like the meat prices. My old man had his shit fucked up doing BJJ, dipshit skinhead buggered his knee up. Socialized healthcare was going to send him on the wild ride of waiting 3 months to see a specialist who has you wait 6 months to do an MRI before waiting 15 months to do the surgery. But because he needed to work like a real human bean he turned to fucking acupuncture to try and at least make it livable. He did 3 sessions of needles, she gave him some herbs to mix with wine and smear on his knee for a couple days, and it actually fucking worked.

Just let that shit rattle around in your brain for a bit. I can't figure out which is more horrifying, our healthcare is so buggered people turn to chinese witchcraft, or that the fucking chinese witchcraft actually works

London has a target on its back because its still like 75% white. I'm living it up while it lasts then moving to either rural ontario or one of the fucking dakotas

If I go to a walk in clinic, I literally get a call from my doctors office the next day threatening to drop me as a patient...

I had an internal hemorrhoid for a couple of years. I had to literally push my colon back inside each time I shat. So glad I finally got insurance and got it fixed. Imagine trying to shit after having your asshole reconstructed. no homo buttstuff just bad diet i guess

Immigrants SOAK up the healthcare system. They go to hospitals like its a fucking mcdonalds. Also, average white kids stopped becoming doctors, because why slave yourself for 2 decades just to make 100k in a hospital. So instead we have saudi arabians and pakistanis becoming doctors

And then once all the whites leave because the city is full of garbage, crime, and homeless people, all the niggers will move to the white cities. rinse and repeat

tell your doctor to eat a fucking dick, I bet you get better service from a random fuck you just met

Are immigrants really clogging it up so bad? Seems it's always women in the clinics

My new doctor is only 33 years old, and when I had to look up her office I ended up finding her instagram instead. It's fucking embarassing when your doctor has images of her and the fucking girlies out being sluts at the bar.

This is the new generation of doctors taking over old practices, and it's fucking awful.

Anons. We are close to each other.

You fucking get it.

Canadian health care is the finest in the world provided you never actually need it.

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At least from my own experiences. Immigrant women to be more specific, so you're right as well.

OHIP is fucking shocking

My gym bro tore his pec and they left him for a year untreated, after just a month it's impossible to fix a tear like that because it scars up

He went from bench pressing 545lbs to looking like a regular dadbod non lifter

i'd drop that slut as a doctor asap

Yep, in All fairness, I have encountered a few Afrikaner doctors, who seemed comptetent.