This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking various trafficking networks and enterprises. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc.
Trafficking can happen in many forms depending on the product being moved (human, guns, drugs, rare animals/art, organs etc.) and involve many different groups and organizations. We track all types.
Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.
Newcomers should pay attention to shills targeting these threads with discrediting/discouraging attempts as well as injection of misinformation and bad leads.
Look for these kinds of things to map out the human trafficking networks:
1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).
2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))
3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)
Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:
1) [Government] (For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications) 2) [Corporation/Business] (For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's) 3) [Criminal] (Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children) 4) [Cult] (Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination) 5) [Intel Agencies] (Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations) 6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms] (Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers) 7) [Hollywood] (Truman Show breeding/handling operations.) Another thing to note is the use of human trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).
- The Red Command (CV) is a narco-terrorist group with similar thinking to the Mafias of the Northern Hemisphere. To corrupt the Government, to dominate strategic locations, to take advantage of the Scrapping of the Public Forces, to create routes of flow of arms and finally to implant its regime in its areas of dominion. Reuters article of December 13, 2017 - While the Sao Paulo Factions export drugs to the Middle East in exchange for weapons and ammunition in the midst of a trade agreement with Hezbollah, the Rio factions fund Marxist Guerrilla Movements in Paraguay. And yes, Paraguay is on the verge of a Civil War, with several insurgencies all over the country. At this very moment, the Brazilian Army and the Paraguayan Army are holding Joint Exercises for a "Future Battle" at the Frontier. The Red Command seeks to strengthen and establish a Parallel Government within the Society of Rio, offering to the poor population what the state can not offer. >financial condition >luxury for anyone entering the faction >weapons to lose sight of >the false impression of power
Therefore, just as ISIS is in Europe, the Red Command is in the Southeast / South of Brazil. Flamboyant and subversive propaganda charms young people. Especially the poorest. The difference is that the Red Command, although not admittedly stated, has Marxist roots, while ISIS ... Well you have an idea of the ISIS funding. The Question is that: >using a Miami-Bogotá-Asuncion-Rio route, the Organization's leaders are buying more and more rifles from all possible models. And they are not few. >among these rifles, 50-gauge weapons and Anti-material models are coming >and this really does not stop happening
Suspected companies: ITS Technologies & Logistics, LLC (ITS) ConGlobal Industries > The Boeing Company > Securitas > YRC Freight Cargill Seattle Bulk Shipping LabCorp PACLAB Laboratories Northwest Albanian mafia and trafficking info: > Chinese Triad and Tong trafficking info >
You can help do God's work if you like, we're assembling info on trafficking busts, "gas explosions" and other suspicious crimes in the cities featured on the map
It's kind of amazing just how much of frank's psyche my existence has come to occupy. I am willing to bet at this point he spends about half of his time thinking about "the leaf", and I am always ever expanding my empire inside his mind. Sometimes the when the wind is singing outside at night or there is a bump frank peaks out his window, expecting to see "the leaf" standing outside. When frank stubs his toe or burns his lip, he curses the leaf. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night, sweating and in a panic, disturbed by a nightmare about the leaf that got a little too real.
Literally living rent free in frank's mind at this point, which can be confirmed by the above circlejerk between frank and himself. he is absolutely unable to stop thinking about "the leaf". truly fascinating watching the downward spiral of an already mentally unstable individual in real time.
God's work user. Quick post a random snapshot from google maps and pretend you're using enhance, enchance, enchance techniques to solve mysteries. How many busts have these resulted in? Isn't there a fake illuminati the new world order card that answers that with like 8 paragraphs? If talking shit about these try "generals" means I'm a "shill" I guess I'm guilty. Inb4 moved to Jow Forums
It's most likely that the MDC in SF is beneath the city itself. Construction probably began around WWI while the city was being rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake. Mapping out the locations of abandoned subway stations and any other known tunnel networks (they exist but the locations are difficult to find online) could help you figure out where the underground areas might be.
>frank The absolute state of shills using their own shills to malign anti-kike posts >implying frank you’ll EVER post without tripfagging >implying frank would EVER provide the meanest shred of evidence.
Brayden Davis
just to clarify, english is your second language right
do you guys ever wonder what frank eats for breakfast?
I bet he microewaves eggs
Anthony Allen
I thought we were all Frank
Elijah Long
everybody but me
wassup frandingo
Landon Miller >A series of crackdowns pushed criminal syndicates to invest in one of Monterrey’s best-known assets: gambling. As La Jornada reported recently, the Mexico-based gaming association Asociacion de Permisionarios de Juegos y Sorteos has acknowledged that criminal organizations run laundering operations in at least 40 casinos in northern Mexico, most of which are in Monterrey. This battle has been accompanied by a huge spike in murders, drawing the attention of the word’s media. According to a Reuters special report, this year (2011) more than 600 people have died in drug-related killings in the Monterrey area, a figure that has risen more than tenfold since 2006, when there were only 55 drug deaths.
Bentley Lopez
>getting shit for being ESL from a chink
Nathaniel Price
>I'm an immigrant >therefore everybody else is an immigrant is this projection?
Isaiah Sanders
It's ok Gayleaf, we know you're just jealous of Frank's purebred white hands
Gabriel Nelson
found him.
how's it going frank. are you having a nice larp tonight?
Anthony Wood
This is the kind of shit that I am interested in for when I have a mental break and decide to go clean up my city. Please continue to post more so I may learn
Camden Lewis
I don’t know what you get out of baiting me into bumping this thread, but you won!
Landon Rodriguez
Just kill any known Jews. If you get at least three you probably killed a pedo
Where would I start looking for info like this in my country? What should I look for? (Also who is Frank and why is the Canadian mad at him?)
Camden Perry
Seriously though. You can track these groups, get a dossier with evidence, figure out who the perpetrators organizing this shit are and gather evidence with a really expensive camera with a telescopic lens. Put that shit in front of a detective with addresses, locations, and times of habitation and I don't have to do shit SWAT will clean up the problem for me
I’m really worried that my post on a satirical website will result in jail time.
But the jokes on you faggot, I can’t afford healthcare in America and going to jail would mean the state pays for it.
Benjamin Hall
>i-i was just j-joking haha its satire guise >I was only pretending to tell people to target jews >please don't hit the submit button, I won't do well in federal prison
Why would you have not already hit the submit button?
Joseph Howard
there's not much that sperging out can do to save you now
Jason Harris
Sorry to fly off the handle.
Please don’t tell the FBI I’m frank though, okay?
Leo Sanders
>mfw I realized you're posting on on iPhone there goes your plausible deniability
Robert Brown
The Canadian was a sex slave. His mind is fragmented into different personalities. The only one he knows in first and third person is Frank. Easiest way to think of it is Frank is his reflection of his own shadow. It sickens The Canadian
Daniel Cox
I know right? Figure I have only nine or ten years of freedom left until they get through the backlog of Jow Forums-related tips.
I don't know if there's anything visual attached I think it's a list. It looks like general military P/O/L/logistics strike crap like the three gorges dam.
Justin Jackson
I can't say that this is related to trafficking in any particular way.
Gavin Brown
Yeah, I seem to remember there being a domestic US list of critical logistic sites that came with this, it was a long time ago though.
Jeremiah Jones
W-will that actually work? How many bbc and dog blowjob retweets before the fbi forgives me?
What is it with people related to human trafficking being named donald/ewen/cameron/allan and presbyterianism? Although this woman helped fight against it.
I keep seeing the names pop up with weird CIA type shit, David Cameron our former prime minister's family tree being one of them too is full of those names.