Sargon of Akkad Put In His Place

Patreon has released a full account of Sargon's crimes against humanity. Check and Mate.

Attached: oYlzzrCzkFdmvsV-1600x900-noPad.jpg (290x310, 11K)

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The hero

Attached: patreon.jpg (800x449, 27K)

>crimes against humaniy
you mean when this anglo faggot put a pic of his lily white ass on social media

They won. Why fight it?

Attached: patreon2.jpg (284x176, 4K)

>lily white

half of one of those two buttcheeks is black according to sargon himself

try using your eyes, faggot

Attached: 1519692701869.png (780x658, 280K)

So you cant say white nigger, yellow. nigger, sand nigger or any variation on nigger? Ok fairly warned but not fun

>Is the creator using racial slurs or negative depictions of a protected class?

Hooray for a two tiered system. Hang all communists

how is calling a white person nigger hate speech lul