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Why can't men act as well as women?
Kayden Garcia
Adrian Nguyen
Women lie naturally. Men have to hone the skill.
Ryan Price
If a women acts well is almost always for their personal gain, they are evil creatures and care only about the most genetically superior male to fill them up
Gavin King
See, that is a loaded question. No matter how I answer it, there is a bullet in every chamber waiting to blow my brains out.
Brandon Sanchez
sex sells retard
Luke Lewis
Jewish men are an exception.
Landon Hughes
>giving money to jewllywood
you get the master you deserve goy
Nicholas Watson
Only women and soiboys go to the movies nowadays
Josiah White
Caleb Rogers
>care only about the most genetically superior male to fill them up
But most women are with guys that are heavily flawed. Even the guys they cheat on those guys with are usually quite flawed. I think they just go with whatever makes them feel good in the moment.