Why don’t girls approach me at clubs?

I’ve been told by hella ppl online and irl that I’m decently attractive, but when I’m at clubs its like girls ignore tf outta me. I’ve seen hella girls grinding on short ugly dudes but they never try to grind on me :’(

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This is me, I’m 6’1 and 19, I have hella other pics too

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You’re bundy staring the poor things.
Go watch brad pitt in the 90’s be more like that.

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Hi Triangle kid.

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Nergal what

Tell his honer what the necklace means to you.

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That's because you're a desperate angry sperg and nobody finds that attractive.

19 years old, already has wrinkles of skepticism ingrained into his forehead.

It's actually more important how approachable, social and friendly you look
An attractive guy with a resting bitch face is too intimidating

You are supposed to smile in photos. It doesn't hurt to do the same in real life too you weirdo.

Dance with me.

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You’re like a pothead version of that vampire from twilight.

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So what, why would they rather dance with some ugly faggot than me just cause he’s “approachable”

You answered your own question man

They're approachable. Clearly you're not.

Try approaching instead. That's most likely what the ugly faggots are doing that you aren't, anyway.

Fuck that shit ion wanna catch a charge, and idgaf about approachable I’m more fuckable

We live in a taxing time

Another thing, even if I approached them how would I do it without seeming like a perv. I do actually have high functioning autism so that shits fucked

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>I want women to love me for being the angry jerk that I am
Have you considered not being an angry spergy jerk?

I thought u were supposed to "be yourself" jackass

No wonder women don't approach you. Look at your post again.

Trust me, you'll grow out of it. You're only 19 after all. Itll be chill and easier once the teen angst is gone.

how does my "angst" make me less attractive than some beta queer who wears collared shirts n shit, imo its the opposite

I could smell it off of you from way over here

Yourself is supposed to be a confident nice guy. You are the complete opposite, an insecure angry guy. Make an effort to grow out of this. Be more positive. Be nicer. You will get girls then.

Ain’t it a thing that girls like don’t like nice guys?and no, that wouldn’t be being myself

Judging by your photo reason is because they are scared. You look like you would shot her down instantly, possibly make fun of her. Would you rather approach a girl that is laughing and has welcoming vibe or the one that has resting bitch face?

Of course girls like nice guys. The thing is that self-proclaimed "nice guys" usually aren't. A guy who is genuinely nice to people is attractive to girls.

Yeah this Girls not liking nice guys and only liking alpha male chads who treat them like shit is one of the biggest myths going, usually perpetuated by incels who are using a convenient excuse for not getting laid. If that were true, a fair amount of the male population would die virgins.

Of course they like nice guys. Girls like gentle, easygoing, mellow natured guys who treat them well. However, they don't like clingy guys who put them on a pedestal and act like they owe them something just for showing a basic level of respect to them.

There's a difference between nice guys and "nice guys."

What if I’m just kinda apathetic, not rly nice or mean?
I’m actually realllly shy around girls :(

Well I suppose you also have to show them that there's something about you. Funny, confident, interesting.

Same goes for girls. From my point of view, it's all well and good speaking to a girl who's pretty and seems nice enough, but she's got to have something more.

>I’m actually realllly shy around girls :(
Computer age ruined many young people. You didn't socialize when you were younger and now you lack the skill that can't be learned easily. If you wan't to improve yourself you need to accept that you have built walls around yourself not because you like it but because you are scared of being hurt. You would rather suffer silently than to try to be happy but risk getting hurt.

Only when you accept your situation you can take further steps

Why do I need skills? I shouldn’t have to compete with less attractive men for women.

I’m actually extremely musically talented and a Mensa member, I like to think I’m funny too but I have a niche sense of humor

Because you’re ugly on the inside.
And you have a small penis. Women crave that full feeling and you just aint got the tools for the job.
Have you thought about becoming the gay? I bet some bearmode faggot could show you a thing or two about filling aome holes.

That attitude will get you nowhere.

Mastering skill of social interaction should be top priority for any ambitious man who wants succeed in any area. Less competent employee will get promoted over you and one day be your boss, less attractive guy will breed the girl you are eying whole night etc.

Silver tongue is worth more than anything.

6.5, not great but haven’t had any complaints
Not if I beat the fuck out of him

Then you get arrested though. I'm starting to see why you don't get girls.

>Not if I beat the fuck out of him
Jokes on you. He is friend with best lawyer in town and now you have to pay for physical and emotional damages. He is also buddy with some gym obsessed maniacs from the time he was lifting regularly and they will pay you a visit

Probably because you’re the kind of person who says, “hella”.

>assuming that you can beat up your competition in order to secure a promotion or steal his girlfriend.
M8 that's not how these games work.

Op is angry that women don’t like angry men.

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Its funny to me that op would do well in prison, yet he wouldn’t.

Been to jail twice actually
What about angry wimmin?

And how many promotions have you earned by fighting the guy that got it? How many girlfriends have dumped their bfs and come running to you after you beat him up? I'm questioning your strategy.

It’s more about hurting them than getting what I want, and I’ve never fought anyone over a goddamn promotion tf

How does one achieve a silver tongue

>It’s more about hurting them than getting what I want.
OK, I'm not even insulting you here. But evaluated impersonally you're an angry jealous child who wants women to come to him without having to put in effort. Does that sound like what women want?

Well guys talk to girls when THEY dont put in any effort

Do you have any friends?

Because females do most of the sexual selection across almost every species. Why on earth would you assume that men and women have the mating habits?

Not many, like I said I have hfa so I’m kinda antisocial. I only han* our with ppl if they ask me

Because fuckin why would they rather be with some short faguette instead of me.

>guys talk to women when they dont put any effort
>talking and interacting with the opposite gender is not putting in effort
You dumb as a rock .

The women don’t put in effort you absolute fucking dipshit

If you are antisocial, why do you want to socialise with women then?
Find a hobby, stop watching porn and develop skills usefull for the society if you want to be part of it, else you are bound to be shuned. Alternative would be living alone in the forest, but then you still need basic skills to survive.

Because he makes an effort and you whine about it on Jow Forums. That and he's probably got a more attractive personality than you.

Also you're probably more of a faggot than he is, since he's the one talking to girls.

Cause sometime soon u just need ur dick sucked, also I could definitely survive in the wilderness considering I’ve been to wilderness therapy three times which involves intense backpacking almost everyday and u make fire w sticks

I’m too shy to talk to girls, but im saying they don’t initiate shit w me

And? Why would they want to initiate anything with you when Todd over here just starting chatting with them ands he's so funny and smart? They've already got guys talking to them, they don't need to go afterthe creepy fuck staring at them across the room.

Cause I’m usually more attractive physically than the majority of ppl at a club, at least where I live

What makes you think they give a shit? If they only cared about looks they'd stick to porn. If a guy's physically attractive but has your personality, why the fuck would a woman approach that with a ten foot pole when she's already got an average looking guy who doesn't act like a child?

Nobody owes you anything, if you want to get your dick sucked you have to earn it - either by paying to a whore or by being likeable person.
Good to know that you would be able to survive in the wild - if becoming social won't work for you you can always become a hermit.

Isn’t rather have a hot dumb girls than a ugly smart one, also like I said, I’m a very talented musician and a Mensa member

As i said before, you dumb as rock.
>i am a very talented musician and a mensa member
Thats why you are bitching on Jow Forums about no bitch giving you attention
Tell me now, how are you going to talk with a girl
>Yo Bietch ya know i got an IQ over 135, hehe right i do hoe now suck mah cock
>Did you know i can barely put together a few snares and beats and that i am a very talented musician , my soundcloud account got like 25 followers , now come over and let me fuck that pussi

And you believed it. Shit man, what flavour is the kool-aid? Blue? Cuz blue's the best.

Man who loved gay analsex in prison now questions why women dont want his stickdick. Nigga, you angry and gay.

I play guitar, bass, violin, piano and saxophone so stfu w that, also my SoundCloud hasn’t 300 followers and a song with 15k plays and 500 likes, it’s also been featured on some random YouTube music channels.
And irl, there have been a few rare occasions where girls have initiated everything with me, but like I said, it’s rare
Jail not prison dipshit, and I was surprisingly respected in jail, ion know if that’s a good or bad thing tho

>and 19
lol, sure.

Listen here cocksmoke. You were respected because of what a huge faggot you are. Regardless of your achievements, you can’t pull bitches, you’re a fucking failure of a man.

Your forehead is large and already has wrinkles and the lower third of the face is pretty bad desu. Seriously not liking that mentolabial angle. This is the tinder age and literally every female has golden pussy syndrome, so if you're not a dime piece you can forget about the club.

Nope. Antisocial behavior is positively correlated with antisocial behavior. Look it up.

True but I’ve still have several hot girls pull ME so I know it can happen, but it’s just unnaturally rare
At clubs here I basically am a dime compared to the other dudes
...I was 18 when I took that picture

If you want to dance with girls, you have to know how to talk to them. Can you visualize a guy dancing like a fucking artist with girls at the club, and suddenly, once he starts talking to the girl, he's a complete sperg? Of course not. It's because you have to beam comfort and confidence to be approached by chicks.

Anyone can seem comforable and confident around girls - they just need to put in the hours.

Go with a friend to a bar or something, and challenge each other to approach girls in the bar. Go talk to them when challenged. It's gonna suck, but every time you try, you get better at it. You'll be able to laugh at all the terrible attempts you made once you're good at it.

Basically, if you beam confidence, they'll want to dance with you. Just learn to talk to them first. You'll get there. You're more handsome than me, and definitely able to compete with a lot of guys in clubs and bars - what you might be missing is some confidence. Get out there, have fun, you'll never ever regret it.

Oh great, every woman's dream is an entitled autistic violent criminal who's socially retarded enough to think mentioning his mensa membership is a good idea, but he makes up for it with his slightly above average looks and sick guitar skills.

Ok I’m obviously not gonna mention my iq to a girl I just met, I’m not that autistic
I just think it’s fucking gay that men have to put in all the effort while it’s so easy for women to get dick

>i am a mensa member
>doesnt accept the biological differences between men and women
Dumb as a rock , a previous user has already explained that so no reason to do it again.
>i am a very talented musician
If you dont rack up several grand with a song you arent talented, you can call yourself whatever you want but you are still a fucking worm in the dirt.
Next time learn to shut your mouth and dont continue to whine about something that has cannot be changed due to some fundamental laws.
This is one of the reasons girls dont approach you , you put walls around you and you tell yourself you are better than them due to some insignificant achievements while they have more succes in their social life and career.

> it’s fucking gay that men have to put in all the effort while it’s so easy for women to get dick
well it's biology. It's always been like that, and it probably always will be. Buckle up.