>this kebab costs 1500yen(13dollar) in Japan
>b-bb-bb-but immigrants do not bring benefit!!!!
Jow Forums, when do you realize that immigrants are beneficial for natinon?
They can improve my QOL by providing quality lunch with decent price
>this kebab costs 1500yen(13dollar) in Japan
>b-bb-bb-but immigrants do not bring benefit!!!!
Jow Forums, when do you realize that immigrants are beneficial for natinon?
They can improve my QOL by providing quality lunch with decent price
pic related
t. chink
Daily reminder
What's your favorite meat for shish kebabs, Jow Forums?
u gay
>kebab sandwich
>not 600 or 800 yen
kys english teacher
I am n0t sure how you can access such cheap kebab. but in my city, kebab is rare and expensive
Cheap near me. Where are you nigger lover?
Have you tried not being a faggot?
trips of troof and based
13 dollar kebab xD HAHAHAHAHA
Gotta pay extra for the kidnapping and chopping up of cute imoutos I suppose.
It's OK, Mr. Takahashi.
My name is Jim the English teacher, and I will have sex with all your women.
I am also having sex with your women.
Who cares you fat fuck.
Imagine forfeiting a thousand years of history and some of the most prestigious accounts of empire for an affordable kebab. Kys.
t. kebab store owner in harijuku or korea town
digusting cunt
This again