I suspect my neighbor is spanking his child, can I get him arrested for it?

I suspect my neighbor is spanking his child, can I get him arrested for it?

Attached: 140707132136-spanking-0707-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg (980x552, 110K)

i don't think you can arrest a child even if he's a prick

First of all, try to have hard evidence on it, otherwise you won't even come close to getting him arrested and his child might suffer even more. Besides that, think a lot about what will happen to his children if he goes to jail. If you think they got relatives that will take care of them better than the dad, go for it.

>arrested for spanking
Are you retarded, m8?

Ask him if he have a license for that hand.

What's gone wrong here? About time a parent did something right. Colossal fuckups these days, parents are.

Yeah, this is a real problem in our society. Thankfully our president Donald Trump set up jail tents on the border for Mexican kids.

Hopefully the child is Mexican?

>this is a real post

call the police station non-emergency line and ask if corporal punishment in your state/jurisdiction/whatever is legal.

not Jow Forums...christ.

Are you advocating for the prosecution of children or are you advocating for no borders?

You're a monster if A is true, you're an idealist retard if B is true.