I suspect my neighbor is spanking his child, can I get him arrested for it?

I suspect my neighbor is spanking his child, can I get him arrested for it?

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i don't think you can arrest a child even if he's a prick

First of all, try to have hard evidence on it, otherwise you won't even come close to getting him arrested and his child might suffer even more. Besides that, think a lot about what will happen to his children if he goes to jail. If you think they got relatives that will take care of them better than the dad, go for it.

>arrested for spanking
Are you retarded, m8?

Ask him if he have a license for that hand.

What's gone wrong here? About time a parent did something right. Colossal fuckups these days, parents are.

Yeah, this is a real problem in our society. Thankfully our president Donald Trump set up jail tents on the border for Mexican kids.

Hopefully the child is Mexican?

>this is a real post

call the police station non-emergency line and ask if corporal punishment in your state/jurisdiction/whatever is legal.

not Jow Forums...christ.

Are you advocating for the prosecution of children or are you advocating for no borders?

You're a monster if A is true, you're an idealist retard if B is true.

That shit has been going on for much, much longer than Trump's term. Get some perspective you dipshit

user, meet Britain. Britain, user.

More people should hit their kids.

Apart from like 2 or 3 countries slapping your child's ass is totally legal.

Hitting your kids is nigger/spic/chink/irish/injun tier. It lowers the child’s IQ and increases their odds of becoming mentally unstable. All it teaches the kid is hitting people who upset you is okay.

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>letting trump live in your head
If you don't lose sleep over your frustrations with Trump at the very least you let it aggravate you on a daily basis. Haha.

>numale detected
WHITE people have disciplined their kids with spankings for hundreds of years and we're still at the very top of society.

Amazingly enough that shit got started after Obama's administration was sued for detaining kids with their families because it is 'monstrous' to jail kids. So he set up the kid shelters. 11,000 kids got shipped there. Trump did the same shit and he is satan unless he detains the kids.

The whole thing is just dumb.

he's just hoping the child is mexican

Holy shit, you are so autistic I think it may be fatal.

Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, it is okay to hit someone you're upset with.

And you shouldn't ever spank your kid because you're upset with them. In fact you shouldn't punish your kids at all ever because you're upset with them. You punish them because they've broken a rule and they need to learn. And the rules should never be about your emotional state, or how you as the parent feel. Rules are there to protect and teach your children.

God, I hope you never have kids.


Jesus Christo I hope this is bait.

You need a spanking OP

My son is going to be spanked when he's older. I can see already, he's going to need it.
He is almost 1 year and 80% of the time he enjoys going against instruction. When he's old enough and if he continues down this path, I'll have no other option.
Even the bible instructs that doing it will raise a better child.

No, why would you want to ?

If you don't spank your child, it teaches them that consequences don't real and they can do anything they want if they have the patience to sit through the tongue lashing that follows and nod along pretending to be sorry.

If your parents spanked you enough you wouldn't ask such retarded questions now.

Where I live, the child protective services recommends spanking children. Otherwise they can quickly turn in to spoiled brats




You stupid fuck. Kids are bastards and need a swift spank on the ass every now and again to know who the fucking boss is. You dumb cunt. Go dye your hair fucko

Is tje non-poleice line 911?

Readvqnout psychology on children. Spanking has no long ter, effects, only short term. It's used by lazy parents, better known as trailer park trash or ghetto people.

*WH*TE people

What psychology?
Anyway I wonder what they suggest for discipline considering that at certain ages child brain isn't developed enough to understand more than spanking...

Why are people allowed to hit children? You can't hit a stranger, it's called assault. You can't have sex with a stranger or your kid because it's called rape.