What will trigger it and what will happen after?
High IQ anons only
What will trigger it and what will happen after?
High IQ anons only
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nosedive tomorrow
>thumbnail saver
The day the boats stop. When ships are ported and told they cannot be refueled because "x" currency is no longer accepted.
Housing market in Vegas is starting to show some serious cracks. I think we’ll see the shit hit the fan this year. All by design of course.
>high IQ
No one has any idea what the economy is going to do except the people behind The Fed
>gimme a clue i need money
fcuk off shmekel
I think panic will really begin to set in after this holiday season. The average person is being squeezed way too thin at this point, it's only a matter of time.
Basically this. The christmas season has masked whats brewing underneath. BLS reports showed stagnant growth since oct. Come jan you will see it manifest. Come feb you will read the jan BLS report and the cat will be out of the bag.
The Jews will start the new recession
The Trump Recession I think is already happening. It's been the worst December for US markets since the Great Depression. Seems like everyone else is doing ok though as they're decoupling from US markets and relying more on the EU and China.
It's already begun and it's going to be a slow face plant to the bottom
It's going to implode sooner or later, that much is certain. A (((debt))) and (((credit))) money pyramid scheme never lasts forever.
Man, the JEW MEDIA really has you stupid fuckers, buffalo'ed!!! The stock market day-to-day value only matters to "globalist day-traders" and doesn't, necessarily, reflect what's happening on Main Street USA!!!! Inflation is incredibly LOW, employment is HIGH, corporations just reported RECORD profits, the US energy sector is BOOMING, and personal debt is LOW.
Stocks are "trading sideways", largely because the Silicon Valley "tech stocks" of Facebook, Alphabet, NetFlix, etc. are being knocked off their over-valued throne. Meanwhile, the REAL US economy is KICKING ASS- paying people MUCH BETTER money and making great profit (but "Doom Is Coming 'Cuz Muh Jew Media Who Don't Like Anti-Globlist Trump Say So !!!")
The Chinese stock market is doing MUCH worse than the US Stock market and Europe has been very slow all of 2018
I don't know but this can't be a good sign
I hope youre right user and i must say its pleasant to hear something good on /pol
Kudos ay cunt!
>and personal debt is LOW.
Come on now
We need to be realistic about these things
Is it slightly smaller from the all time high?
But that ain't LOW
Everything else you said is based and redpilled
wall street =/ the economy
"stagnant growth"? Which is it- stagnation or growth? Oh, yeah- that's right it's STILL growing (and better than Obozo's 1 to 2 percent!).
There is a billboard by the grocery store up the street, "Now hiring CNC machinists- $2500 sign on bonus" here (don't let the "Orangeman Bad" Jews talk you out of reality just because Trump is hurting their globalist New World Order!)
Rock on, Croc! G'day!
Amen, 'Bro! Agree with him!
"Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Kevin Hassett: “The Uniquely U.S. Boom”…
Posted on December 17, 2018 by sundance
CEA Charman Kevin Hassett is a happy MAGAnomic warrior as he continues to explain the disconnect between the strength of the U.S. economy -vs- the world; and how the disconnect impacts the multinationals (Stock Market)."
>stock market = economy
fucking shill
I'd argue it's already "out of the bag" to anyone paying attention. I don't think we'll hit Great Depression levels of economic turmoil, but another 2008 is going to be a heavy blow to the "middle class in name only" part of America.
Datamining, nevertheless, it's gonna get artificially postponed until someone from another country days we may not anymore.
The globalists need something like this to get back on track. A big war or a recession.
It's just lefty stocks falling.
Google, Apple, Facebook etc can all go get fukt.