No, seriously, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and realize how pathetic you are? There's not going to be another Nazi party and even if one came to fruition, what makes you think you'll be in any leadership role? Just stop, okay? First of all, I'm not here to berate anyone, I'm just stating the facts; there won't some benevolent 'happening'. There are measures in place to prevent low IQ Trumptards from going out and starting an uprising. Do you seriously think a couple of hundred yellow jacket wearing frogs can do anything? Just look at how fast it got shutdown, there's no hope for you guys to be honest. If you try the CIA, and FBI will be at your door before you can say 'cuckold' like some NPC and you'll be thrown in prison for the rest of your days. Just because you're a sad and pathetic loser that can't fit into society doesn't mean you have to try and morph society to fit into your needs. I've been lurking on this board since 2012 and I can honestly say you people have lost your ways, so blind to what is truly happening in the White House. Trump doesn't like you guys, never has. You've been used as pawns for his own gains, both sides should agree on this by now, just open your fucking eyes!
I've seen what you guys do to innocent poc and Israelis, it's bottom of the barrel behavior and is in poor taste, I was going to say that you people should know more, but hey, half of you guys aren't very bright in the head.
So tell me. Why do you people think it's right to bring down society just because of some made up make-believe story of Jews controlling the world? They've done nothing and if anything more of them are on your side than they are on ours. You people make me physically sick. I'll be on here for the next hour or so replying to your posts, I'd like to have a reasonable political discussion instead of pure retardation, thank you.
I have a high paying job at a tech firm you are certainly familiar with. I have a gf, kids, money. What do you have?
Lucas Long
Then you're a useful idiot.
Benjamin Martin
You can't make a fool out of me, you're a shit grubbing about fascist. Who's the idiot in the real world outside of your bubble? You are.
Ayden Campbell
Bubble? Excuse me, but I have a high paying job at a tech firm you are certainly familiar with. I have a gf, kids, money. What do you have?
Dylan Bell
>commie flag >wageslave at a corporation I doubt all of that, desu, but I quit working the mortgage industry, one of the biggest mortgage finance companies in the world, and now I'm in law school, I've probably rejected more attractive girls than you've met, and when I procreate my kids wont be disgusting shitskin rejects with a faggot communist dad with long hair and facial piercings but even if I had none of that, I'm better looking and more intelligent than you which is all that matters, really no matter what becomes of your life, you'll always be a fat loser with a boss to answer to and your life and retirement in the hands of a higher up enjoy sucking corporate cock your whole life, communist hypocrite faggot
William Davis
Looks like someone is overdue for their free helicopter ride.
Well summarized. Most people on this website are sad, lonely virgins with crappy jobs/no jobs at all looking for other people to blame for their failures in life. Trump is just using them for his own political gain.
I'm not a racist loser, I'm not a virgin and I am study in a very well paying field. Try not to project yourself on others loser.
Carson Campbell
I don't care where you work but I certainly earn more money than you. My job has higher stakes than that cock sniffing chore you call a job, how much dick have you had to slather on your cheeks do get into that industry I ask you. You think I'm fat? If I'm fat then I'm wondering what the fuck you look like, I think we both know the reason behind you rejecting all those "women" it's because you're too scared to show off that over hyped kfc skin of a crumple cock that dangles between your legs, fucking abhorrent. My job gets me more money than you earn in a lifetime annually. Eat. A. Cock.
Kayden Anderson
Everything about you is NPC. Your "Individuality" piercings you all have. The hat on your head. The inability to grow a full beard due to Onions drinking. The Commie flag, which literally sums up the NPC. You have pre-scripted lines you say, and you are spouting them here.
OP is a mutt faggot that probably smells of onions and urine
Jayden Morales
> Most people on this website are sad, lonely virgins with crappy jobs/no jobs at all looking for other people to blame for their failures in life. > Try not to project yourself Loser.
Another great example of Jow Forums not knowing what they stand for. wow, just wow. Nazism is left leaning economically and right leaning everywhere else. A shit system to say the least since they didn't make the whole gov left leaning and less fascist.
Elijah Mitchell
youre not white
Parker Martinez
>muh dick you really are a shitskin evidenced further by the fact that your reading comprehension is apparently that of a third grader how much do you think students earn a year, you fat fucking mongoloid? does your wifes boyfriend like to tug on your piercings while he reems out your entire family you pozzed simpleton?
I never said I was white??? I'm a native but also have Spanish blood in me. This isn't a discussion about race, bud.
Colton Hall
Lol, just because your entire "community" can be summarized as such doesn't mean the one doing the summarizing also shares traits with that community. You losers are on the wrong side of history.
Liam Cooper
>No, seriously, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and realize how pathetic you are? Do you lol ? I can smell pic related it smells like Patchouli thinly covering BO. Also lose some fucking weight jesus
Camden Perez
Didn’t read
Brandon Young
i was just making a statement, taco breath
Blake Parker
Why is a commie working... And he brags about making more money than others....
You sound caputalist man.
Chase Reed
>Jow Forums is one person What? Nazi stands for national socialist. Socialist. Its a left leaning ideology. Hitler was very left leaning and even believed in socialism. Dude was very leftist right there along with Stalin.
Matthew Roberts
Finally some common sense on this site. From a Canadian which shows you people are smarter
Jace Wright
i just found your instagram. you literally have 76 followers, child that looks like an inbred mutt and a fat ass girlfriend. dude your life sucks. fucking commit suicide already you marxist fop.
Camden Adams
Man, this is some quality shit.
Asher Johnson
No, seriously, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and realize how pathetic you are? There's not going to be another Bolshevik party and even if one came to fruition, what makes you think you'll be in any leadership role? Just stop, okay? First of all, I'm not here to berate anyone, I'm just stating the facts; there won't some benevolent 'world revolution'. There are measures in place to prevent low IQ communists from going out and starting an uprising. Do you seriously think a couple of hundred antifa flag wearing trannies can do anything? Just look at how fast it got put on the domestic terrorist organizations list, there's no hope for you guys to be honest. If you try the CIA, and FBI will be at your door before you can say 'proletariat' like some NPC and you'll be thrown in prison for the rest of your days. Just because you're a sad and pathetic loser that can't fit into society doesn't mean you have to try and morph society to fit into your needs. I've been lurking on this board since 2012 and I can honestly say you people have lost your ways, so blind to what is truly happening to Marx’s retarded predictions and theories. Occasionally-Cortez doesn't like you guys, never has. You've been used as pawns for her own gains, both sides should agree on this by now, just open your fucking eyes!
I've seen what you guys do to innocent arisrocrats and “reactionaries”, it's bottom of the barrel behavior and is in poor taste, I was going to say that you people should know more, but hey, half of you guys aren't very bright in the head.
So tell me. Why do you people think it's right to bring down society just because of some made up make-believe story of the rich oppressing the workers? They've done nothing and if anything more of them are on your side than they are on ours. You people make me physically sick. I'll be on here for the next hour or so replying to your posts, I'd like to have a reasonable political discussion.
Colton Powell
I figured the commie meme-fags would start showing their faces for attention
Oh wow you're going to dox me? Spittin image example of how you low IQ republitards deal with civilized arguments. You throw it all out the window and resort to threats and violence.
Jayden Phillips
Why do all new age marxists look like social degenerates?
he’s gay look him up on instagram. his child is also fucking revolting. seriously KILL that child. it looks like carl wheezer fucked a mastiff.
Grayson Moore
>There's not going to be another Nazi party There are hundreds in each political climate. Educate yourself.
David Miller
look? they are.
Christian Carter
>I’m not going to berate you >Proceeds to berate >The CIA and FBI will come to your door >CIA are unauthorized from conducting operations within the homeland >I’ve been lurking since 2012 >Lost your way >Communist flag >Brags about working for corporate pigs for a little extra slop >Worships Israel
This is the pinnacle of bait posts and I tip my hat to you sir, you deserve the thread limit you’re going to get.
Elijah Ross
No, seriously, do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and realize how pathetic you are? There's not going to be another Bolshevik party and even if one came to fruition, what makes you think you'll be in any leadership role? Just stop, okay? First of all, I'm not here to berate anyone, I'm just stating the facts; there won't some benevolent 'world revolution'. There are measures in place to prevent low IQ communists from going out and starting an uprising. Do you seriously think a couple of hundred antifa flag wearing trannies can do anything? Just look at how fast it got put on the domestic terrorist organizations list, there's no hope for you guys to be honest. If you try the CIA, and FBI will be at your door before you can say 'proletariat' like some NPC and you'll be thrown in prison for the rest of your days. Just because you're a sad and pathetic loser that can't fit into society doesn't mean you have to try and morph society to fit into your needs. I've been lurking on this board since 2012 and I can honestly say you people have lost your ways, so blind to what is truly happening to Marx’s retarded predictions and theories. Ocasio-Cortez doesn't like you guys, never has. You've been used as pawns for her own gains, both sides should agree on this by now, just open your fucking eyes!
I've seen what you guys do to innocent aristocrats and “reactionaries”, it's bottom of the barrel behavior and is in poor taste, I was going to say that you people should know more, but hey, half of you guys aren't very bright in the head.
So tell me. Why do you people think it's right to bring down society just because of some made up make-believe story of the rich oppressing the workers? They've done nothing and if anything more of them are on your side than they are on ours. You people make me physically sick. I'll be on here for the next hour or so replying to your posts, I'd like to have a reasonable political discussion.
Robert Miller
I'm not reading all that shit, I can already tell you're made of onions and faggotry.
Sounds like you have a major case of the GAY OP, how’s it feel knowing all your efforts are for nothing because the next generation is high on nihilism? I’m sick of your grandstanding and browbeating and I’m sick of stormniggers and all these Brand family faggots with no future giving homos like you a reason to exist and generally fucking it up for normal people. It’s fucked, it’s all fucked
i didn’t threaten you — you floppy gutted tech hound. I actually recommend you don’t cross me, or I’ll have seal team 6 kick down your door and put a bullet through that THING you claim to be a child. Nice instagram bitch.
Eli Flores
Too gay, didn't read.
You look like a spic version of Ned Flanders who's trying to be edgy by getting piercings but you're such a pussy the only piercings you got were the ones traditionally done by girls.
Why do you think everyone on /Pol is trying to start a revolution? That's what Communist do, and it'll never happen in a first world country. I come on here to vent my frustrations because I live in a censored society. You disagree but /Pol is the last bastion of free speech in society and I thank god for it.
Cooper Ortiz
If ur not brown enjoy the fruits of your labor and if you are enjoying being the Jews only goyim. They don't reward you very well I mean look at what they're doing to euros. And we kept them fat and happy for 400 years!
Gabriel Clark
I’m not reading all the drivel. You’re a faggot kys.
Jack Nguyen
>wow, just wow This gave the larp away You got a lot of (you)s though.
tl;dr You know your ears are mangled for life right?
William Sanders
tell me to fuck off again, i dare you. you charlatan pug, you. You have no idea the pain that is about to enter your life. I’m going to have CPS take that child, and take it for good. You messed with the wrong mother fucker tonight. Now apologize, or i drop the hammer — you worthless motherfucker.
Mason Gutierrez
Look at this guy...fucking wow..imagine getting up, looking in the mirror and wondering if there's anything else you could do to look more like a faggot. Lmao...nice stache wtf. I bet the very sight of you dries ovaries up in a 50 mile radius..if that's what success looks like I'd try to fail as hard as I could you absolute genetic dead end. Please have many kids so my kids have something to laugh at. I hope the power goes out for more than 24 hrs in faggotville so the niggers eat you and your imaginary prodigy. How the fuck can you take a picture and not think " I look like what happens when sadness eats failure and washes it down with liquid estrogen" I hope you really are rich so you can pay people not to laugh and point at your horrible visage you absolute fuckstick.
Lincoln Watson
post child pics, I need fap material
Angel Morgan
>I have a high paying job at a tech firm you are certainly familiar with. I have a gf, kids, money. What do you have?
Liam Lopez
i'll call the police and get you arrested idiot i have connections that can get you locked up for life
Grayson Harris
Lol, look at this diversity hire.
Christopher Powell
Thomas Perry
I seriously just called CPS on this dude. He had a video on his instagram of himself ripping a bong while his kid was walking around with a diaper filled to the brim — shit running down legs — very very disrespectful.
Why do you assume that the only people on here are “Nazis”, aka followers of the ideology of nation socialism? There are many here who oppose it or follow something entirely different.
Nathaniel Cruz
oh shit I just found the Instagram digits and we start posting phone numbers
>implying communism isn't a fascist ideology actually end your life niggerkike, you don't even understand your own ideology
Leo Scott
sweet baby Jesus its a ginger :- O
Nolan Murphy
Lole it's all a joke. At least to me this site is.
Brandon Roberts
I feel honored that it was originally addressed to me to be on the receiving end of such unprecedented pretentious faggotry is an experience
Justin Thomas
Lay off the cheeseburgers McLovin
Angel Bennett
Imagine the smell that comes from it's "I'm so individual" ear hole?
Lucas Carter
OP Beta commie faggot on welfare with a Land Whale wife and Le 56% mutt child PRICELESS . Go be a Fucking Commie somewhere else faggot before we tear your head off and shit it out ! Be gone degenerate cuck!