If Islam is considered the best religion by Muslims...

If Islam is considered the best religion by Muslims, why are their countries such shitholes and how come most of them smell bad and look like bums?

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Imagine being inside that fucking box oh god yes

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LOL we invent science and Europe and rest of world would not be how it is if golden age not occur our country are most advance in many things and we have the center of sciences such as turkey tunisia and other world center for knowledge stop listening to west anti Muslim propaganda

I dunno rabbi you getting nervous over there? Shouldnt you be banging your sister or mom you inbred hooknose?

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with all the instability you would think they would realize islam is a meme and the only thing worth paying attention to is the New Testament

Maybe Islam is the real NWO template rolled out to take over the world, started off in lower socioeconomic regions and advancing to civilization..

>rich upper class
>degeneracy allowed to thrive in the lower class.
>obliterates and destroys all culture and customs

No way bro, it's real.... 6 million corpses...no bodies... nothing...just a couple of black and white photos of starving POWs during siege warfare.

You should fucking die bro.What the fuck is wrong with you.

Holy fuck, you actually searched for corpses! Metal as fuck!

You not old enough to see a relative cremated?

Not saying what you believe isn’t true but your logic is flawed, kid.

shit hole coutnry = government is shit

the sheep need to be led

Because they've enslaved women. Giving women freedom is the first step of a free society.

Ironically it's also the first step to an Islamic society, if your country is white.

Because Jews, dumbass.

>Islam is considered the best religion by Muslims
Holy shit! That genius!
It all makes so much sense now..

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muslim porn is so hard to find good ones

Based on the height I'm guessing in the original pic she was sat on a potty for some reason

Now that's more like it!!

>LOL we invent science
Utter bullshit, the foundations of Western science have been established by the Ancient Greeks, Aristotle most importantly. Arabs preserved some Greek manuscripts and made minor contributions to Mathematics, but the significance of the "golden age" of Islam is vastly overblown by Muslim apologists. Not to mention, that this "golden age" ended exactly because of a fundamentalist strain of Islam started suppressing freedom of thought.

Answer: Islam cases shithole countries.
Theocracies are always tyrannical.

I hate to admit it but Islam is the only religion that hasn't cucked out on its beliefs. Christians need to stop being faggots.

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Nice one Mark, that made me laugh

Is he ok?

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Mainly because of their sick disgusting massmurdering pedophile of a "prophet".

Why is it every time a Abrahamic religion is in charge you get a stifling of scientific thinking? We went through our religious dark age where we killed everyone for studying shit or thinking in a scientific way. Your contributions to science were before Islam, you can't refute that. Your entire culture is not focused on finding truth at this point and that's what it takes to be an advanced civilization. The truth is we can't be sure if any God is real and it's that fundamental truth that has to be accepted. Religion and empirical reality are at odds.

mmkay sure, but somehow goatrape won the day?
>Whats it like to rape goats and later the same day claim some science shit... Yer prolly a milli vanilli fan....

weakness of the muslim because their incacipated in their condition now to understand the true nature of islam. there two important knowledge , the knowledge of mind and the knowledge of heart. due to the effort of british and saudi arabia they able split the two knowledge. the one who hold knowlege of mind are incapable or disregard the knowledge of heart and vice versa

we in the west can see for ourselves what the problems with you your totalitarian ideology are faggot
You didn't invent shit, you stole

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God I wish that was me.