>50. The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
Brit/pol/ - Ted Kayinski
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So technology progress always ends up with homosexuals and other degenerate practices?
day of the rake postponed
you seriously linked us the washington post...
What scares you more out of these two short sentences:
>second referendum
>section 24-A
That’s more like it chap.
Seriously why the fuck was the thread deleted?
Fuck I love being white. Who with me?
They haven’t had sex
52. Suppose that a public official or a corporation executive appoints his cousin, his friend or his co- religionist to a position rather than appointing the person best qualified for the job. He has permitted personal loyalty to supersede his loyalty to the system, and that is “nepotism” or “discrimination,” both of which are terrible sins in modern society. Would-be industrial societies that have done a poor job of subordinating personal or local loyalties to loyalty to the system are usually very inefficient. (Look at Latin America.) Thus an advanced industrial society can tolerate only those small-scale communities that are emasculated, tamed and made into tools of the system. [7]
Stale. Get some new patter.
>t. Seething virgin
Do you think they'd stop being such pathetic cunts if they did have sex? Probably not.
>said the fat cunt using the same tired insults hed used a million times before
He's really done a number on you.
Hard brexit lads.
>huddling with fat eddie
The only things hes done a number on is his liver
>user needs his liver
lmao what a little faggot
People who have sex don’t get blisteringly mad when they see other people also have sex
You sound like you need to have sex
Yep, hard Brexit and Wetherspoons man for PM.
>thinking brexit is happening
Reported mays told businesses to prepare for hard, but i reckon shes just trying to put the fear of it around to push her shitty deal.
Are you coming on to me? Bent cunt.
Imagine how loved May would instantly become if she became ultra-stubborn and forced through hard Brexit.
hard brexit, fat people can't eat 'cos the cheap euro shit food is gone.
fatty food riots summer 2019. allotments raided for veg, pet shops burgled for kittens and puppies to eat.
It would be worth it just to stop yktd coming back smug again
Thats eddie fucked then
I’ve done a hell of a number on you
We all have chains
The softest chains are the hardest to break
We should be free of our chains
We can never be free our chains
can someone explain the deal to me, are we really stuck until 2022?
If your chains have you hoisted 100ft in the air, it wouldn’t be wise to cut them
Some chains you love, some chains make you feel happy and they comfort you, some chains protect you and some chains sustain you. But don’t be mistaken, they are still chains
We are born into chains desu
Actually I had a twinge of sympathy for her yesterday when corbyn was playing his games
I think I’m in a bout of post alcohol depression.
Don't drink alcohol its awful stuff.
I have a horrid drinking problem
Under mays deal the transition period can extend to 2022, during that time were still pretty much in the eu.
Stop drinking alcohol.
I haven't had a drink since Euro 2016.
Will we still have morleys after brexit?
You don’t. If you’re not drinking every day you don’t have a problem it’s in your mind
Based and denial pilled
That’s what the doctor said.
The fuck you start again after 6 days?
I don’t think I’m alcohol dependant, or an alcoholic or whatever. I don’t get the shakes when I don’t have a drink and I only drink under certain circumstances.
I think I do it for the escapism
I had a mild daily addiction to it.
4-5 cans a night.
I don't drink at all now.
Post brexit, national shortage of antibiotic fed chickens.
Leading hungry brits and negroes to raid pet shops for snake food frozen chicks.
I learned that a Victorian drinking would usually make a pint last the majority of the day. Blew my mind a bit
Start counting units then and try not to go too ridiculous with it.
Yes Ted was redpilled and based and was a real man who was willing to get his paws dirty That doesn't mean he was a hero He was a terrorist with nihilistic tendencies He could have been great if he wasn't such a tool for the CIA to set the stage for Alex Jones and others to come in taking over our movement before it was born
Lol, I drink till I drop, every time
You're going to die decades too young and in a painful, undignified way then.
More than likely
I read that in 17th century the beer they drank instead of water was 1-2% strength, like as strong as shandy today.
Before that I imagined everyone rolling around piss drunk all day long..
Don’t you get bored of it?
Don't be such a fucking daft cunt.
I'm getting on with my day. Try not to kill yourself.
Probs pints of fucking gin though. Went through a jack the ripper phase, read about victorian london, drinking was insane.
has anyone on here ever tried mead?
I don't understand Alcohol addiction.
Is this the original YMCA or a new one?
Yes, its very nice.
I knew some pagans/wiccans who are big drinkers of it.
Same, I always pictured the past as hardcore drubkards causing a ruckus
I think I’m conditioned. When I was in school I had a hard time for having an English accent, but I got a name for myself as being able to handle my drink. So I took pride in being able to sink crates at 14-15. Then of course I got posted to the most alcoholic corner of the British Army, Engineers in Germany. Drinking is a competitive sport there.
Now that I’m alone in a flat with nothing but dusty memories that shine in the gloom, I have the impulse to replicate it sitting in my flat alone texting abuse to fat birds and listening to ABBA far louder than I should living in flat with thin floors
I think the guy was talking about the average drinker. I imagine the dark corners of London in the depths of night probably isn’t representative of the entire country.
The stuff they sell at heritage sites, but I don’t know how accurate that is
>He was a terrorist with nihilistic tendencies
He did what necessary to get the message out,
always thought it would be too sweet, i find most fruit ciders too sweet to have more than one and mead is pretty much just honey and fucking water
Daily politics about to start hope you are all watching.
I brewed my own mead about 10 years ago, tesco were selling honey off cheap, its so easy to make, easier than ordinary winemaking.
Its not that oversweet at all, fruit ciders are disgusting ( the one I tried was anyway)
You just need to recognise the cue that you have to get hammered and divert it to something else
>dusty memories that shine in the gloom
Fuck. Is that a quote?
>Mexicans come here and work for cheap
>uphold our economy and pay taxes
>most don't file out of fear, less given back
>chicks love it here, are young and moldable
>Some south Americans come too, usually work in fields and leave, stay out of your way
>occasional problems in select liberal cities
>still only happened because of deep state
>our cianiggers destabilized the entire South American continent to set up gov't that benefit us.
>most of them don't understand and still want to live it up with gringos
Most of our immigrants aren't NEARLY as bad as having literally rape squadrons of muslims raping preteens and indoctrinating them until they like it cucking the parents and country itself
All these Hispanic immigrants will be absorbed by our transcendental understanding of human rights and owning the world no matter what and regardless of skin color, The United States of America will continue to be the last stronghold of liberty-loving humanity based truth-seeking people. Regardless of the constitution meme, it's power is quantifiable by American lives saved and protected.
Brits, Wanna get annexed? :P
He hasn’t said anything yet
Are Deep Green Resistance based or cringe?
Someone keeps coughing on DP, can't watch this.
>t.hernando lopez burgerstein
>dude agricukture lmao
Buch of cocks. Think all species are equal...
>1/4 of homeless people are LGBT
I think it’s from watchmen lol
Homelessness wasn’t “solved” though was it you fat fucking cunt
Make rough sleeping illegal, homelessness solved.
they will just start squatting more
>another debate about homelessness where nobody mentions the immigration induced housing crisis
Discussing supply and demand is forbidden.
80% of buskers arrested in Liverpool had accommodation
Just because we talk on iphones versus landlines doesn't mean women have to turn lesbian
pretty much, modern lives are just surrogate activities now
typing on computer means i must turn my family mulattoe while jews remain exclusive
Morning from the states, britfrens
You know he mostly wrote about oversocialization, not technology? Technology was the enabler, not the cause.
Which meme shithole you pretending to move to this time?
Good afternoon
Based zoomers
>wears politically motivated t-shirt
>gets confused when people get pissed at him
You can't solve homelessness, there are always people in society sub 80IQ who are not capable of looking after themselves.
Right that's it people's vote NOW!!
Exactly. Eugenics is the only solution.