>Norwegian and Danish minister sign Global Compact for Migration
>Good goyim, multikultil for everyone except Israel
>Massive majority in both countries was against it
>Oy vey, every time those goyim hear ''Morocco'' or ''Marrakesh'' they are reminded that their politicians are traitors
>Two thots from those exact countries found murdered in Morocco
>Suspect apprehended in Marrakesh
problem solved. It's the wrong time a day to post this, so I'll repost later. But shit, this couldn't wait.
It's just so, meme-pottery

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This is progress.

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Who cares about those naive wanderlust skanks, if you dont notice how the indigenous people behave like animals in Norway and Denmark, and then decide oh let's go with two girls alone in a fucking backwards country where the concentration of those animals is 100 times higher, with huge areas where noone can understand you or will hear you. Then I dont care if you end up dying, let them be a reminder that not every place in the world is as safe as the West.

You don't care. I don't care. They made their choice, who am I to deny them that freedom.
But isn't it amazing that this happens, in a place where something else happened, something that someone really need to get people to stop thinking about. In most countries that signed, the population was fairly evenly divided for and against. In Norway and Denmark we were MASSIVELY against, and yet our bribed or blackmailed or just bat shit insane politicians signed. And now, just a week after, the ULTIMATE slide news, in that exact place, with those nationalities. Our news will be about nothing else, and news about how our politicians sold us out was gaining traction even in some MSM.
>79 percent against
>5 percent for
the rest undecided or hadn't even heard about it in this country. And the cunt signed

>Good goyim, multikultil for everyone except Israel
Get gassed faggot, no one forced your government to be cucks

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The cunts probably helped vote in the current administration, toll paid

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Don't laugh too hard kike, you will be right up there on the target list come global thermonuclear war time, and you won't have anywhere to go.

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No they are not bribed or blackmailed, just like those two girls they really believe in what they say, that is the scary part. The only way you could say they are compensated or bribed is that by enacting these policies and treaties against the will of their people they get browney points and can gain acces to high offices at ngo's, big companies, supranational institutuions. So if they dont get elected because the people dont like it they just move uo the chain, into the shadows there they continue to influence the system more, and hire likeminded minds. So you end up with a system with people who think the same without any accountablity, but who only stand to gain.

That pic
Everything went berter thant exborgted.

Big Black Cock

peak jew is a genetic bottleneck...only the strongest and most intelligent will survive.People that buy into the eat pray love nonsense just die off and even if they have offspring they dont protect it (Maria Ladenburger)
Times will get extremely rough and being killed in a foreign country will be the least of your sorrows.

Morrocans hate blacks with the same fervor as Russians. How do you think they stay relatively light skinned when they are on the African continent? That may be their only redeeming quality.

>and can gain acces to high offices at ngo's, big companies, supranational institutuions
The last PM from same party became
>General Secretary of NATO
and is currently
>CEO of political consultancy Rasmussen Global
Seems like the brownie points, utterly useless to the sheep, is hard currency to the Shepard.

So basically, FAKE NEWS?

But what about assimilation? I heard both Norway and Denmark have a high role of communities and if won't get accepted in those you ll have a hard time getting a job. Is it relevant now?

They were probably leftist thots, good riddane

you dont have to call satanists shepherds. They're slaves up to their souls.
The people whom you call sheep keep their souls clean.
It is a spiritual battle. Siding with the devil isn't a good idea. The physical plane is a school. Service-to-self is a path of misery. By choosing service-to-others you may look like a sheep but you are playing long term and long range. Communion with all that is, acceptance and love of whatever is. It's a conflict of civilizations and "ours" is going straight at the wall, or to the abyss rather.
Humility is a virtue. It doesn't mean weakness, just the acknowledgement of it for a greater good and, ultimately, a greater power. But you dont aim at power or you fall. For the good of your soul. Which is what you are.
Sorry if this sounds christcuck but hey look at the kikes and tell me they know better.

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Niggers have their own special way of working things out it seems

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>The people whom you call sheep keep their souls clean.
And they end up dead

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North Africans are not black

Nah, it's real. But this shit happens all over the world all the time. NZ just two weeks ago. And, oh, some other examples in the less tinfoilhat bread about this. I'm just not above suspecting a sheep herder to hire a goat herder to off those two sheep, to make everyone forget about what else happened there, just a week ago.

lol marocan light skined.

>Morrocans hate blacks with the same fervor as Russians.
I don't hate blacks
Unless black means Caucasians like Chechens

yes and their hookers are great and they dont like it when white males bang them