Fascism thread, post and debate about fascism

Fascism thread, post and debate about fascism

Do you see it coming back and when do you think it is?

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Yes, it will undoubtedly return, as for when and how? It'll be unpredictable and spontaneous, exactly like the Yellow Jackets in France. Fascism transcends ideology and is more of a description for how to arrange a particular population, in a particular place and time, in such a manner for it to thrive. It can only be organic and natural, thus, largely out of our hands and at the mercy of the cycles and forces Oswald Spengler described.


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Hitler wasn't Fascist.

I see it coming back in the form of the globalist NWO

Couldn't have said it better myself. We need to wait for the time grassroot fascist movememts start poping up all over

National Socialism is German Fascism

you're thinking of "Anarcho-Tyranny". Read this article, it's worth it

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As long as Zionist America stands, fascism will always be ruined.

No i'm thinking of fascism

That's like saying IngSoc from 1984 was fascist when it was extreme totalitarian oligarchy with internationalist marxist tendecies

Ok, well read the article anyways

Fascism was an anomaly. It was a reaction to the death of monarchy and the old rule in general. However, it did not fit with the emerging world.

It cannot exist today because the abundance of information, weapons and technology - the control of which the fascist state requires in order to affect its goals.


Ideas and movements like Fascism, Socialism and Communism are almost dead 20th century ideologies. Where I agree with pretty much everything to do with National Socialism; the reality is that to cling to an glorious past that is now dead isn't healthy. Not to mention the word "Fascism" has been poisined by 70 years of propaganda, National Socialism and other such Ultranationalist ideologies (their symbols too).

To create an all-encompassing dynamic ideology of the future that creates strong self-governing Nationalities and healthy people will require shedding much of the past movements.

This thread has been blessed by the Captain.

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Dont even try arguing with him look at his memeflag

It is fascist in 2 distinctions, the removal of certain freedoms and the merger of state and corporations

>Ideas and movements like Fascism, Socialism and Communism

And Capitalism, forgot to throw that in there too.

Yes keep up the cognitive dissonance 2+2=5

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums


They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

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>National Socialism is German Fascism
That's false. The write-up concentrates on the common aspects of the two while avoiding the differences.
No wonder you Americans don't realize that you live in Fascism.

Monarchy died in certain places in the 18th century and fascism wasn't even a concept yet and places like Spain put monarchy in place when Franco's Spain ceased to be

You would think that Jow Forums would learn to be a bit skeptical rather than believe anything this site feeds them considering how popular this image was. Then again, they are all post-2014 newfags so they probably haven't seen it. They're hypocritical as fuck complaining about others claiming cultural appropriation when they set up shop here and pretend to be a neckbeard loser. They'll probably end up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy as normal rational adults won't put up with their bullshit in the real world and they'll be all alone because of their own doing

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>It is fascist in 2 distinctions, the removal of certain freedoms and the merger of state and corporations

In corporatist economics and other economics of Fascist/Ultranationalist countries/ideologies; the corporate section is subservient to the state, and they're seperate. The power they generate is merged, but the power always lies with the state which utilizes the private enterprise. Marxist states don't create that distinction; the state owns and IS the corporation.

> the removal of certain freedoms
Every system entails the removal of certain freedoms. For instance I am not able to live free of niggers, something which I could not do in an IngSoc, Liberal-Democratic or Anarcho-Capitalist state of affairs.

How is this stale pasta still being posted?
lmao, oh, I see it has an addendum now.

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Post 2014? Some of them haven't been here a week, all thanks to MSM fags

>That's false. The write-up concentrates on the common aspects of the two while avoiding the differences.
>No wonder you Americans don't realize that you live in Fascism.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Subservience creates strong relationships between state and corporations
>I am not able to live free of niggers
While I don't believe niggers should be in white communities, your idea that it is a "freedom" to live away from niggers is incorrect. Learn about positive rights vs negative rights

a u s t r o f a s c i s m

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>with pretty much everything to do with National Socialism; the reality is that to cling to an glorious past that is now dead isn't healthy
fascism is based on the reemergence of the past, marxism was the reaction and answer to industrialism and yet still persists in the modern world. And propaganda is temporary and independent from human nature as long as iy stops people stop thinking like that and people break away from propaganda the more intense it gets it backfires. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And absolute monarchism could still be applied to today's world even though its existed since ancient greece and fascism isnt even that old but we'll have to first see how technology and the world evolve in the next 50 years. If a large crisis comes to be you can be 100% sure fascism will pop out of the ashes

>It cannot exist today because the abundance of information, weapons and technology - the control of which the fascist state requires in order to affect its goals.

Quit trying to compare glorious Fascism to the American liberal left wing today. I see your trick and it won't work. The ones calling the other 'Nazi' and 'Fascist' are the ones who will lose.

It has fascist values and popped up after fascism taking certain ideas from it, so in a sense it is and isn't fascism

Every time, cuckservative cockblocking, goddamnit. There must be a way to jump that hurdle and get into the Overton window.

nobody cares, faggot

Propaganda can stop, it isn't forever

>Subservience creates strong relationships between state and corporations
You might as well just say "X creates strong relationships between state and corporations", and you're trying to drag the conversation down into useless autistic lolberg semantics by evoking "positive and negative rights". We operate in the real world and in turn, recognize freedom is intrinsic to homogeneity, financially and culturally.

Until the early 2th century litteraly any European state bar France and Switzeland were Monarchies. You probably was refering to absolute monarchies, but sone of them were still around long after the guillotine age

>Stop being specific! We operate in the real world!
>Uses vague emotional concepts

Remove neocons

I'm not being vague, I'm operating in the real world where morality, and many time actions, don't line up with the theoretical concepts because humans aren't machines. It isn't necessary to erect a non-contradicting totalitarian moral system to justify something like homogeneity. What am I saying that I should explain better?

You're saying positive vs negative rights is "semantic". I know why, because you believe the boot of the state should be able to stomp any bad actors and any "collateral damage" is just the price we pay for your twisted idea of freedom

Mosleyite Fascism is by far the best and the most applicable to the modern world, prove me wrong.

You can't.

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>You're saying positive vs negative rights is "semantic"
You devolving the conversation with them is semantic, in application they're theoretical and people just do things. Rights in general are granted by the state, or the largest body of people if a state is absent. Whether a state "should" do, or not do, is completely irrelevant, because the state does.

>Rights are granted by the state
t. sargon

Brazilian Integralists have recently burned antifa flags and posters that were exposed at a Brazilian university

Watch video:

No, he said the exact opposite. Where exactly do you think rights come from?

Don't get me wrong rights CAN come from the state, but at it's core rights are attained when they are defended

I don't see much hope of Canada becoming fascist anytime soon, but I hope for fascism to return to Europe.

>rights are attained when they are defended
by means and privileges granted to a population by the state

Marxism is a reaction but not an answer to industrialism and while marx's critique of capitalism is pretty spot on he offers no reasonable solutions to those problems and Marx's poorly thought out solutions have been proven wrong many times through the last two hundred years of history

fascism is also a reaction to industrial society. collective organization of labor necessitates some factor to keep people together and in a fascist system the labor is organized by the state to steer private and public entities towards a common military goal. In a in a marxist system the labor self-organizes into a collectivist vanguard party separate in intent from the government - do i even need to explain how much fantastical and magical thinking that requires especially in the face of like a dozen communist revolutions that haven't gone that way?

fascism is a dead ideology that doesn't have any place in a society that facilitates individual freedom but within that framework of critique marxism is 20x worse because nothing marx wrote is even applicable to reality. fascism is just fascism

>defending rights is a privilege granted by the state
History would disagree with you

Well said.

Maybe, but in a much different form. It’ll be called something like “populism” with some modifer in front of it. And I don’t think members will consider the ideology right-wing or left-wing—and they’ll be correct in this assessment.

That’s kind of the vibe I get anyway.

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Whether it's protection by legislation, or assembly, or arms, or even mobility, these ways of securing rights are granted, or not, by the state/church/mob. If you're already in conflict with authority, it's intuitive that you don't have that right, and if you already didn't have that right, WHO didn't grant it to you in the first place?

not what you said faggot

>not what you said faggot
>Rights in general are granted by the state, or the largest body of people if a state is absent

It doesn't change anything regardless, rights are granted to you by whatever is effectively the state.

The US was build upon a population defiling against a state sovereignty over them.

Fascism has come in different forms before, see Falangists and British Fascism. I think it'll just be something similar to that again. And fascism usually sees itself above the left right dichotomy

Every amendment in the bill of rights was there because they were specific issues they dealt with leading up to, and during the Revolutionary War. These were rights that they incorporated into the new state because they previously were not granted to them by the English.

I wouldn't really say fascism was a reaction to industralised society as much as much as marxism was

>Hurr, gib gubmint more powaz n sheeeiiit. Only Hitler can prevent me from beating my meat 7 times a day to futanari.
Also, the US is already fascist.

>Also, the US is already fascist.
No one buys your propaganda anymore braindead antifa mutt

Yeah it’s never going to go away completely partly because the Nazis had great looking designs and shit and people will always find it aesthetic and partly because the Jews pumped out a million World War Two movies depicting the Nazis as the ultimate baddies in world history which has kept them relevant and interesting to people.

Ever heard of the USAPATRIOT act? Ever heard of the 6 wars our country is fighting? I'm not calling Trump a fascist, I'm calling his predecessors that.

Yes user fuck yes where’s Aussie bro!!?

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Can americans really be this dumb?

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>the US is already fascist.

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The only time america was even slightly close to becoming fascist was right after 9/11 and it didn't become fascist one bit

>Ever heard of the USAPATRIOT act? Ever heard of the 6 wars our country is fighting?
Fuck off back to faceberg

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Meaning a people can re-claim sovereignty against the state they are subjected to,for when the state no longer protected their inalienable rights it has lost its own legitimacy as an institution.

Neocons and Democrats have turned this country into a fascist state through their big government tyranny, policy of sudden demographic change, and policy of endless war.
I'm sorry if (((fashy goyim))) can't handle the truth.

You are actually retarded because you clearly do not understand how a fascist state operates. Mosley and many other fascists rejected capitalism for a new Roman era corporatism where every organ acts as a functioning party of the nation body, there wouldn’t be two parties.

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>fascism is big government tyranny
You have no clue what fascism even is
>demographic change

>their inalienable rights
didn't exist until they codified it into the Constitution after winning the war. They created a new state granting Americans those rights.

>turned this country into a fascist state through their big government tyranny, policy of sudden demographic change

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It's like he had a crystal ball.

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>Demographic Change
What do you call the Drang Nach Osten, which would have exiled Slavs like you to Asia, by the way.
Mussolini had a similar policy, but for Libya and Ethiopia.

More than that he had knowledge unmatched by any politician. His knowledge was wise and justified.

His answers on god and copying the past give me shivers, I wish I could meet the man.


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>muh lebensraum
>muh Niggers

Well, I guess there's also Manifest Destiny, looks like you have to kill yourself because you're out of options.
>inb4 that wasn't really the free market

>didn't exist
They do. The state can infringe upon them, they do not grant you free speech is the function of the state to uphold it. The moment they infringe upon it they are no longer an legetment institution and people have a legitimate case to violently oppose it in other to preserve their inalienable rights.

Fash-fags united
Shall not be defeated...

Well while we have different believes we are all ties together by three things.

Individuals collectivism

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>The state can infringe upon them
You have to possess them for the state to infringe upon them. While I agree that Americans should retaliate if free-speech is molested, but "freedom of speech" is a new concept which the Founding Fathers gave us when they created the American Republic. They declared these rights granted by God, but in a secular society, the designation is meaningless. Ultimately, infringing on free speech is justifiably retaliatory for the population because the state declared it so.

>That feel when you were a libertarian who didn't care about politics until some cunt falsely accused you of rape because you didn't think GTA4 was sexist towards women specifically and now you're a firm believer in some people should be oppressed
Everyone is quick to call me a evil nazi when I say I wish some people don't deserve freedom. . . until I ask them how they feel about murderers in prison.

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Why does nobody ever mention Salazar in these threads? He's probably the best example in favor of a fascist regime.

To deserve freedom means you have respected that right, most Americans today take freedom for grantit. An unfortunate reality we must face is do we accept a disciplined god fearing society where good is accepted as good and evil is confronted ? Or do we accept a degenerate and soulless society where evil is accepted as good.

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Salazar rejected fascism, however he did accept the third positionists policy of corporatism as a rejection to capitalism and communism.

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If the founding fathers come with the concept of Obama care and said it was created by God, would it make so? They come up with the concept of the first amendment to protect free-speech, the concept already existed, it was infringed upon by previous states.
>Ultimately, infringing on free speech is justifiably retaliatory for the population because the state declared it so.
You do not justify a retaliation upon an institution based on what said institution declared.

The two freedoms I support is the right to bare arms and speech. Oppressing anyone's opinion can snowball into something terrible, and people need weapons to defend themselves from others. Picture related.

All other freedom, including voting, needs to be earned.

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IMO Russia, Poland and Germany need to make up for the stability of the White/European world. Imagine the greatness if it was Russia + Poland + Germany + Italy vs UK and France.

Instead, no one won (Communism != winning), and these nations are still beyond divided.

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many such cases

yes, by your own logic, Obama care would then be granted by God
>You do not justify a retaliation upon an institution based on what said institution declared

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A god fearing man will never fear any form of the second amendment excluding explosives and above class four.

A parasite calls a weapon of god fearing men a machine to kill and fears its capability to force the government into submission.

Freedom of speech should be accepted as long as the promotion of evil is confronted, homosexuallity is a prime example.

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Why do you want corporation to rule over you? why do you want them to take away your freedom? why do you want them to enslave millions? why do you want them to cut down god's trees and pollute the water and puff smoke into the air from their factories?

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This is a pro Fascism post, right?

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I mean, you can say bad shit about a dude praising homosexuality(or anything), but you shouldn't be allowed to harm them.

P.S. denying someone their livelihood is harm, ie starving. Looking at you patreon.

Probably because lolbertarians are too cucked they'd need fascism as at least a temporary solution

cucked to see*

No, that's your logic. Your rights is defined by whatever the states decides. Base on that no actions taken by the states are ever unjustified.

Harm no, but confrontation and denouncement yes. Abolishment of homosexuallity should be a priority.

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No fascism is terrible and thanks to it and the war that killed 50+million good men. the world is doomed. props to butler for saving america.

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