Weaponised autism destroying 1 thot at a time
Weaponised autism destroying 1 thot at a time
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God I wish I could look like that.
I wonder how the betas feel about 'their' girl being fucked by the IRS
How much of a pathetic waste do you have to be to donate money to these whores. Any man that does should just be castrated
*sniff* There is really such a thing as justice *sniff*
Cuckold fetish satisfied
>Belle delphine
she's british boys, pack it up false alarm
>*sniff sniff*
-Betas who funded this Thot
Where are the uncensored pics? Too lazy to look them up
It's HER turn to support the tax base!
uncensored pics pls
> Popular instagram model @Belle.delphine, 19, was ordered to pay $60,000 by a judge after making almost $230,000 in premium snapchat memberships in the last 3 months. According to Belle’s site, her most exclusive membership is $50 a month.
I really could care less what these whores do, but the fact most of them are claiming "poor" from their part time jobs and living off tax payer dollars while they're really making more than me makes me enjoy seeing them patrolled
It's a fake site though.
I thought she didn't have any nudes? Are these new?
It's "couldn't care less"
God I wish it was true, tell me it is true.
I don't get it. She's so plain. Her body is average (unless you consider "not fat" as attractive) and her face is bordering on ugly. She has a horse face and metal on her face.
What's the appeal? The ahegao faces and the cosplay? Is that enough for thirsty betas to pay thousands?
>a mutt that can speak English correctly
This feels fake. It wasn't that long ago the whole report a snapchat girl happened. Government doesn't move that fast. Not even the IRS.
"“keep these thots coming” said an IRS representative, “this national debt ain’t gonna pay itself”. Are you thinking about reporting your favorite snap model? you probably should." Yeaaaah I'm sure it's real.
>Where are the uncensored pics?
She doesn't do them. It's pathetic.
Paypigs are fags, but the article is fake.
Wait, why do people pay for them then?
That's bogus, she sells them to people who give her money.
Now she neglected to tax that income and gets shafted by the IRS.
Damn, I'd do anything to shaft her as well
Beta levels that shouldn't be physically possible.
Within a few seconds I could be looking at a mountain of porn containing girls atleast or even more attractive to that slut. What compels men to pay for some whore to get naked for them on their phone/computer? When you've got so much porn available for free.
She makes 90k per month, chucklefucks.
She will barely notice a difference. The only solution is to round the cucks and prostitutes up and summarily neck them.
that would only pay for a year or two
>“These girls need to pay taxes”, said judge Steve Wellis, “the other day i found out my 12 year old son was paying $50 a month for that belle delphine girl’s premium snapchat. He was saving all his lunch money to pay for the membership, while he was starving everyday at school like a dumbass eating scraps off other students’ trays, had to send him to boot camp, this has to stop.” finished Judge Wellis.
lmao are you sure this is real
>The ahegao faces and the cosplay? Is that enough for thirsty betas to pay thousands?
Basically yes
Honestly I don't understand why anyone would pay these E-thots when there's free porn a couple clicks away. Not saying you should watch porn but you might as well not pay these whores.
is that one of them braaap barns i keep hearing about?
It's not. Belle Delphine is English.
Her herpes is real though
Ok buddy sure i bet you would tap that but get much hotter porch geese
It's more personal I suppose also she does have something unique about her but I definitely know what you mean.
I would eat her shit
>delphine sells nu des
She does 'meme fetish,' check /b/.
>t. beta thinking she isn't hot
kek I don't understand what goes through guys like that heads.
>after making almost $230,000 in premium snapchat memberships in the last 3 months
Damn I wish I was a hot girl.
post her fucking nudes already
Plain girls probably make a decent amount of money because a delusional, daydreaming 3/10 man will fool himself into thinking he could be with a 6/10 woman, but he won't fantasize the same way about a 9/10 one.
Fake site. Lesser known version of The Onion.
I wish you were dead
dude shes only 19 you pedo
they seriously should change the legal laws to 21 feels gross seeing people ask for nudes when she has the word teen in her age years
We know
Some of the pics leaked a while ago :
By the way, huzler is a satiric website, it's fake.
And she gets far enough money to pay the 60k twice a months.
This is magic.
Not only these thots live off being e-celebs, thoting and preying on lowlifers. They don't pay taxes (so even less contribution to society, if taxes work for anything anyway) and the worst of all... They get subsidies. They're the ultimate succubi leech.
Remember that Twitch had an iniciative that gave e-thots money, monthly, for using the platform to promote content creators. Turned out their only content was cleavage. The only reason people didn't tune in was because no content + orc face but they still got money from Twitch to "promote" inclusion.
Good. Keep going.
Godspeed anons.
Sod you ya tosser
Sweet sweet justice
huzlers is just ghetto the onion
>anything to shag this mid grade leg
How about rope?
You vastly underestimate the power of desperation.
There's guys out there who, for five or ten years at a time, pretend to be a girl's friend, hanging around with her, because they're convinced she's the one for them and she'll fall for them eventually. And no matter what you tell them, no matter how much you tell them it's a bad idea, no matter how obvious it is that the girl is using them for money and emotional support without any intention to ever put out, no matter how openly the girl talks about fucking better-looking guys, these guys will keep lingering. It's sad.
They want her to dress as their favorite toy or some shit
Im in
I agree but you will understand when you're older why lonely salary men have money to burn
Why not ROPE?
fake news?
>But the story about Belle Delphine is clearly made up: it mentions a "judge Steve Wellis" but doesn't say which court he sits on and we were unable to find any news story mentioning him on Google News. And Belle Delphine's patreon page clearly mentions she is U.K. based while her Facebook profile also says she lives in London so it seems unlikely the IRS would take an interest (unless she was an American citizen but in that case it would fall to British authorities to tax her first for U.K. based income and only then would the IRS possibly take another cut if certain conditions were met).
Mid grade leg, incel
Like youd fucking know
i know that feel bro
i just want to be the little girl and whore my slutty pussy for old pervy men until its filled with manmilk
why did i have to born a man?
bootlicking faggots
literal hall-monitor-tier shit
You are what you eat, Ahmed.
>dude, she is only legal age for a year already
Kys fag
Fuck taxes.
so spend it on a whore who will actually do something to you, why an e-thot?
I think premium Snapchat may be a bit different (wouldn't know for sure since I don't use it). I think these people are literally paying for access to an influx for porn from the girl in the article, so at least they are paying for a product.
I put that about one millimetre less pathetic than someone donating to twitch thots just to watch them play videogames and pretend to care about them.
Then she can pay it and stfu
Beta bucks white knight, LOL
So this is what your national anthem is in English?
based Judge Wellis
19 is fine and since she acts and dress like any other female i am not ashamed. i don't feel any moral duty towards women which either turn 18 or dress like sluts anyway
Dat zeg ik hier >because a delusional, daydreaming 3/10 man will fool himself into thinking he could be with a 6/10 woman, but he won't fantasize the same way about a 9/10 one.
Het gaat voor eenzame kantoorpikkies van middelbare leeftijd niet om seks, maar om de illusie van de liefde die ze nooit van een vrouw zullen krijgen.
Girl doesn't even post real nudes lol, these betas are paying to see her in skimpy outfits
You werent
Wtf are you talkin about ?
I'm not defending that thot, I'm just stating facts.
Do you actually think that kind of e-whore cares about taxes you basic incel ?
Stay salty bitch, these cunts will pay as the rest of us do
she obviously gets fucked by everything else so whats the dif
Years ago I worked with a guy who had married and divorced the SAME goddam woman THREE TIMES. Honest to God. She claimed she would quit fucking other guys every time and every time he fell for it. Pathetic.
She's lesbian, tho
>$60k in taxes
Damn. How much did she earn? Must have been an insane amount.
So much more than that. Probably twice that amount a month.
Would you like to know how I figured out that youre a fat bitch?
THOT - those hoes owe taxes.
Instantly recognizable. A guy like that comes with a target for thots pre-painted on his back.
Go outside, please. Even if that was a joke, you need a break from the internet for a little bit.
Its a satire newspaper and the news is there for, satire. God you autistic 12 year olds are triggering me so hard, why don't you kids stay on fortnite?
But (s)he'll freeze to death in Binland.
I expect better from you Finland.
A Swede I could understand.
But a Fin?
I mean the fucking article quotes an IRS representative saying
>Keep the thots coming lmao
And you thought its real, how much of a nigger brainlet are you?
Are you actually retarded ?
That e-whore is far from the most profitable whore on patreon. Go check it out.
Keep fapping to her and openly mimicing disgust, incel.
No nudes. Those betas pay her insane amounts of money for no nudes. We need to genocide betas.
Flamu pls
I do concur to that idea.
Am I seeing two buttholes?
You've never seen a pussy, haven't you, incel ?