He’s right

I don’t know how Democrats sleep at night mobile.twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1074068028277620736

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False equivalence. Democrats would be doing something about it and playing hardball instead of whining on Twitter.

Exactly. Democrats are out pulling every dirty trick in the book while Trump and his crew of morons are busy fucking around on Twitter.

Like they did when hillery wiped her email with a cloth?

>doing something about it
Like what.

>Like what.
HAHAAHHAHAHA Trump and company can just wait around until the Democrat controlled House is in session and they spawn more investigations.

Are you a bot?

Seriously tho, what should Trump do in this situation?
Do you just not know?

he's already doing it its called 4d chess
just wait and watch
never interrupt your enemy while they make mistakes

The time for action has passed. Trump and his team of idiots allowed this bullshit to not only begin but to continue for 2+ years. Now Trump will have to wait until they gather enough to end him by way of 1000 cuts. All this shit will continue to add up and the new Dem controlled House will only make it worse. Trump and his team's incompetence allowed the "deep state" to make all this shit normal and acceptable.

The short answer is Trump's time to act has passed and now the idiots has to stand by and let them do as they wish.

That sounds pessimistic, yet gleeful. Like you want Trump impeached.

Trump HAD promise during the campaign but once in office he has been a limp noodle waiting for his opponents to hit him 24/7, undermine his stated campaign agenda, and shit in the face of his supporters. Trump could have been real change but DC has proven nothing short of a nuke will have effect on the cancer that festers in the capital. Now that Dems are being handed subpoena power the investigations and non-sense will go into overdrive. Trump with two years of GOP controlled House, Senate, and White House was a struggle to keep shit on track the Dems will do their best to derail everything and push their cancer.

Probably on a large pile of money.

is right tho. The point of the mueller investigation was never to impeach or remove trump. Actually bringing charges against trump would only solidify his base. The point of the investigation was to keep his administration mired in controversy for his 4 year term. To make him so ineffective and toxic that he could never win reelection, thus ensuring that the swamp doesn't get drained, dems don't face charges (since they apparently have dibs on the legal system) and that only well controlled, deep state players will make it to the white house from here on out.

Well the Dems would be on television 24 hours a day bitching about it but since republicans can't do that I guess they are reduced to posting on twitter.

Hello, Republicans AREN'T withholding funding to the border wall because they hate Trump

I wonder if Jr is going to prison soon.
He seems as desperate as his father lately.

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Basically. Mueller and the media have done the dirty work of hitting Trump 24/7. Dems sat back with their hands clean and complained until the voters handed them control over the House.

>I don’t know how the democrats sleep at night
Typically in coffins or hanging upside down from the ceiling

So, give up and wimper out a modest request for lube before getting it up the ass for the rest of our lives. I'm sorry I doubted you.

If it comes from Trump it’s most likely a lie, fabrication, hyperbole or whatever euphemism you so choose. As always servers to redirect accountability and blame to someone else.

Trump is in charge of the justice department. If he is actually powerless over it then when do we start hanging traitors? White British mens’ complacency lost them their country. It seems the U.S. is heading towards the same outcome.

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My ID is awesome. I hope this thread is around for a while.

Like not leaving an existential threat like Jeff fucking Sessions in charge for two fucking years and a partisan Democrat DOJ machine in operation for longer while you focus on matters of less priority. That's how you get crippling witch hunts and a DOJ that thumbs its nose at a __REPUBLICAN__ House.

Another reason it's a false equivalence is that Obama's/Hillary's supporters would actually FOCUS relentlessly on the efforts to undermine their president and would probably have been out on the streets by June 2017 at the latest. Trump's supporters sit around on the Internet pretending they're too busy working to make noise in support of their president. Or worse, they placate themselves with fantasies about behind-the-scenes activity, anything to excuse their inertia. The only work you lazy Americunts do is CAPTCHA slave labor for a company that hates you and wants to exterminate you.

The beauty of the Democrat-controlled House is that Trump will either have to fight back or drown. It's about time he's forced to get off fucking Twitter (speaking of which, he doesn''t even have the cojones to pull contracts from the tech companies censoring his supporters).

Trump banked the midterms on the economy and wooing blacks. Didn't work. Many of the people who voted for him for strength on immigration or draining the swamp stayed home. Not a single fucking indictment, even when handed the chance for one on a silver platter (McCabe).

i am certain that mass political violence in the us is inevitable

obama committed corruption on a massive scale and no one even batted an eye

trump gave some slag some money and its worse than watergate

only violence can save the west

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>To make him so ineffective and toxic that he could never win reelection, thus ensuring that the swamp doesn't get drained
When will it finally dawn on you that Trump, and his administration, IS the swamp?

The time to end this shit has passed. You want a solution that will correct these issues but unfortunately that will not happen. There isn't always a happy ending to the story especially when you rely on morons to take action.

For the next two years everyone is in for a non-stop stream of bullshit from the media, Democrats in the House pushing to investigate EVERYTHING, whatever the Mueller report will say, and Trump/GOP looking to "compromise" with the Democrats which will lead to their being twisted in knots and Dems coming out on top.

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>The beauty of the Democrat-controlled House is that Trump will either have to fight back or drown.
If the last two years was a clue for the next there is not much hope in Trump or the GOP being effective in fighting anyone but themselves. Time will tell.

>playing hardball
George Soros paying lesbians to scream incoherently is not hardball

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this man is the only thing that separates us from a corrupt, tyrannical, uniparty, adminjstrative state

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welcome to the united states,
where people think republicans are right wing hard nosed conservatives, but they never accomplish anything and always strive to be bipartisan
while people think democrats are limp wristed pathetic losers yet when ever they have the slightest power they ram through their agenda and demonize all their opposition.

And what the fuck do you propose we do? Trump had the power to end mueller and his team, but he chose the "just" route because he wanted to have faith in the system

Get fucked shill. The fact that the entire leftist establishment, the media, the rhinos and all the other rats were screeching so loudly about trump told me all I needed to know about who the cancer was.

Honestly I think the Q misinformation campaign has a lot to do with trump supporters inactivity. "Q" keeps feeding them a steady stream of bullshit, telling them to "trust the plan" when there isn't one. So they sit at home jerking off to their conspiracy porn, when they should be protesting in the streets.

Well, his diehard supporters like to say he's an optics/persuasion master. Meanwhile, his press secretary can't even point both eyes in the same direction, and he got rid of Scaramucci presumably because his narcissism couldn't handle the praise that Scaramucci was getting across the aisle. Let's not forget the first pick, Spicer, the walking embodiment of a testosterone deficiency.

Werent those leaked to the media earlier?
Or is this more, well the emails are missing, but worry not theres another backup surfacing from WindRiver