>tfw realized stalin was only leader in ww2 that was not controled by jews
>hitler was jewish trick to make nationalism look bad and kill milions of white europeans
It's opposite day
>be stalin
>hide under bed when hitler attacks
>zhukov and generals come for advice
>go out with your hands up in the air thinking you're gonna get shot for being a retard who executed finest russian imperial generals in purges
>zhukov actually lets you live
>ok fine let's zerg rush germans
>result in 60 million dead soviets
>ussr collapses after 40 years
>your now a meme
Go back to BalkanInfo Teša Tešanović channel.
>thinking i like commies
What im trying to say is stalin was the only good commie and they killed him.
Can somebody help?My id keeps changing what the fuck
>jew investing the truth as always
KYS kike
>not controlled by the jews
Also how did hitler solve anything when he had 0 chance to win from the beggining?he just destroyed nationalism and make jews more powerful.
Is that all you can say that i am a jew?Nice argument retard chink
Communists are the natural enemies of the Jews. Hence all the western propaganda against them.
You have been hacked by a hacker called Jow Forums
Of course they are but stalin was the only one which wasnt controlled by them.
But yes, it is a well-known fact that Hitler was controlled opposition gone mad. They lost control of him. Holocaust was the unprecedented consequence (yes, it happened, but no, no one really knows the exact numbers of Jews killed, and no, your infographics is not proof of anything).
Good, banks are great for you. Just work till you die and give 70% of your earnings to shareholders that don't actually do anything. Its not that much to give away, right?
But what did hitler solve?He didnt even kill 2 milion jews and he could have never won against them.He just made europe weaker
Look, Hitler was a retard. The only reason the Third Reich got as far as it did, is because this all happened in fucking Germany, the most competent, educated and disciplined people on earth. The actual accomplishments of Hitler (for instance the effectiveness of "his" military strategies), came from the Germanic Geist, more than from Hitler himself.
You are right about this everybody knows this.But what did it do?Nothing it just made us europeans weaker.
>id changed again
I haven't disputed that.
If your ID changes, it means your security has been breached.
I find it funny how Jow Forums is against degenerates, faggots, and criminals but rather live in a world we're theyre only 1 of these groups are jailed at the cost of their tax money than one we're theyre put in labor camps.
Stalin was a jew