Violent beliefs

What do people think about going to jail for
>"a long history of violent racist beliefs"

Should people go to jail for violent beliefs or do they need to act on those belifes?

Why don't Muslims also face the same punishment when they return from fighting with Isis, say 'death to Britain' or behead those who insult islam' or similar stuff?

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>Why don't Muslims also face the same punishment when they return from fighting with Isis, say 'death to Britain' or behead those who insult islam' or similar stuff?
Because white genocide isn't a conspiracy, it's really happening

beliefs dont hurt anyone, so no
are we going to start locking up people because they have disdain and disgust for modern civ?

Violent beliefs aren't a thing.

>should thought crimes be real?
No. fuck off kike.

In Bongland you can now be jailed for what you believe.

Thanks politicians.

Okay I accept that, but are we not even going to have a pretence to equality before the rule of law. We have Isis fighters receiving benefits from the state, but these guys get 5 years for having posters and bad thoughts

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what the fuck is a violent belief

They need to act on them in order to be punished for them. Once the thought-police are established things get bloody for everyone.

This cookie cutter is such a stretch. It could be a buddhist swastika. Either way i bet some delicious cookies were put through it.

A brother of illegal opinion.

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can murder entire minority families

>Be mom
>Make beautiful rainbow pinwheel cookies for your kids
>Go to jail

That’s illegal in the UK now!?

Well of course. That is so racist and not inclusive.

No clue. But I think I have many.

Where could you possibly buy such a violent item called "cutter" anywhere in Britain? Did they have a loicense for the swastika AND the cutter?

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they basically called their kid adolf, got the kid to salute, larped and had a Nazi cookie cutter

>"You acted together in all you thought, said and did, in the naming of your son and the disturbing photographs of your child, surrounded by symbols of Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan."

at the same time we have
>Thousands ofIsisfighters have already returned to their home
>analyst, who has worked for British security services and the UN’s counter-terrorism branch, said all 5,600 former Isis members who have returned to 33 countries pose some degree of risk.
>reviewer of terrorism legislation, has instead called for a focus on “reintegration” in cases where authorities have decided individuals who return should not face prosecution.
>security services have left space for those who travelled out of a sense of naivety, at a young age and who return in a “state of utter disillusionment” to be diverted away from the criminal courts.

It just seems there is a massive disparity between the way different groups are dealt with

>jail man with wife and kid for 5 years for having extremist views, disrupting their family life and their lives
Since Britain is in for a penny, why not be in for a pound? Meaning - whats the point of jailing people, and no doubt having them even more violent and radical on the otherside? If I want sent to jail for 5 years, completely derailing my family life and life plans, I sure wouldnt be loving the state when I come out

From the British states perspective, and from the purpose of efficiency, you may aswell just shoot them instead?

that's wrongthink user
thoughtcrimes aren't tolerated

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White man's burden is why. Whites feel so bad for every mud baby that we have developed race based laws and codes of conduct.

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>Extremist-themed paraphernalia including pendants, flags and clothing emblazoned with symbols of the Nazi-era SS and National Action was also recovered.
>Among the items were a swastika-shaped pastry cutter and swastika scatter cushions.
I remember that episode

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