Did she make the right choice?
Can someone explain to her how 12,000 turned into 18,000
>one year of no payments
>200 a month
Student Loans and Roasties
Ich habe keine Ahnung.
looks to me shes just retarded (since shes doing bankrupcy as well) theres a million things you can do to stop the loans for a bit, but main thing is that she choose the loans that have really high interest, i think the loan she took was unsubsidized as the interest begins accumulating as soon as she takes the loan so 1.5 yrs plus the time she was in school for. which again, is another retarded move on her part.
hyperbole, most likely.
don't know about the states system but here you don't have to pay a penny until you earn a certain amount, and even the interest is tiny
shouldn't you be speaking arabic ahmed?
Can somebody explain the whole student debt situation in the US to me? I've seen some people end up with debts as high as $80000, which is enough money to live as a NEET in my own apartment for a decade over here.
so sounds like she got duped into one of those "free college for a year no payments" loans and then got fucked on interest?
Lmao is this cunt serious? Student loans don't get erased with bankruptcy, they'll literally just start deducting from your paycheck
people are retarded, that's basically it. they love to sign shit without reading and then complain when shit like op happens. also getting useless degrees is another thing as those cannot earn you any money.
They pretty much all have Grace period, to allow you to get a job and such. But yeah it says right on the loan application that they accrue interest immediately and over this Grace period.
private 4 year degree is usually like 100k over the 4 years of tuition + room and board. Over the years colleges have realized they can get shekles from anyone so they began charging crazy amounts of money to go there. Banks and other places offer student loans to pay for your tuition and then you get raped on interest
damn well thats why you gotta read the fine print.
Even better? If you're lucky enough to have access to government backed loans subsidized or unsubsidized the interest rate is microscopic. They just spend it on stupid shit.
Bonus points? You can't discharge student loan debt in a bankruptcy proceeding.
>govt offers loans for up to 150% your tuition guaranteed
>uni raises tuition because stupid kids will take out loans no matter
>keep raising tuition because why not
>high schools, media, etc pushes the college meme down everyones throat
Stupid people thinking they have to go to school. So stupid they do no research where best place to get a decent loan from and end up in this girls sotustion.
There are tons of ways to go to school for free over here with scholarships, Grant's, military, community college while working, etc. The smart people that actually deserve to be in school already use these methods and avoid the debt. The criminal justice majors on the other hand....
theres 2 types of school loans, subsidized and unsub
theyre basically the same but subsidized the government pays the interest while you go to school so you start at 0 after you graduate, usubsidized starts as soon as you take it out so as i said 1.5 yrs shes been off plus however much she took to get the degree,
also unsub have much higher interest as well since for the subsidized the government pays for it so they can "lower" it.
i think for both loans you dont have to do payments for 6 months after graduating but you do start accumulating interest in the sub one, the unsub was has been running interest this whole time. you dont pay anything while in school though,
Amerimutt is jealous because he is monolingual.
exactly I paid mine off right away. its the first thing you have to do when you finish school.
pic is some random university i looked up of course the numbers vary by place.
>Interest rate + fee is up to 7,7% / year
That's pretty bad desu, interest rate is 0,13% for my student loan, fees like $100 annually. Sorry burgerinos, you have a rough deal.
doesn't vary by place
The loans are from the govt not the uni itself
burger universities have
>sponsored clubs
>sport teams
>diversity officers
>campus busses
>campus libraries
>campus security
>mental health professional
and much more
all that shit costs money.
i study medicine in romania (one of the most expensive fields obv), pay the full price since im an international student and still only pay €6k/year.
burgers pay so much more because they're retarded and are willing to throw the rest of their life away for a bit more comfort in the next five years.
io sono italiano e parlo italiano
sporco migrante
>media, government, and high schools brainwash kids into thinking they need to go to college so demand is super high
>government has a federal student loan program which guarantees low or zero percent interest rates and lax payment plans, making demand almost infinitely high
Basically universities have more money than god because they charge whatever they want and (effectively) the government is paying for like half their operating costs. This is why American colleges have the nicest facilities and research, but is also the reason why college administrations are full of naive commie faggots. I’m only in college because I want to go to med school, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be here
>Student loans don't get erased with bankruptcy
This user, by stating the truth of the matter, negates the purpose of the thread, and yet there will be 300 inflamed responses. Jesus this is a truly shit site.
Didn't see that coming.
let me study pharmacology in your turk roach impaling nation! I heard there are a lot of black market pharmaceuticals coming out of romania
youre right, they actually change by time only though it does say max is 6.8%
ciao fratello di svizzera
sono un mutt veramente
mi manchi l'italia e salvini
What are interests?
Bank has to make money otherwise they'd just be everyones personal wallet.
They expect you to fall into this trap and take loans to cover old ones, the ride rarely ends.
Rule of thumb is, if you cannot afford it, you cannot afford it. Simple really.
Loans is just poor peoples way to get what they want now instead of waiting until they can afford it themselves.
Seen so many, my parents included fall for this and it follows them to their grave.
Personally I'll never take a loan and would rather wait until I have the money myself.
Try being 31 and filing for bankruptcy, whore. Stupid roastie.
>There are tons of ways to go to school for free over here with scholarships, Grant's, military, community college while working, etc.
This. If you can't find a way to go to college for free, then college isn't going to help you. This woman and her post is a perfect example of this. Calculating interest on a loan is something you can do with 6th grade math. She has been through higher education and still can't figure out if the interest the bank is charging her is consistent with the agreement she signed.
If you can't decipher compound interest, then what good is college going to do for you? You're supposed to be learning stuff there, but this woman is clearly unteachable. She would be much better off if she had gotten married at 16 and was working on her third kid.
College is a meme at this point unless you are going for STEM, doctor, lawyer or some specific type of employment.
education is a big scam
there are online learning platforms that offer unlimited access to thousands of lessons for as little as 10 dollars a month.
>reddit spacing
fuck off
it's a way to enslave the country by the banks
and half the moronic on here defending their masters
the banks enslave you and your family and you bunch of coward instead of attacking the reason of your misery you pic the weakest in society
bunch of loser the lot of you students loan and usury is an enslavement scam .
Paying student loans is a wrong choice. Only retards pay their student loans. Just build them up.
>defending (((banks)))
It's like you're a Jew or something.
>Bank has to make money otherwise they'd just be everyones personal wallet.
ya just why aren they able to make money with money without taking any risk
how dare we ask anything from the master bankster ruling class put their by god himself
seriously dont question the god given right of the jew to use usury to enslave humanity
>You can't discharge student loan debt in a bankruptcy proceeding.
You can if you're smart.
Solid 4 year can be as low as 25k maybe. They also get loans for rent and spend some of it.
Also some of the really high ones are medical which is more like 8 years then 4. Or weird private colleges.
College is a giant money making scam over here. They are just glorified diploma mills. Doubt it's any different anywhere else. You probably end up paying the same/more due to taxes.
The Jews take advantage of youths when they reach the arbitrary age of 18. They either put them in their porns, have them enlist in the military to die for Israel, force them into their usury machine for college.
take out a personal loan or pay off student loan with credit card. declare bankruptcy. fin
Student loans are actually a good idea if the education purchased will help you to get into a high-paying career. $80k in loans is no problem if you become a doctor, for instance.
Trouble is roasties now think that $80k in debt in order to get a worthless English Lit degree is a good idea.
> Educating women was a mistake
Paying off my student loan felt so good.
Interest on student loans is straight up usury
>good thing i have morals
>defaults on student loans
well, you let the jews do it, so they did
This is why roasties are so mad that men won’t marry them. For most things, they’re better off single, but they really need a beta to marry and assume their non-dischargeable debts.
absolute zoomer
>Living in a jewish society
>complaining about usury
What the fuck goyim?
>Can somebody explain the whole student debt situation in the US to me?
>dumb kid is told she's smart all his life and has the participation trophies to prove it
>can't get a scholarship because she's not good enough for merit based and not black enough for need based
>merchant offers her student loans that can't be erased with bankruptcy
>merchant doesn't even look at the risk because the government will pay it if the student doesn't
>dumb kid realizes that all she has to do is sign a piece of paper and she gets thousands of dollars for "free"
>spends the money on alcohol, clothes, iphones, parties, etc
>she graduates with a worthless degree and without the ability to understand even elementary math concepts like compound interest
>reality sets in
>drug abuse has stopped her mental maturation
>the only response she is capable of is crying in public about how unfair it is that she's expected to pay her debts
She’s lying, user. This is her credit card debt and she’s trying to get sympathy:cover by blaming it on student debt. That’s the main thing going on when you see women complain about student debt. They borrowed $20k on credit cards while they were a student, and that’s “student debt” in their mind.
You have to go to court for Bankruptcy and prove undue hardship for a certain amount of years. It's completely possible.
>Can someone explain to her how 12,000 turned into 18,000
this is a dumb ass roastie.
unsecured loans often have massive interest rates, and NOBODY needs $12,000 to get a motherfucking "associates degree". thats COMMUNITY COLLEGE shit .
the dumb slut was offered lots of loans, and she spent it all living the high life for 2 years in COMMUNITY COLLEGE, tuition at community colleges is like $20 per unit, but she wanted to have a good time, drink, ride the cock carousel and lease a sports car.
Protip: bankruptcy doesnt discharge student loans. this dumb ginch is super stupid.
But you don't get a nice piece of paper and bragging rights. Silly fucker, they don't go to school to learn.
Holy shit thanks for letting us know!
>graduated college in 2004 with BS in CS a full scholarship
>state lottery scholarship was easy as shit to get, just get a 4.0 and perfect SAT scores
>0 debt
>made $55 an hour 1 month later
You're barking at the wrong fella.
If everyone stopped using them they'd disappear themselves. Don't be gullible fools and borrow money you do not own.
Use your own.
You cannot escape intrest rates any other way, loaners don't allow it and make their living literally sitting of their ass waiting for you to payback more then you loaned, it's a global Jewish scam and you're the cogs in the machinery doing all the work for them.
>18k is a lot of money
I graduated 5 years ago with 35k in debt and finally finished paying it off along with my car that was 20k this year. Study something worthwhile and the debt won't matter.
Yes and one of the biggest differences. You can discharge unsub loans in bankruptcy.
Subsidized student loans are forever.
You can discharge both via undue hardship.
>80k in loans to become a doctor.
Try $200-600k
T. PhD candidate
people major in gender studies or drawing and painting, then can't get a job, and somehow that's society's fault
ok. heres how it goes:
the US federal government "secures" these loans, so there is no hazard to the bank in making a massive loan to a fool who can NEVER hope to repay it with their degree in lesbian dance theory with a minor in women's studies.
the debtor sees the offer of a huge extravagant loan and takes it, certain that everything will work out in the end, and then wastes most of the money on a lavish lifestyle, a fancy off-campus apartment and a fancy car, spending only a small percent on tuition.
the OP is of course intensely stupid, because community college is dirt cheap, and bankruptcy doesnt discharge student loan debt, so the roastie in question simply ran up massive credit card debts and is CLAIMING that its "student loans" in hopes of sympathy and perhaps a go-fund-me campaign from beta orbiters.
the US system is pretty fucked up, but the usual cause of massive student loan debts is simply bad choices by the debtor, with plenty of help from greedy banks that see no downside.
the bank simply cant lose. if you repay the loan with the massive interest, they win, if you start to fall behind, they sell the debt to a collection angenciy for pennies on the dollar and the US govt reimburses the bank the outstanding amount, and the collection agency then spends 30 years harassing the debtor and adding interst and fees until the debtor finally acquires some asset worth taking, then the collection agency takes the debtor's shit and continues harassing them for the rest of the money until the end of time.
the user below knows
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy won't discharge student loans (secured debt), except under very rare circumstances.
A bankruptcy petitioner would need to prove to the court that she will suffer "undue hardship" (a term defined by the bankruptcy court, with extremely stringent qualifications) unless the loan debt is discharged. She'd have to prove that she's permanently disabled and unable to ever work again to make payments, or something similar, in order to get student loan debts discharged.
She would have to build her case with a pretty paltry amount of money and show records of her income for a certain amount of years. The wages have to stay stagnant but she has to show that she made an effort to pay. Technically any sort of repayment plan would suffice and if it was out of her budget she would just have to make a yearly effort to stay on the program. I think what would win it is 5+ years of this type of lifestyle and a judge with a decent conscience.
>If everyone stopped using them they'd disappear themselves
dude you are very young or very very very stupid stop making dumb as fuck assumption like that
so without the students loan scam and the usury form the banks they would disappear ?
if they made a couple hundred millions instead of multi billions each years they would disappear ?
in fact you're trying to justify your shitty life thats it
you're a fucking slave
all the retard in the thread who call out roastie grossly conflating student loan scam with roastie they are the real kikes enablers
I don't understand it either. I did 5 years of school, studied abroad for 2 of them and I'm im grad school now. By the end of this if I don't work during these next 2 summers I will be 55k in debt. With 20k savings from working as a cook during and after my degree.
I just packed my own lunch and didnt buy drinks at bars. I blew loads of money travelling and my debt is similar to my friends. The only reason I'm not paying it off as much as I can now is because there's no interest while I'm in school so it's in a GIC.
What the fuck are those rates? And given the current climate rates are low. These would go as high as 10% otherwise.
It's the kind of loan for consumption where you get raped by interests because you wanted a fucking tv or something. How are these rates applied for education?
Fucking burgers banks and universities.
She should charge rent and daily living expenses on multiple zero interest credit cards and paying minimums while using her cash income to pay off the loans. 4 cards can be 20k worth of credit. Once the student loans are completely paid off then file bankruptcy on credit. The money just has to be rearranged is all.
>With 20k savings from working as a cook during and after my degree.
an other episode of Things that never happened
the worst part is that you think anyone believe your fairy tail
you're still in school it seems lets talk again when you worked 10 years and your debt practically didn move
or do just like you did
nothing at all and give all your better years to the banks just because they exist
>You probably end up paying the same/more due to taxes.
Students obviously don't pay taxes. New workers won't with their entry salary and if they do, the interest paid on a student loan are tax deductible.
That said, I'm celibate with a good job and I get raped annually now, but I could get and repay 30k in student loan fairly easily.
Yeah, I meant during his lifetime.
they still pay taxes on everything they buy ...... wtf you talkin about ? they are less imposed thats it...
Public university costs more than private where I live. I'm in a blue state ironically.
any his fags know what tuition was to Socrates school, aristotles school, pythagoras', or any of the ancient schools?
iirc you can't avoid student loan debt if you took a federal loan
Lmao shouldn't have fallen for the (((college))) meme
She would have to get bankruptcy by not dealing with it directly.
She should charge rent and daily living expenses on multiple zero interest credit cards and paying minimums while using her cash income to pay off the loans. 4 cards can be 20k worth of credit. Once the student loans are completely paid off then file bankruptcy on credit.
The money just has to be rearranged is all. If student loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy, put all your living expenses on credit and all your actual income and tax breaks towards the loan. Only file bankruptcy once it's paid off. There are loopholes to everything.
ya sure invent yourself whatever reality you want to justify your cowardice faggot
i will still be here naming the banksters for enslaving your children while you get fat and more even more stupid
I have student loans and am refusing to pay on general principle. I just don't pay and sign up for income based repay and they take it out of my paycheck but I rarely ever work, I just don't think its right to make me pay for a degree I never used and never will use. It was the colleges fault because they never gave me any career counseling, or any job fairs or any way to meet a potential employer, when it came to internships they never helped me for SHIT, I went to them and got turned down everywhere on campus except for some lame barely related pharmacy school project. I go on interviews and everyone just stares into space bored whenever I talk about it. The experience of the internship DID NOTHING. My loans ballooned from 55K to 85K in 4 years.
I am considering suing the school and praying that the system finally crashes so I can be free.
>Haleigh Rayanne
>Electra Jean
these two are either porn stars or absolute roasties, no normal women have names like this
If what Jow Forums has tought me about classical greece is true, getting rammed up the jacksie on the reg...
Heres some advice. Advertise for 2 Craigslist room mates. Charge them $600 each to live in a room. That's $1200 a month extra income. Use that money in addition to your tax breaks and regular payments to pay it off.
>be american
>have to take a loan from the jews to go to a college where you listen to a jewish professor rambling about white priviledge, sexism and holocaust
>either you'll be paying it back until you are 40 or you end up bankrupt
>if you are a female, high chance that the cousin of the jew who borrowed you the money also offers you to star in a porn for "easy money"
How the hell can one country be so fucking jewed? It's disgusting.
Either way, you can't get the suit considered if you have any consumer debt so yea that might be a more efficient way to do it. But the point is to have the loan discharged without having to dip into your living expenses which in her case might be hard to prove with any sort of credit spending. You have to be on the line of destitute to even have the suit considered to a certain degree.
I wouldn't count on it being discharged that way. Being "responsible" never pays off. I'd go for the sure thing instead.
you really dont have to take any loans to go to college
I got 4 years of college essentially free, if you choose to go to an expensive private college you will pay more, but scholarships for minorities an womyn exist in multitudes.
Obviously shit like Law School or whatever cost heaps, and dont usually have a lot of scholarships
I totally agree but my only reason for this logic is for folks who aren't that smart or have absolutely demolished their credit. Kind of a murky situation because if you do get a complete discharge you have to pay it back on income taxes.
> $12,000 for a two year AA
Just how?
>Fucking burgers banks and universities.
The thing that makes America great is the giant pool of rubes to make a fortune off of
Retards get loans with incredibly high interest rates and proceed to use the loan on a degree with almost no chance of work because the job market for the “sit in an air conditioned building texting on your phone for 100k/year” is incredibly bloated.
Meanwhile you can go to a trade school for $10k and have a job starting at 30k within a year starting school.
And yet I sit on roughly 90 grand usd of my money that I made and still have a place to live a summer and winter car along with a decent job that may not pay as much as a degree job does but I get plenty over each month to add to my money.
Did I loan to get that job? No.
Am I suffering crippling financial difficulties? No.
Did I inherit a single cent of that money? No.
All power to you if you want to go the loan route, the Jews are waiting for you, in fact they're expecting you to not afford your own life and will gladly pay for your life in return that you become their property.
Feel free to think and do whatever you want bro, I'll be here enjoying not having to live paycheck to paycheck.
except that what you're describing is not reality you're exaggerating it painting a caricature just to make a point
the system is built up to put peoples in dept no matter the choice you make .
you're obviously right to some point but stop trying to say since you made it everyone can
sometime you take bad choice that affect your life and you're too young to know better
you learn from your mistake in life and a lifetime of debt to the jews is a high price for just trying to be succeed
OMEGALUL look at that rudimentary Italian. This fucking Amerimutt.
anyway i got to go back to work that student dept will not pay itself